The Fast Lane - May 24th, 2024 - Raw Chili (2024)

The Fast Lane – May 24th, 2024

e [Music] Let’s Get N see on a Friday it’s the fast L 101 ESPN with Andrew Marsh and Carri Davis I’m Anthony Stalter no Jamie Rivers today Jamie off uh celebrating somewhere as he heads out of town for Memorial Day weekend we got you covered from 2 to 6 today here in the fast Lan you can always participate in the show in fact we encourage it we love it we love your participation participation so 314 399 9646 is the Air Comfort Service taxt line that’s how you can reach us via text if you want to join us in the snake pit that is our air Alliance team YouTube channel at 101 ESPN STL and of course you can always leave us a mic drop via the 101 ESPN app it’s completely free to use and uh if we’re commenting on something you like or don’t like again you can always participate that way especially if you don’t like it especially if you don’t like this yeah that’s fine we we tend to get a few nasty yeah doesn’t bother us it’s your opinion we have our own so if the rain holds off and I don’t know I’m looking outside right now it looks a little nasty you hush your mouth Anthony all right fair enough I hope it doesn’t come down you’re going to the game tonight I’m going to the game tonight this is like your third game in two weeks less than two weeks third game in two weeks yeah fourth fourth overall you went to two last weekend right yep good he is and we got the Cubs in town going to be a lot of fun so again hopefully the rain does hold off a little dicey apparently there’s some scatter storms moving during game time uh not moving necessarily fast either so either we get a delay maybe some stoppage but hopefully there is a game tonight as the Cubs come to town if you guys are sizing up the Cubs they’re 27 and 24 they’re two games back in Milwaukee who’s currently in first place right now 28 and 21 our Cardinals are three games below 500 but they have climbed up in the standings see sir hour yeah okay all right you want to you care what’s a problem no you want me you want me to yeah I mean you said hour I I hadn’t heard you say hour I led the show off with the the glasses not too long ago I haven’t heard you say hour ever this year our Cardinals all right three games below 500 okay minus 43 run differential what you got to do that our Cardinals okay well there well they’ll be our for me when they or above 500 sorry not sorry wow we got a text from the 816 Marsh been on them you up text oh yeah he has been he absolutely has no I’ve been on the hey want to go to the game tonight text that’s the text thatt those are the text that I’ve been answering Marsh is like yeah I’ll answer uh I’ll answer those so if you guys are going to size up the size up the Cubs compared to the Cardinals let’s start off with starting pitching still give them a decided advantage to the Cubs like if we’re to if we’re to a sidebyside breakdown we’re comparing the two teams uh yeah how much do you favor the Cubs starting pitching over well just you want to you want to go down the list sure yeah Justin steel and well you know what let’s go show to imaga in Sunny gra I would say so Sha Sha imaga you going to take him he’s been unbelievable all right Justin Steel versus who who is our two Kyle Gibson uh it’s either him or Lance ly either one you choose why don’t we go with Lance Lynn all right how do you feel about that Lance Lyn versus Justin steel yeah Justin steel hasn’t been as good as he was a year ago I also think he’s if you look at some of the advanced metrics I won’t bore you but he’s he’s been bitten by some bad luck here I think his erra which is currently 568 it’s it’s going to come down based on some of the baded ball luck so I would still take Justin steel all right what about Jameson tyion versus old Gibby cuz he’s our our number three right now yeah I would take tyion who is the uh who do they have Assad Assad Javier Javier Assad over over miles michelas yeah oh yeah and I don’t even know who their fifth starter is but doesn’t matter cuz we don’t either they started Ben Brown the other day but I think they’ve been kind of cycling through yeah that the guys with the spot just like Cardinal at the fifth starter fortunately we won’t get to see all five starters so we only get to see three yeah you think Lance lennen are number two I think so not Kyle Gibson that’s what I asked I Ian based on the based on the numbers no so so Kyle Gibson’s got a 381 ra he’s got expected ra of 555 so I think I think at some point his ER is going to climb do you think his erra is inflated because of that game against the Marlins well that that’s why all that other stuff yeah that’s that’s why the advanced metrics kind of come in I mean Lynn’s got a 368 with a 420 expected ra he just doesn’t feel like a number two though I like Kyle Gibson don’t have number two that’s fair but Kyle Gibson to me feels number like a number two than Lance Lyn does but and that’s just that’s just my gut feel sure this isn’t a hill I’m willing to die on that’s fair the you don’t have a number two hill I’ll die on that one they’re essentially the same pitcher though Lance Lyn and KY Gibson I mean Lance Lynn is two and two at 3.6 ra Kyle Gibson is 3 and2 with a 3.81 ra and number of hits they’re about three of three apart in the hits that they’ve given up this year Kyle Gibson kle Gibson has pitched more Innings he has passed the eye test too yeah so I think that’s kind of what Marsh is saying he’s passed the eye test more than Lance Lynn the Innings do matter yeah I mean it’s why you signed him correct it’s why the Cardinals told us they signed him so that’s fine so if you want to flip-flop those two guys Gibson and ly I’m still taking unfortunately I’m still taking the cups so you said wait what I thought you just said the cars would oh but the cars going to sweep I heard you when we were walking in I heard you oh yeah no they’re definitely on sweep I’m just saying on paper right now as we’re breaking starters out yeah well as we’re breaking down the the the opponent here we’re going with you know sizing everything up the starting rotation is still in favor of the cups but once you get those starters out our relievers are much better huh huh huh I’ll take I’ll take I’ll take the Cardinal Bullpen I will as well over the Cubs Bullpen what about you Marsh for the bullpen yeah I really like the Cardinals Bullpen I think we’ve talked about it before you just have to get to the bullpen leading preferably with a lead yeah with a with a lead and you feel really confident about that now the offense I think is up for grabs maybe a full scope you go with the Cubs but as of late I’d put the Cardinals up against against the Cubs that’s a good way to phrase that as of late as of late I too would have would have the Cardinals now the Cubs just got done playing the Braves so you have to factor that a little bit but the the Cardinals face the Orioles so I think it’s from the start of the Season you would take the Cubs but no I agree over the last 10 games or so the the Cardinals have been have been productive and I feel like this sport is a what have you done for me lately I’m with you there so I’ll take the Cardinal in that aspect mhm defense I would still take the Cardinals but if we’re going from the what have you done for me lately they’ve been committing errors so you can’t play one side and not play the other you know I’d rather do that though most of us would you know let’s the things that make us about the last nine games days and then the defense we’re going to take the full full season how many Hills are there to die on Plenty you just pick one depending if you’re cat or not you know if you’re a cat you got nine Hills really okay or eight eight or n is nine n Nine Lives is a cat Nine Lives yeah mhm I just and we all have the eye of the tiger so I would say there’s nine nine Hills to die on so 27 between the three of us that’s good map good job man absolutely I’m not even going to factor it I just believe in you period all right coaching Council yeah yeah yeah okay you know car I I clearly I represent Jordan Walker now Matthew Lor Victor Scott and and and Mason wi who else Jordan Hicks he he he left he’s in he left in free agency I also have to uh accept the responsibility of of my guy Oliver marmal oh yeah yep yep yep he I just signed him just yesterday he’s part of the team okay you know the the backlash that he continues to get we were talking and I you know I said you know I I’ve never seen you in Bat this season he said yeah me neither and seen you feel one ground ball in a game you know what me either yeah where the hell I think it’s the players on the field Ali doesn’t have any errors this year last time I checked does he no no no I looked at his fan grass before we came on I couldn’t even find him yeah I mean either that’s probably because he’s in the Dugout with a sweatshirt on playing the major W for that see there we go I’m glad glad I’m glad Marsh played played Tex line on that one you didn’t have to play in the majors to be a major league manager let’s make sure we’re clear on that there are plenty of guys that didn’t play professional football that are head coaches mhm plenty of them and good ones too frankly Andy Reid was in pass and kick competition but he don’t think he laced them up no in the in the Shanahan there you go his dad was a coach his dad was a coach Mike McDaniel was a ball boy he Kyle Shanahan M at one point ironically yeah Sean MC I don’t think played no Shawn peyon played he played in college he played I think he had a game or two yeah or or a season or two but not in the NFL yeah I think so in NFL I believe so hell I don’t even think Bill bich played no no he did not no no no no no no no Nick Sabin nope nope now he’s a college he was an NFL coach for one year or two he was two didn’t work out well for I played for Nick sa in Miami for for one week how’d it goting can you see why he was fired oh man he RI one of the assistant coaches the shreds and it didn’t work well for adults uh in the NFL yeah like you can’t talk to guys like you do in college especially back then think NFL guys are who the hell you talking to sir I read that book Sabin kind of the the the all-encompassing view of Nick sain and there was an anecdote in the book where Nick Savin started to get on some of the veteran players defensively and Zach Thomas the the longtime veteran linebacker turned around and said shut the bleep [Laughter] up one of the many reasons Nick Nick found himself in Tuscaloosa pretty much MH going back to the Ali Marl thing I know there’s a lot of people that don’t care for Ali marmel as the manager for the Cardinals but I like what he’s been doing lately I know he’s been getting ejected from games but he is stepping up for his players he’s going to bat form you said he doesn’t bat right but I think he’s been going to bat for his players and his coaching staff and I think we’re seeing a turnaround from this team and hopefully it continues yeah it started when he got thrown out that’s when they started winning they did said you know what I don’t want to watch this crap you guys sit here and finish it and they said you know what that guy wants us to win so let’s do it let’s do it let’s try winning guys what do you think and lo and behold here we are winning and Paul goldi started to swing The Baseballs well there’s actually perhaps eight reasons why the Cardinals have won eight of their last 10 games according to Ben Fred of the post dispatch and we’re going to get into those eight reasons talk about maybe some other things that have impacted the Cardinals in their uh current winning formula or winning stretch that’s next in the fast L on 101 USP e e e e e e e e [Music] Ben Frederickson of the posters batch in put together an article eight reasons why the Cardinals have eight wins in 10 games wanted to read off some of these to you guys and then also discuss what what other factors play into the the Cardinals recent success so as Ben Fred points out says the number one number one thing or at least the the first thing he listed finally the power is percolating we just we had this this discussion a couple of days ago power doesn’t have to be the end all Beall you shouldn’t sell out for power you shouldn’t you shouldn’t try to hit home runs constantly guys like Mark Maguire and Alex Rodriguez and some of the best Sluggers in the in the game will tell you they never they never tried to hit home runs because when you’re trying to hit home runs maybe you do some of the things that get you into bad habits right like what Jim Edmonds talked about with collapsing the backside dipping your back show trying to like physically muscle the ball out by dipping right doesn’t work but when you do have power and the Cardinals have showed it recently when the home runs do show up bless you thank you when the power when the power is there this offense is incredibly more productive it’s it’s harder it’s hard to refute mhm now when we talk about power I don’t want people to start thinking well you can’t just sell up for the runs again that doesn’t work but if it’s a tool in your toolbx along with moving Runners over thinking the game laying down a bunt depending on where the defense is thinking you know having that High baseball IQ when it’s part of the the the the complete picture of your offense it’s a huge piece well I think we have asked this question time and time again what is this offense who are they like if you’re they had almost no power to start the season off and so if you don’t have any power you’re not moving Runners over you’re not stealing bases you’re not hitting balls into the gaps you’re not using your speed as an element as to how you’re going to score runs this team needed to hit the ball over the fence to have some success and I think that kind of has correlated not kind of it has correlated for them to win games because this uh the article says they’ve hit 13 homers in the past 10 games which is the second most in the NL during that time like they have needed that that jolt to allow them to have some success because prior to that it was mundane it was slow it was nothing happening it was no excitement because you’re getting on base and you’re Station to Station and you’re not driving runners in and so finally hitting the ball out of the park has helped them obviously helped them in this 10 game stretch yeah it’s it’s difficult to I mean you can do it you you could go Station to Station I do think that that that’s tough on an opposing picture this team can’t but this one can’t yeah and it’s it’s easier get somebody on Drive the ball out of the park I agree if again if you could do it and you’re not you’re not getting into bad habits or you know have Mason win at the top of the lineup and let him steal second yeah I mean that that could be too yeah get yourself double works I mean if you can get mean you can get to second base single sometimes even with Mason wind speed no no outs you know he can drive him over it’s pretty pretty fundamental no doubt y since May 12th that final game in Milwaukee Nolan Gorman has three home runs Paul gold Schmid has two home runs Lars Newar has two Mason wi has two Alec burles has two Nolan arado has one and Michael Superbad canani hit his first home run of his career that’s a pretty that’s a pretty long list Donovan is the only regular in that group and I know that like Ivon Herrera plays a lot but based on the the games played the at bats the played appearances Donovan is the only regular that doesn’t have a home run over that stretch so it’s not just a couple of guys that have gotten redot to me that’s better when you can throughout your entire lineup gets sporadic power you can have sporadic speed you’re not just relying on two three four or or the first four guys I think that’s huge for an offense and and they’re not relying on one person like they’re relying it’s we’re still waiting on the power from from Paul goid and from Nolan arnado when that takes place I think this team is going to be even better but they’re getting it from different places Mason Way has hit two home runs he hit one I don’t know how he hit that one looked like it skipped up there and he what was it Cricket yeah just hit it out of the park they’re hitting multiple guys are hitting home runs and having success so if and when your two best players come along with the power maybe you could see this team kind of shooting in the right direction what happens if that power doesn’t come back and these ancillary pieces start to tail off a little bit because that’s probably going to happen I mean it’s baseball you go into slumps and then you get hot then you go into a slump and then you get hot but if those guys are consistently not driving the ball and hitting for power what does this offense look like and then on the flip side what happens when they do start hitting for power but then the ancillary pieces start to tail off a little bit it depends on how much things drop you can’t have what you had in April we saw that you got way behind even when you had decent pitching even when you had great defense even though you had a great Bullpen you weren’t able you weren’t able to tread water so if you’re over that stretch whether it’s a month or three weeks or two weeks if you if you have one of the worst offenses in baseball like they like we saw in April you you’re not going to survive if you more middle of the pack when guys start to cool off because you’re right it’s get baseball baseball is a game of streaks is why they play 162 games they know throughout a month you know you might have two months of great baseball one month of really crappy baseball but over time are you better than every team in your in your division do you Outlast everybody so while baseball is streaky can you be average offensively while guys cool off and maybe your pitching starts to pick back up because if so I think you you can at at the very least play Above 500 and stay in this thing but if it drops so low like you had in April you’re done you’re not going to be able to survive that I don’t I don’t want a team that has to just tread water though I I I mean I want a team that is where are we where are we right now we trading water like we’re we’re we’re paddling and we’re I’m in the Pacific like we’re way out there at least at least you’re it’s not a boat you’re starting to make some moves is there a boat in sight you see a boat I don’t know but I need a volleyball with a face on it and that’ll make me feel better that’s that’s what happened in April though like you’re on an island you’re talking to a volleyball things are you think things are good but they’re not and really Wilson was the only person there for me right literally and now he’s not and now he’s not but you’re making progress on that boat you made you know what I mean this is Cast Away this is Cast Away Wilson was was the one realiz made you just brought it Full Circle Wilson was the one holding it together yeah holding us together cuz we were we were falling apart we were a mess and now Wilson is not there and we know when Wilson left in the movie he was able to start making started making progress yeah started trending in the right direction where are we at right now are we hitting like that first big wave like when do we get to the part it’s dark it’s dark dark when do we get to the part where I find out that the Houston Oilers moved to Tennessee we’re a long way long way from that oh yeah yeah long ways yep yeah good question though Marsh keep them coming uh Ben Fred again in his articles is eight reasons he talks about a youth movement he talks about Nolan Gorman and Mason wi some of the guys that we’ve discussed Michael CI is starting he says and it’s working that’s the third thing they’re winning one-run games the fifth starter conundrum hasn’t caused the team team to spin out I think that’s a really good point we’ve spent a lot of time talking about the fifth starter Matthew Liberator what happens who can you bring somebody up should you bring somebody up should you trust Steven mats when he comes back no like we we’ve spent a lot of time but Ben Fred’s right it hasn’t coincided with them losing a bunch of games during this stretch number six the bullpen keeps delivering manager all uh number seven manager Oliver marmal has been doing some good things smart things tactical things exam include ice and imposing pitcher in Los Angeles with a well tring question for umpires about the Angels potential shift violation getting tossed while sticking up for his guys in games that become wins sticking with canani and keeping wind’s confidence up during a hint of a downturn before the current surge marmel has left some good fingerprints on encouraging stretch of games and number eight last one the cards aren’t stopping to smell the roses they know they created another big hole must keep climbing do it against the Cubs on a holiday weekend and Spark could become a streak I think you nailed it I think he nailed all the elements that factor into what we’re seeing right now with this current group I was reading the snake pit Mary stash says the uh I don’t know if we’re at the part where you get the root canal with the ice skate yet oh that we we got a text from the 636 saying I said that happened during the blue season oh I think that happened the root canal with the ice gate was rough like maybe that was the the maral extension oh for some fans maybe yeah for some fans for sure no you know what it might have been Bill dit the thiri with his comments when that that was that hurt that hurt it hurt but it needed to happen yeah you had it did it need to happen I don’t know no trying to draw the connection there tryti this uh this theme I think the uh like the UPS or I’m sorry the uh the the FedEx packages were like new Bullpen arms you know just here to help open up the package though yeah he never did he had a you that might have been a lifesaver what if it was a cell phone in there fully charged there was a commercial back in the day where he didn’t open the package and in the commercial he finally opens a package and it’s all like fishing equip fishing equipment just like survival stuff he’s like but I think it was a commercial back in the day I’ll have to find it for you guys good it’s fast 101 espb and we have what’s trending next e e e e e e e 101 ESPN Sports Center I’m Andrew Marsh it’s time for a sports center update driven by Johnny L Chevrolet and Johnny lond autolex the Cardinals are back in Action tonight taking on the Chicago Cubs first pitch is at 7:15 miles Michael is taking the mound going up against Shota imanaga we’ll continue talking about Cardinals baseball throughout the remainder of the show coming up next we have what trending we’ll dive into some NBA and NHL playoff series speaking of the NHL Florida taking on New York tonight game two between the Rangers and the Panthers as the Panthers lead that series one game to zero pregame for that one starts at 6:30 and you can catch all the action right here on 101 ESPN I’m Andrew Marsh and this Sports Center update is driven by Johnny LOL Chevrolet and Johnny lol autolex see them at Chevy together we drive are you kidding me [Music] it’s time to find out what’s going on in the Sports World with what’s trending now brought to you by Goodwill donate a car and get tickets to the St Louis [Music] Cardinals welcome back to the fast lane here on 101 ESPN with Anthony Stalter and Carrie Davis I’m Andrew Marsh and it’s time for what’s trending oh gentlemen Anthony Cary is he’ll be in a second he’ll be in here in a second but last night the Boston Celtics took a two nothing lead in the Eastern Conference uh final series 126 to 110 against the Indiana Pacers this series is over right yes 100% like it was over when it was over when the Pacers blew the big lead blew game one absolutely yeah I mean they I don’t even think that the Pacers win even if they do hold on because I think I I just I I mentioned this before you talking about game one yeah really I still don’t think they wi the series series yeah the I i’ mentioned this when when we were talking about before I mean the the Pacers don’t play any defense at all one of the worst defensive teams I don’t know what the points per game you know points points allow per game numbers are but they have to be one of the worst teams to ever make a Conference Final M defensively like the the one of the worst teams defensively to make the Conference Final so last night they give up 12 26 on Tuesday night in game one they went to overtime but they they still allowed 133 16 of the only 16 of those came in over came in overtime they can’t play defense offensively they have more than enough you know with with seum and uh Miles Turner although he had a quiet night La last night Hal Burton but this this is this should be a cakewalk for Boston quite frankly I’m a little surprised that that that Boston has struggled as much as as as it has to this point mhm but yeah no this is done yeah do you think the Pacers are a team that are in this position maybe a year or two too early that’s a good question do you think they’ll be yeah maybe the same team moving forward like a team that comes to mind is the Detroit Lions like the Lions went to the NFC championship game last year solid team right probably not a Super Bowl team and they showed that sure however this upcoming year I could defitely see the Lions being back in the mix because they’re progressing forward yeah they got a really good roster yeah they’re they’re they’re coming into their own sure yeah I I mean Carrie kri can talk about that maybe more than I can do you think the Pacers are a team that is I mean obviously this this is yes yeah but Marsh asked whether or not whether or not I thought the Pacers are a team that could be just like um the lions were a year ago in that they they maybe a year ahead of schedule I I’m surprised that the Pacers are here at this point at all and I and the fact that Tyrese Halbert and hurt his hamstring yesterday it looks like it I told y’all hamstrings are some of the worst injuries ever because you just never know and you can’t run full speed you saw with OG anobi in the in the Knicks game in the Knicks series where he tried to come back and was unable to sure I just think you know I think they’re cooked at this point I thought Boston was the better team already I thought that they had the easiest path to the uh NBA Finals I don’t know that Indiana the thing that frustrated me the fact that they didn’t win game one because they had every opportunity to win that game and you have to win that game yes and it’s almost like a um thing a chain of events that happen after that now you lose that game your your staro guard gets hurt in game two and you’re done whereas if you win game one your star point guard probably doesn’t get hurt in game two and at worst going home 1-1 and so I’m surprised that Indiana is here to begin with I don’t think that they are a team that is no I don’t think they like the Detroit Lions they don’t strike me as a team that is building something n i mean it’s hard to say they made you know they made the playin tournament and and and made the the finals and they had a good stretch there and they have gotten better but they don’t play good enough defense yeah they they have to press the opposing team because that’s really their way of putting stress on opposing offenses is is to press him and make him go go the length of the Court um yeah no I I I don’t see this team having the the the long run or the success that I think the Detroit Lions would have so I’m looking at I’m looking at some of the because age has to factor into this right the Cali Burton’s 24 yeah um n hard’s 24 seak 30 yeah I I think they have some good players I don’t know even with halberton I don’t know that they have that Superstar yeah like that future Hall of Fame type player and in the NBA that is important like you you generally have to have one or two of those guys to be a championship team I think Boston has won for sure with with Jason um does Jaylen Brown reach that part I don’t know you know I think he’s really really good as well but he’s like a good sidekick and that’s so frustrating because it it goes back and forth between whose team it is for for Boston fans but you know he is they’re they’re 1 a 1B you decide on the night who Jaylen was one a last night just Jason was one B so he might have been one C he’s had a he might have been two but um no I think I think Indiana is a is a good team for now I I think they’re going to have to add something to their team a guy that can really help them a dude a dude uh before we get to the Edmonton and Dallas game did you see the I wouldn’t call it a botch call but a controversial call last night between the Orioles and the white socks yeah was on the um the interference call yeah the bottom of the ninth I’ll I’ll lay this out the game is 86 one out Runners on first and second bottom of the ninth and sorry not to cat you off but the Orioles were up like 8 to one two or eight to one or something yeah I mean so that game should have been done absolutely uh but with uh two on one out in the bottom of the ninth Andrew benintendi he popped up short stop gunar Henderson he caught the ball the umpires had called the infield fly rule and for the uh you know for the second out the third base umpire Junior Valentine ruled that Andrew vaugh interfered with Henderson on the play now I saw the play I didn’t really see any contact but it is what it is what do you think about these umpires now they’re missing calls at the plate now they’re missing calls out in the field like what what is going on here yeah I think I think when it comes to home played umpires and things like that I I I do think we need to give them a little bit of a break I mean they’re they’re just so scrutinized constantly we have that pitch we have that box in front of us we know immediately whether not it’s a ball or strike they’re dealing with movement they’re dealing with the catcher you know the the catcher’s positioning they’re dealing their own positioning I I I know when they’re you know if it’s a really bad game at least be bad on both sides or at least you know at least at least be consistent are you calling the high strike or not I I think pitchers are more apt and hitters for that matter are more apt to say okay you called that in the first inning yeah as long as you call that in the seventh I’m good and I got to adjust and I I have to adjust I know your strikes on so I’m a little more lenient when it comes to home played umpires because I think they get a tough job when you’re out in the fields and it’s not a bang bang play ah I give less leniency there I think I think you should I think you he got to be accurate that’s a weird call I mean the the second base the guy running going back to second base is looking up at the poply he’s not paying attention to the short stop behind himh he’s walking back to the bag to tag up to make sure that he doesn’t get doubled up or whatever and and I don’t know how you make that call I don’t know that that’s weird and to end the game like that I I would still be fing today yeah that’s the thing too to end to end a game that way it’s almost like the the umps had a a a time where for dinner and you know we got to this just getting cutting close guys they’re like it is the white sock it is the you know might as well just SC these guys over and we’ll keep keep the night moving keep the feet moving uh the Edmonton Oilers won game one of the Western Conference Final last night in double overtime Conor McDavid was stuffed in the first OT by Jake tinger an unbelievable stick save and then he gets the redirect in the second overtime to put the Oilers up one- nothing in the series what did you see from last night and are you surprised that the Oilers won game one in Dallas I was surprised I wasn’t surprised that it was lowc scoring cuz at the board I did have I did have the under five and a half congratulations thank you very much uh nice job to all you guys too because I think we all hit right except for Jamie Jamie had the Stars last night I know you hit with Tatum going under Marsh did you hit your bet the board I can’t even remember what I chose fair enough I think it was an l and I think I’m in first place check right now uh no I was I was surprised that the oers got it done I was more surprised that Stuart Skinner stopped 31 of 33 shots and Edmonton played fairly well defensively now are there are there certain things you know intricacies of the game that that Jamie could point out you know that certainly I don’t see to suggest that Edmonton played a worse game defensively than what I saw sure that could be you know that’s that’s a possibility but I I was I was really surprised that one of the key components last night for the Oilers getting it done on the road was Stuart skner damn it I missed it oh what you have Wyatt Johnson over two and a half shots on goalie and he had two sorry buddy it’s stinks well are you cuz you’re in the lead now no I just I feel bad for marsh but no I definitely want to win all right yeah so 24 year old or 25y old now third straight win Stuart Skinner he’s allowed just five goals in that span so nice nice job to him they get it done on the road even if they were to lose game two they go back to Edmonton tide that’s what you want ultimately when you’re in a seven game series like this so uh yeah I was surprised what’ you see Marsh um I I saw an Edmonton team that looks like they can hold their own against the Dallas Stars who were the favorite heading into this series they’ve been I think the Oilers have been a team that just seemingly seemingly just can’t get it done oh no I don’t I think you’re right they can’t get it done year in and year out and I think the way that their team is structured now uh it’s a little bit better than what they’ve had before and I think the biggest question for this team will be goaltending and like you just laid it out there they’re goalie stepped up steuart skanner who has been shaky from here uh you know here and there and I thought he played a really good game made some big saves they killed off a 4minute double Miner to start off that first overtime where the stars rang two pipes so the game easily could have ended there and we’d be looking at a team that blew a two1 lead late in the third period and that would be the narrative but they end up finding uh a win in Dallas and it comes from the best player in the world yeah I think if you’re yeah no kidding Conor MC David I I think if you’re the Stars like you said there’s really not many many adjustments cuz you did hold the Oilers to two regulation goals right you’re you’re good defensively you’re good in net with oture if you don’t hit those those those posts you do get a win and you’re and you’re good so I don’t think there’s anything to be changed if you’re Dallas but Edmonton actually getting the win was enormous for them it was because they had a opportunity the stars did the first four minutes of the overtime period with McDavid going to the uh Penalty Box right they there was an opportunity yeah Mar yeah did you just say that yeah I mean D that’s all right yeah with the minor you’re good like to repeat things that’s okay you saw it too I did see it maybe someone just turned radio they heard me say it why she said it first and they’re like Carrie hockey guy knows what he’s talking absolutely just re reiterate what Mar said you’re right though that was a key I mean that was a key moment right I mean Carrie through marsh you you guys are both right that was a huge opportunity than it’s like saying that first Dash Michael Scott Dash Wayne Gretzky or maybe it’s the opposite probably absolutely you’re you’re an off guy yeah you miss uh 100 100% of of the shots you don’t take you don’t take yeah Michael Scott through Wayne grety and Michael Jordan yep all fast Lan on 101 ESPN we talk a lot about marrying the system to the quarterback but what about marrying the coach to the player we’re going to get into that next on 101 espm e e e e e e e e [Music] it’s the fast L on 101 ESPN we talk a lot about marrying the system to the quarterback so for example Brock p is a perfect example of that somebody with the the you know excellent footwork and the accuracy between uh the uh short game and the intermediate game like perfect perfect scenario now Brock P isn’t somebody that’s going to elevate everybody around him you know he’s he’s somebody like jar G where you got you have to have that pieces to support him but you see what he can do when he’s in the right system Jared G who I just mentioned another perfect example of marrying the system to the quarterback build around you’re good like Patrick Mahomes can play on any system and make it work it helps that he’s in Andy it certainly does yeah Tom Brady though was the system yeah it turn well didn’t start out that way but eventually became the Tom Brady offense essentially uh but Marsh you were talking about a situation with Chris noock the current Edmonton Oilers head coach and he used to be Conor McDavid head coach for the otters in the OHL and led to the O led the o to a 46 18 and5 record in the regular season and now the Oilers are three wins away from a birth Cup Final as we talked about in the uh what’s trending segment they won last night so how important is it maybe or is there something to be said for having the right coach with the right Superstar I think this is kind of interesting because you’ve seen examples of of it working especially with that quarterback oc/ head coach relationship but I I don’t know if it always works in other sports but should it like LeBron when he went to Miami and and had SP spol uh Eric spola oh jeez Eric spola excuse me that it should have worked because you had a a head coach very creative defensively somebody that really maximizes the talent around him but was he the right guy for LeBron I what I think I think the best coaches are the ones that can see what you do best as a player and yeah that’s what the hell we’re going to do like you don’t make the player fit into your system you fit your system into the player especially if they’re a star player if they if Conor McDavid if they are LeBron James or or Tom Brady what whoever that Superstar is you know what you do this really really well Lamar Jackson right we’re GNA do what you do well not what I want to do because you’re the one that has to have success you’re the one that has to understand what we’re trying to accomplish and you’re the one that has to succeed for us to succeed so if I’m the person that no we’re going to do it my way those to me the stubbornness of a coach to say yeah this is my system this is how I want to do it well then you probably should recruit players or evaluate players develop players hire sign players that fit that mode if you don’t have those players on your roster currently you better change and shift how you do things or you’re not going to have a job I couldn’t agree more it’s kind of like Bill Walsh Bill Walsh found Joe Montana this is what you do well MH I I can see I can I can have success let me figure out exactly here’s here’s what you do well I know what your limitations are but here’s what you do well top to bottom kind of similar to Brock pie like tremendous footwork tremendous accuracy Bill Walsh wanted somebody that can put the ball left shoulder right shoulder you know knap you needed to be a sharpshooter in Bill Bill Walsh’s offense and that that is what Joe Montana was but you’re right Walsh knew he needed that out out of a QB you don’t you don’t draft anybody and say you fit exactly yeah so maybe it’s more of an understanding of what what system you want to run what philosophy you have what identity you have and then finding the right players which is also why you have a coach like Bill Parcels that gets frustrated and said if I’m going to do you know the cooking I need to buy the groceries because I you want me to put together this this great team that do all of these things well let me find the players that fit the role of what I’m trying to accomplish and when I if those two things the GM and the and the head coach manager relationship has to be outstanding yes they have to be on one Accord almost same brain same wavelength they have to understand one another because if not if you’re telling me Anthony you’re the GM I’m the head coach but you get to pick all the players that I have to coach we’re going to have a problem if we are not on the same page because I need need to know what you’re thinking more importantly you need to know what the hell I’m thinking because you need to know how I want to help this team win and so yeah you find your players and you have success if not good luck can it be flipped where the coach implements something within their system that elevates a player to become a superstar like I think of Michael Jordan Michael Jordan drafted in 84 right great player obviously coming out of UNC I don’t know what evidence you have for that but go ahead oh Anthony air so I know everything no I’m kidding uh I did watch the movie though he did get a cut from his high school team his varsity team right isn’t there something with that freshman he was a freshman yeah he got cut though so he’s not that great Marshall but allegedly the Bulls that was the first chip on the shoulder was phenomenal the Bulls did not have Team success until Phil Jackson became the head coach and Phil Jackson is known for the triangle offense could that have ele ated Michael Jordan to be even better than what he was now I don’t know the answer to that but that’s like the flip side of it it it kind of goes into what Carrie just said about Mahomes Mahomes playing an Andy Reid system I said Mahomes could play in any system I think I’m right but Cary is you nailed it does he have three Super Bowls now if he’s in Chicago probably not has he gone to three superl how many he’s got two he’s won three he’s won he’s won three he’s been to he’s been to four has he been a four yeah lost Tampa yes beat the 49ers twice and beat the Eagles should have been the five but yeah yeah four jumped off sides yeah so three does he have three Super Bowls no in Chicago probably not even in the playoffs playoffs I don’t know it’s kind of it’s kind of interesting right but I still think Mahomes is a great player I I I I it gives me pause to does he have one maybe yeah maybe he’s Justin Herbert good talent very talented pro bowler but probably not I mean people the thing that bothers me about people when they talk about Andy Reid they act like he wasn’t a really damn good coach in Philadelphia he went to four NFC championship games in a four NFC champ made it to one Super Bowl lost that one but they were always a really really good team just could not get over the hump and now he goes to Kansas City and gets this Elite quarterback and he has great success so he had success with Alex Smith too that’s the he’s had he’s had success his entire tenure his entire time being a head coach did he need a superstar to ultimately get him to that yes and not that like Donovan McNab and Terell Owens like those guys were no but you’re right solid players he needed he needed his his guy and that’s why they snaked Shawn pyton with the Saints to go up and get Mahomes at 10 when Shawn Payton wanted him at 11 so yeah look at okay look at Shawn mcy he got Jared G to a Super Bowl he knew he needed just a little bit more out of his guy they made the trade for Matthew Stafford won the Super Bowl that year yes so there is yeah there’s there’s kind of a finding the right finding the right pieces to what you want to do you will have success so overall it sounds like Chris noblock needs Wayne Gretzky to win the Stanley Cup yeah yeah now he does of Conor mcjesus but uh yeah he’s not bad no well maybe he’ll win it this year never know I don’t think so but it’s fast 10 ESP good Panthers team on the other side certainly is they play tonight does your mind change on spending if the evil empire says yeah you know what spending doesn’t always equal success it’s interesting thought that’s next on one1 man e e e e e e e [Music] 304 your time check is brought you back Clon Jewelers an officially licensed Rolex Jeweler with Andrew Marsh and car Davis I’m Anthony stalon know Jamie Rivers today Jamie is headed out of town for the holiday weekend we appreciate you tuned in if you are driving to some destination going to a lake going somewhere appreciate you listening to the fast line here we do uh have one listener from the 314 that texted us earlier saying let’s go boys celebrating Memorial Day Weekend new job some good Birds baseball tonight and a road trip listening to the fast lane on the way to adopt a new cat down in Lafayette Indiana Lan boys up thank you yeah nasty huh Drive the speed limit be careful it’s a holiday weekend sometimes people are out there having a beverage or two behind the wheel and let’s make sure we get home safely get to our destination safely I’m not worried about you I’m worried about the other guys so just you know be safe Keep Your Head on a swivel have fun but be safe out there that’s right yeah uh all right hellstein brener of the Yankees says that payroll the Yankees payroll not sustainable and the big discussion is about wotto whether or not they’re going to pay wotto whether or not they’re going to increase their payroll they just got done paying you know Aaron judge before before last season obviously the Yankees have always been a team that they’ve spent big stto previously rejected a 15-year $440 million contract by the Nationals that would have amounted to 22 29.3 three million per year rejected it kept playing he is having an an incredible season right now had a two home run game couple couple of nights ago he could make 41 million per year like judge is making 40 Garett Cole is making 36 Stanton 32 stto could be making 41 per year when it’s all said and done he just ain’t going to make it in New York is what you’re saying well I don’t know so this is this is what what’s interesting here so Hal steinbrener talked about not being being able to carry that much salary and and still and still compete he goes look I’m going to be honest and I’m getting this from the athletic look I’m going to be honest payrolls at levels we’re we’re at right now are simply not sustainable for us financially they wouldn’t be sustainable for the vast majority of owners given the luxury tax that we have to pay we have a considerable amount of money coming off we didn’t have a whole lot of money coming off last off season which is why we’re at where we’re at there was another quote at some point where where he gets into the uh you know basically paying for your roster and saying there’s no there’s no guarantee if I pay 400 million MH that we’re going to win a World Series now if the evil empire is saying that what do you think about teams like the Cardinals well I I you ain’t got a chance because if they’re saying that then and I wonder do or do you does it does it when I say you don’t have a chance I mean you don’t have a chance to spend that much money you’re not going to spend that especially if the the the New York Yankees are finally acknowledging you know spending all this money isn’t that great but I wonder if the reason why that is coming to fruition or why that that light bulb finally went off is because they haven’t won a World Series since 2009 right when you win championships your your your organization is different you’re making more money you’re generating more funds from different places and so the the money you’re spending probably isn’t as much but when you are not a championship Organization for that many years you’re probably missing out on on the money that you’re accustomed to making on top and so now you’re saying yeah we’re paying all this money we’re accustomed to it but it it usually generates championships and if we’re not able to get a championship then we’re not able to continue to sustain this amount of money year after year now we’re bleeding money instead of spending this money and recoup in it in other Aven because we’re winning now we’re unable to do that and it’s it’s not sustainable so this is what Hal steinber said I I referenced this quote here it is what I always say to you guys like a broken record I don’t believe I should have to pay 300 million in payroll to win a championship does he always say that apparently apparently says says it a lot to to the new the assembled media how many years has he paid 300 million to to to try to win a championship that I don’t know that’s a good question years in a row have they been well above 250 300 million because take a look here K that would tell me that clearly you do think you got to spend that money to win a championship so this year they’re paying 305 million okay that’s second to the Mets last year they paid 278 million okay which was second barely in 2022 they paid 252 million 20 5 million in 2021 obviously we’re talking about inflation and things like that we’re going backwards but bottom line is as inflation increases and as salary increases for for your top your top players what he is saying is I shouldn’t have to pay three you know over 300 million to have to win a championship especially if I’m not winning a champion exactly I actually don’t blame like nobody’s going to feel sorry for any owner no but so so don’t don’t you know misre what I’m saying here misconstrue but when you look at this he’s not wrong like what am I paying the GM for what am I paying the president of B baseball operations for if we’re going to win the same amount or or Dam near close in the regular season to teams like the Rays right who have a fraction of my payroll why or if you’re the Cardinals and the Brewers are paying a fraction of what you’re paying and yet they’re pick they’re kicking your ass at some point you have to look at the president of baseball operations GM say hey what do what do you say you do here I I think the Yankees though pay for the names like the name brand players like you exactly you the same thing with the Lakers there is a a standard like you have to have that player you have to have that name and I I I do feel like the Cardinals used to be kind of in that mode or or are in that mode but maybe have shifted away from that just a little bit but having a a Hall of Famer or two or three that’s the Yankees brand like they have to have those players same thing with the Lakers they have to have future Hall of Famers on their roster because that’s what their fan base is accustomed to having and when you have future Hall of Famers you got to pay him 40 million right like the Rays don’t have to pay that money because they might not have future Hall of Famers or they won’t they don’t have they’re going to trade him they’re going to trade him away to wind up in jail oh well why why what did what did wander do to you he didn’t do anything to me but unfortunately he I think he did allegedly some a lot of things to other kids that’s ridiculous which is not great it even allegedly is it alleged I’m going to say allegedly anyways just to be safe yeah you know like allegedly OJ did what he did you know that is alleged we we can we can go there he was found not guilty you know that double jeopardy can’t try well he can’t be tried again either way yeah no he’s not yeah he’s G never mind is that a good movie Double Jeopardy it was fine what’s the lady’s name it’s the the from Kentucky the Kentucky Kentucky Wild yeah what is her name what is her name H the text line will help us out they always what’s her name oh I can see her face is it star with a r no I feel like it starts with an R what is her name come on text line is it Ashley Jud Jud doesn’t start with an R no there’s not even an r in wearing her name nope NOP I was feeling like a Rebecca I did too yeah maybe it’s her middle name Ashley Jud thanks something Jud thanks 314 yep anyways yeah not not a not a horrible you should watch it it’s a good movie looks like it got a 28% on Rotten Tomatoes oh there you go that’s not great is it I don’t know I think it got to be up out of 100% no now that doesn’t mean the movie’s not great because sometimes movie critics looking at different things the audience rating be higher so what do they know H yeah movie critics they know a lot okay actually I don’t I actually don’t know it’s kind of like us like what do we really know it’s a fast L on 101 ESPN 314 399 9646 is the Air Comfort Service taxt line you have a question send it into the Air Comfort Service taxt line Sports 6 back next e e e e e e e I have a question it’s time for the fast lane to answer your sports questions I want to ask you a bunch of questions and I want to have them answered immediately asking me all these weird questions answer the question answer the question answer me the sports sixpack is now all right time for the sports sixpack here in the fast L on 101 ESPN kri Davis Anthony Stalter Andrew Marsh with your questions question number one first question comes from the 314 could Alec burles be better than Jordan Walker in his career he doesn’t have all the hype but he did win batting title yeah there’s of course there’s always a possibility of that I I think this goes back to the conversation that we had before Carrie about Draft projections you know or draft not not Draft projections excuse me but draft draft um you know status yeah if if somebody’s taking in the first round you automatically come with high expectations you’re a first rounder now in the NFL draft I think people like fans have more opinion or they lean on all of the commentary to make their to make their assumption so if uh if a player was taken in the first round that nobody expected him to be first round and everybody’s surprised and oh how could that team do that and blah blah blah blah blah then I think the expect a little lower but in Major League Baseball when the commentary isn’t like it is in the NFL Jordan Walker’s taken the first round out of out of decar high school in Georgia he’s automatically going to come with high expectations he’s a first-rounder he’s a high schooler he’s 66 and he’s going to be on a lot of people’s top draft you know prospects list right so the expectations are that he’s going to perform at an ex ex exceptionally high high rate that doesn’t mean though he’s going to have a better career than Alec burles just because he was taken there and I mean when you look at the intangibles I think Jordan Walker has more he’s bigger faster yeah you know maybe not stronger Burley is a is a healthy man um but you know just the the the potential I think is greater for for Jordan Walker but that does as you said doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s going to be a better player yeah at the end of the day who can hit a ball on a round bat better right that’s essentially who’s going to be the better player there you go question number two from the 661 with the team budget talk should teams be getting more creative with player contracts could smaller Dodgers that’s true could smaller perear contracts over longer periods of time or more incentives help keep budgets more performance-based and allow teams to spread around the money to more players curious to know CD’s thoughts having been a pro player or just defer the money like the Dodgers did pay you everything after you’re done New York Mets Bobby Bonia like why not keep our keep our uh payrolling pay right and we’ll pay you on the back end you okay with that I would be mhm especially if the interest is adding on buddy if the interest is there great you telling me you’re going to pay me how much for how long with interest oh sure deal keep that thing yep kick it down the road kind of safe too it really is got that paycheck coming in when you retire y we definitely would appreciate that like having money when you’re done playing and no longer receiving checks and you just oh I didn’t know yeah thank you if they wanted to be creative that would be one way I don’t think players would have incentivized contracts especially in baseball I mean the incentives are cool MH but you watch NFL they want to get their money guaranteed they want as much money upfront before they step foot on a football field the incentives are based on you know guys that are kind of prove it type of type of deal so incentives are are cool if you have to have that but if you can get your money guaranteed the hell I want to what the hell I want to work forward for question number three this one comes from the snake pit from Tanisha which do you think is the most exciting to watch Major League Baseball NHL NFL or NBA playoffs playoffs say that again which of the uh four major sports essentially has the best playoff best playoffs uh to watch look I’m a huge football fan so I I I’m I’m going to go football I’m I I watch every down of every playoff game in the NFL there’s also fewer of those from an exciting standpoint it might be the NHL like the NHL playoffs this year are incredibly exciting so I’d go NFL Ju Just because again and I I love football you know beyond any other sport I would go NHL playoffs too baseball baseball is great it’s right is underrated but you need your team in there too true I don’t know that you do oh because I don’t know that you I disagree with you Carri Davis you sick I mean we’re I don’t know that you need your team to be in the playoffs for baseball for we we talked about this in the past you get the day games you get you get to watch day baseball and you it just it it feels different playoff baseball feels different like because there are you got a 162 of them you can miss 10 games and still be okay with with baseball it gets ratcheted up big time every pitch matters every at bat matters nobody is it’s just it feels different for for baseball once playoffs H right I agree yeah know it’s no it’s a good call yeah like uh you got me with that day game so oh yeah games are unbelievable I love them who doesn’t day sports awesome especially when you get to uh host a a postgame show after game one of a wild card oh yeah yes that uh that’s fun especially when your uh your producer co-host is uh just walking back and forth back back and forth melting down is that what he was doing melting down you you liveing die with every pitch was trying to reassure Mar that everything was going to be fine you know what I’d actually take that moment I I I would love to be in that moment again I got that’s why they lost last year cuz like they did cuz Mary they knew they couldn’t give Mary that the fans they knew they they they said you know believe if we just lose like we do if we just have a horrible season fans like Marsh will say just give me the loss in the first round I just want to see my team in the playoffs and they’re like okay I don’t want to see them lose but I back go back to the pacing I’m just saying I got to get my guy Michael Kaiser we were watching the playoffs a few years back when I was doing champagne doing radio and champagne and he was the same way I was like dude you got to you got to calm down it’s okay it’s going to be okay he’s like no it’s like hey it’s not just breathe breathe with me we’re at the bar watching I’m like it’s okay like City it’s not like it is it it wasn’t we it didn’t ended up not being okay no it’s hard dude maybe you felt this way too but and maybe not cuz it sounds like you know your buddy probably similar age but with me what happened that day when Marsh was going when he was like he was so distraught he thought that you know the team the team was folding and everything was going sideways I immediately went I didn’t realize this but I went in dad mode I did I looked him I go hey man hey everything’s going to be fine look Harper’s going to strike out here then he walked or something and I’m like you know what hey it’s F listen and it blew up hell is going to get this guy out and that guy out and set I know this Philly’s team stunk during the end of the regular season Marsh I saw I watched I was so I went to like Dad mode trying to help him and the Cardinals just crapped all over that you know what though ask ferrario it might have been even worse the year before because at that point I was working the the blues the blues game what you know what Grant does and we had a pre season game when the Cardinals were playing the Dodgers in that wild card game and that was that might have been even worse because Alex Reyes trotted onto the field and I looked at Ferrari I said this game’s over boom Taylor hits the Home Run and yep I mean was fired up too yeah that’s how hard and I was saying fire my shill what the hell are we doing there you go you got your wish yeah now you know see it was you I guess it was me it’s all my fault sorry Louis what are you going to do question number four uh from the 314 is City SCC going to step up this year or was the first year excitement a one hit wonder no they’re absolutely going to step up this year that was not just a one- hit wonder we’re talking about a team that understands how to how to build uh a winner that wasn’t a fluke last year what they did teams are also opponents are also going to circle them realizing that this is not just some you know last year expansion team uh this is somebody this is a team that was that is that is already built to win they’re already ahead of the game here so you get you get opponents that are going to focus in a lot more on you try to pick apart what you do you got to deal with injuries and you know poor player performance all that just like everybody else but no I don’t think it’s a fluke I think City I trust what city is building from a front office standpoint and their coaching staff the players are solid too yeah I agree with everything you said it thank you question number five I feel like we’ve had this question four but from the uh 314 would you rather play 18 holes with Tiger Woods or win a major I would rather win a major I don’t care about playing how much money you get for winning a major I a lot more than playing alongside Tiger Woods okay what what if it wasn’t a major right what if it’s just like a normal tournament no I’ll win the tournament I want to win I don’t care playing with Tiger Woods what I I’d love to play with tiger I think it’d be awesome I mean I want to win I don’t care if it’s the I just think dump truck open or yeah manager man if I’m able to win that one then maybe I can I’m already in into the next one yeah and I’m rolling exactly I’m feeling it the hell we talking about I keep winning are you kidding me yeah I win one I’ll meet tiger on the on at at the Masters I win one tournament CD here’s my mindset I’m going to beat tiger there you go yeah and I don’t mean beat him in the next tournament I mean his records all of them like that’s the mindset I’m in good luck with that question number six I think we’re on six maybe I skipped one I might have whatever it’s okay uh we we rarely get the six uh from the 636 especially in one segment uh how many games will mizou win this year after losing Cody Sher and many starters on the offensive line in defense I you know they still have a lot of I mean losing the defensive players I think a big deal obviously losing Cody Sher kind of the heartbeat of your team that that certainly is a big deal as well but they’re returning they P Bas essentially their their passing game the coaching staff you know uh offensively is going to be intact there I I do not think their schedule is that daunting it is not which is a huge factor in all of this Murray State win Buffalo win Boston College win win Vanderbilt win win first four games are at home okay that’s four Texas A&M win a ball UMass win it’s five hell is UMass on the schedule Auburn that’s win a bow especially at home we’ll see like Alabama have the talent and all that but I don’t know what they’re going to be look like that’s say I win I wouldn’t put it past mou to go into Tuscaloosa and and win that game wouldn’t Oklahoma I think is is winnable I I’m I’m I’m saying winnable compared to win on some of these like the Auburn game that that should be a win right but Oklahoma Alabama we’ll see South Carolina that should be that should be a win Mississippi state that should be a win but those are two Road games Arkansas win you got him undefeated there you go answer ask and answered Marsh I didn’t say they’re going to go undefeated but I do feel win win winnable I think every game on their schule win win win I think every game on their schedule is winnable there you go I have have not felt and if you say well isn’t that isn’t that the case every year no no hell no no there are games a year ago where I said I mean hell I had them losing four or five games last year when I looked at their schedule just got them going undefeated and being the number one seed in the college football I don’t just stop you heard it here first ladies and gents your toughest games are going to be Alabama Texas A&M Oklahoma Auburn and I’m saying this in order um and then like South Carolina I I think I think the the games are going to decide for you obviously Alabama in Tuscaloosa Oklahoma the home game against Auburn and the road game at at College Station those I think your your your game changers there all right so I did skip over question number five I went back and looked you know I don’t want people to feel like they’re missing out on question number five so you not want to skimp on this question number five there we go uh the snake pit is talking about tequila in Gatorade I wanted to ask you guys what is your favorite flavor of Gatorade oh oh the uh the glacier cherry or whatever the glacier Cherry Glacier Ice Glacier Ice is that what it’s called the blue one no oh you like the red white one what the white one I don’t know the name so mine is just well I guess the name is orange orange yeah I mean I like I like the yellow Gatorade the original yellow pretty good that looks too much like you know what comes out you got to get past that no I’m okay uh Gatorade Gatorade Frost let me think here let me see here the Orange is the best I it’s not even close not even you’re you’re not even closing us here we go Gatorade or power raade cuz I I I Gatorade I blank with blue Power Aid if I’m ever feeling down blue Power Aid bring back to life uh Glacier Cherry I was right Glacier cherry Gatorade zero Glacier Cherry oh it’s a clear one B what do you mean b have you had it zero you’re like my kids no I don’t want that you’ve never had in your life how do you know you don’t want that that’s exactly how children are you are correct oh yeah you know I do I like steak first of all it’s pork chops so I had the conversation with Killian the other night I don’t like steak it’s a pork chop I don’t like them either never had dino nuggets he did he goes where are my chicken fries oh first of all you you got to clean up your attitude second of all second of all those things only come out here and there at Burger King so you got to you got to get when they’re out that’s right should teams and players be more focused on line drive rate than launch angle there is one former MLB that says exactly that we’ll tell you if we agree next on 101 ESPN e e e e e e e 101 ESPN sports center I’m Andrew Marsh it’s time for a sports center update brought to you by salga Heating and Cooling the Cardinals take on the Cubs tonight 7:15 first pitch miles Micha on the mound going up against sha imanaga we’ll continue talking about Cardinals baseball throughout the remainder of the show tonight we have the Florida Panthers taking on the New York Rangers game two of the Eastern Conference Final Florida leads that series one game to zero pregame for it starts at 6:30 coming up next well you probably know say it say it the lineup game coming up next right here in the fast lane I’m aor Marsh and this Sports Center update is brought to you by s Heating and coola an independent American standard heating and air conditioning dealer one average show [Music] you know what time it is lineup game tonight sha imaga for the Cubs versus miles molus for the Cardinal Bush Stadium okay 7:15 imaga carry a lefty a left-hander so with that piece of information does your boy Mason wi lead off tonight yes from here on out all right I believe in you so you go for it kid show us Mason wi I’m watching the Futures game and this thing’s all over Instagram it’s like this guy threw a ball 100 that’s awesome but like how many throwing errors does he have shut up love it I do all right this is going to be a little this is this is one to you little hairry here it has been Newar who has been hit well I think he even was he in this spot before with the Lefty you have at it oh I don’t like your doubt I just said you have at it I know but you didn’t say like oh you you got it man show us Lars Taylor TSI n Bar what makes you think she’s a witch well she turn me into a n just needed that n got better I don’t want to be needy but you know something like that like a little bit of little nudge in the right direction I apologize I’ll be better next time no need to apologize we’re Team yeah yep let’s keep winning this RL chop Do It show us Paul goost M gold rich with gold gold oh hell yeah uh may I yeah you have ADD Marsh will you please show us no he’s a Gold Glove winner and perennial Allstar oh listen to Mr Gold Glove over here come on okay Alec burles he has been hitting fifth let’s all righty I mean you know what if it ain’t broke don’t fix it what are you thinking I think Alec Burson is going to be in the lineup Anyway come H high water okay show us Alec Bren what a shame okay Ivon Herrera uh does Gorman despite his his powers he’s still down in the lineup but then I do think it’s Ivon Herrera you want to do this one nope I want you to have a rebound all right show us Ivon Herrera I’m just going to say this right now I think Ivon is going to hit a home run right here Mar just literally called that at Ballpark Village had nice Mar had a vision is Right car okay um is this Burleson if he’s not in the lineup I’m going to be a yeah he’s in a lot of show us Alec burles you know kind of closed my eyes and swung at it and uh did what I wanted to do early to the rescue okay so we know Gorman is in the lineup somewhere he’s got to be and so is Brendan Donovan Donovan so you’re going to have three lefties back to back to back you already got your catcher no so I don’t think I very good question H you still need a center fielder so if we work backwards it’s probably seani ninth yeah Gorman eighth you think he’s batting that low I think he’s going back to back back toback lefties but uh who who’s going to be in the lineup there then no you’re right then it’s got to be Donovan Gorman and wow wow this is going to be a show what’ you say uh nothing so who we saying here Donovan unless you got p in and N man no I think it’s yeah I think it’s Donovan what do you think I’m okay with that all right go ahead show us Brendon Donovan Donnie hey this headband is pretty cool now Gorman show us Gorman fresh organic popcorn get your popcorn ready okay uh then go ahead who are we looking at Super bed is it pis no no no I mean um yeah show us canani Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael you’re not Michael Phelps you’re Michael Sarah okay run it Marsh all right leading on off The Shard stop Mason win batting second in right field Lars Taylor tatsui Nar batting third your first baseman Paul goldshmid your cleanup hitter third baseman batting fifth catching Ivon Herrera batting sixth the DH Alec burles batting seventh in left field Brendan Donovan batting eighth second baseman Nolan Gorman and batting ninth in center field Michael Yi your back back back back back [Music] back go fa go f i don’t believe what I just saw Home Run w r skiing from the snake pit says you cut out there for a second Anthony no I cut myself off intentionally mhm all right uh boy this is a lot more fun to play when you’re on the board yeah so can you please read off those standings for sure Jamie and I are tied with nine points Carrie has six points okay and Anthony Stalter on the board put him on the board with one yeah thank you does feel better having one it does Man Zero feels like yeah am I still in dead last sure but I mean it’s dead last while but but the arrow is pointing up yeah okay go ahead guys I’m going to go with Ivon Herrera ion Herrera did uh Jamie send in his pick he’s a no he did not n kind of guy a he he does like n uh he also likes Gorman I think he likes Pedro pis Off the Bench he could you know what I don’t want to do that because that’s probably what he’ll do you know what give him P off the no we can’t do that let’s give him can uh no I think we give him a one a one pointer yeah give him gold Schmid yeah give him go well who do you guys want and then we’ll get yeah who do yeah the good call I’m going to go Burley and I’m going to go noan arado so we can give him gold Schmid that way he’s not he’s not going to complain about that and it’s a onep pointer probably a four tonight all right there you go that is our home run derby in our lineup game so we didn’t get into this but your teams and players be more focused on line drive rate than launch angle that’s next 101 ESPN holiday weekend perfect time to get yourself into a new ride from autoc Center Nissan herculanum they’ve got their Mayday deals going on you could take advantage of 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door out in herculanum it’s autocenters Nissan e e e e e [Music] it’s fast 101 ESPN should teams and players be more focused online Drive rate than launch angle well at least one former big leager talked about that uh as a member of MLB networks programming Billy Ripken discussed a cardinal in this respect Billy here’s Billy Ripken on Mason win and how he has started to attack pitchers who’s on this board but MVPs and this is a better thought process to me instead of the launch angle craze that we’ve hit and them talking about barrels and how they Define it this is defined at 10° to 25 below the barrel but who are these guys oh they’re called MVPs and he’s on a board right here and he’s in the middle of a 13 game hit streak where he’s hitting 354 so there you have it he’s talking about Mason win and he did reference that graphic that jimie had brought up a couple of days ago which shows the line drive rates of players on that list mukie Betts Freddy Freeman among others and Mason win mhm so his Line Drive rate kind of a better predictor when it comes to you know hitting prowess than launch angle absolutely I think you know we have taken this launch angle thing too far launch angle is important if you couple it with hard hit rate at determining home runs what we hear is well people keep talking about launch angle so it must be the end all be all no that’s not it it is coupling a couple of different factors if you’re talking about home runs but then people hear it and it goes throughout their doile and it comes out as launch angle what is it good for we’re talking about physics how hard you hit the ball and at what angle that you hit it will lead to C will will lead to home runs that’s it right we’re not talking about the complete offensive picture for a player but when it comes to maybe Line Drive rate is that a better indicator of how well somebody’s hitting yes MH if you’re hitting the ball on the screws if you’re hitting the ball on a line it means you’re barreling it up it means you know you’re your backside is you know is staying staying upright your hands are back level swing doubles you know hard- hit singles yes I think it’s a better indicator of of whether or not somebody’s seeing the ball well hitting the ball hard all that and you hit the nail on the head I think you’re you’re squaring the ball up and hitting it hard if it’s a line drive that mean you probably got a hold of now and you probably have more of a chance of hitting a ball out when you hit it in line with a line drive you’re going to hit the ball hard you’re going to hit it far and it when you look at those names on that list tells you everything right that tells you everything show he Otani Muki bets I get the the Mason win Luis arise he he’s a pretty good hitter last time I checked you picked him pretty much every time last year Lamonte like there’s so many jerks and profile there are so many names on here and when I went and looked at the line drive percentage I went and looked at batting average and pretty much all of those guys are top 10 in batting I know people don’t care about batting average but that’s you getting on base right with a hit absolutely is that is that what that number represents like you hit the ball into the Outfield or in the infield but you ended up on base either first second or third or you even went home it’s as basic as it comes how many played appearances do you have based on how many hits do you have simple yeah pretty simple so you’re hitting the ball hard you’re getting on BAS you’re having success and when you do all of those things you allow your team to do what score runs because now you you can put yourself in in scoring position or the ball that you hit put you in scoring position and that’s the name of the game is to get on base to score runs and to win games that’s right it’s not about well if you take this 33% launch angle you can you can hit this ball into okay and what if I miss it what if I’m so busy trying to lift the ball lift and separate that’s that I am unable to even hit said ball right Jordan Walker yep like I’m trying to lift everything and now I’m Willie May Willie May Haze popping everything up like I just I I I haven’t understood it it hasn’t done it hasn’t made sense to me the the the need for launch angle especially like I told you if I’ve heard Albert fos talk about it and say it doesn’t matter if I hear Alex Rodriguez talk about it and say that that it doesn’t matter that’s not how you hit home runs and those guys have hit tons of home run runs I’m going to listen to them you you you you know you bring context what you’re saying is you you’re bringing context to this conversation right if it’s leading to you Jordan Walker adjusting your swing and it is and that is coupled with bad habits yes then it’s not good don’t focus on it don’t do it but if you’re taking it just like you’re taking every other piece of information exactly for what it is then you you you understand it if you simply say launch angle how what at what degree does the ball come off your bat who wants to do math nobody well some people just not in this building well not in this studio but if the launch angles a certain way you’re going to it’s going to lead to home runs that’s it just pure physics if you drive the ball you probably hit home runs too sure but we have a tendency if we don’t understand it we don’t have the context to it then we we we don’t take it for for exactly what it is but with what you’re talking about if there is information like Hey listen Carrie you’re a hitter right Carrie uh you’re going have to improve your launch angle here it says right here it’s not good enough so I 33 I right angle 9 how does that do anything for you what do you want me to do right how do you how do I do that right your swing needs to go through the zone at a certain path yeah in order then you’ll hit more home runs but but is that going fix am I going to miss the ball when I change my swing if you don’t have a better launch angle I’m sending you down okay well I I trade me right it’s not it’s not unlike quite frankly anything else hey Carrie improve your line drive rate it’s down I don’t know how so what it comes the ball and hit it hard though it comes down to teaching which is coaching coaching is teaching are you te are you are you do you can you take that information and can you apply it to the player that is struggling if not hang it out if not we need to replace you that’s the way I’m looking at all this I don’t know about you guys all right let’s get into the uh Gauntlet we got a new Gauntlet contestant yes we will have Hunter joining us all right Hunter Hunter Renfro is going to join us in ahead of his game with the Royals next on 101 usn story from Stuarts American wars Corporation needs to be your very first call if you are buying house if you are consolidating debt or if you’re in a spot that you need a loan you just don’t know whether or not you qualify you don’t know if now’s the right time because of where rates are you don’t know where the you know uh the uh e the economy is going where rates are going call Stewie because he’s going to help you he’s got various programs such as his Bagel Loan program where if you’re purchasing a home and you’re borrowing $200,000 or more you’re going to qualify for the bagel loan which means no closing costs no lender fees no no no title fees no nothing think about all that money you’re going to save up front so that you can apply it to maybe a home remodel or maybe you can throw more money down as a down payment or you can attract the seller with more more money up front these are the programs that Stewie has in place for you to help you save money and he hands out his personal cell phone number which is 314 324-4440 because he wants you to call and have that old school customer service feel without going through you know the the the jumps and the challenges of getting somebody on the phone so give him a call or text him tell them you heard Jamie or Anthony talking about it on 101 ESPN he loves 101 ESPN listeners and have him save you money over the course of your loan Google the bagal loan too if you need need that that phone number that I just threw out there it’s Stewie from Stewarts American Mortgage Corporation nmls number 226 715 e e e four Warrior four categories one Challenger can you master The Gauntlet The Gauntlet is powered by Master your hometown source for business Communications for more than 30 years visit [Music] this is f 101 ESPN 401 your time check brought to you by Clarkson Jewelers and officially licensed Rolex Jeweler with Carrie DAV and Andrew Marsh from Anthony Stalter we welcome in Hunter what’s up Hunter oh living the dream yeah good man are you you off for the day yep heading out with excellent well first time in The Gauntlet no I’ve done it before okay who’ you play I’ve beaten Anthony and I’ve beaten Marsh I’ve never beaten Carrie though oh well are you taking on Carrie first or you going with either me or Mark since you’ve had uh the ultimate success against us I would prefer to take on Carrie wow okay hter Hunter I like it best of luck to you car’s going to get the heck out of here he’s going to go into the cone of silence right now all right so Hunter go ahead and tell Andrew Marsh to spin that wheel hey Marsh spin that wheel I like the energy Hunter oh yeah what are you hoping for anything but hockey preferably you didn’t take me so you should be okay but Marsh oh it was just about to land on random but we have football today oh okay football back toback days there you go all right so Marsha going to give me the launch code I’ll let you know uh right away here two points for every question unless you uh hunter or Carrie asked for the options if you guys asked for the options those questions become worth one point Hunter you ready yes sir all right here we go question one in football name the team in the NFL who has gone the longest without winning their division having not done so since 1989 well it’s not Cowboys uh 89 I’ll take the options Miami Dolphins New York Jets clevand Browns Dolphins Jets Browns I think the Jets did it with the sanchiz didn’t they uh let’s go with the Browns final answer yes sir the sand chise you remember that oh yeah yeah of course I do all right question number two who is the head coach of that team who spent most of his career as a defensive coordinator for the Steelers Rams Ravens Chiefs Jets and Eagles he finished career with one year as the defensive coordinator in St Louis in 1997 oh I’m going to need the options wow options are Marty Schottenheimer Bud Carson Anthony might have to help me out on this one Peter g g uh let’s go with Marty final answer yes sir all right Hunter question three that 1989 team that won their division made it to the AFC Championship that year and fell to which team who ended up getting blown out by the 49ers in the Super Bowl oh buddy it was the Broncos final answer yeah I guess yeah that’s about something G get all right final question for you Hunter Wade Phillips was the defensive coordinator of that team from question number one which UFL team is Wade Phillips currently the head coach of San ant is it San Antonio uh let’s go with San Antonia San Antonio brahmas final answer yep all right let’s bring back Carri Davis from the K of Silence Hunter how you feeling man about as good as John moso with his fancy sweaters on well so pretty good oh yeah okay all right Carri Davis putting headphones back on Carrie how’s it going how how was the Coe of Silence today me and Mike R are just talking he’s the best Ain he yeah he’s awesome yeah life love and the pursuit of happiness sure uh go ahead tell them uh pack of lunch oh boy car you got football again oh I don’t know I didn’t Fair too well yesterday foosball I not know football like I think I do here we go question one righty name the team in the NFL who has gone the longest without winning their division having not done so since 1989 oo this is I don’t I hate doing this because I I would have to go through each division AFC East AFC North I feel like that’s a Brown’s answer for sure FFC South sou westc North looks like you’re a disc jockey over there I know the the listeners or the the viewers on YouTube Can’t but it looks like you’re like he’s circling certain teams in his [Music] mind okay darn it give me the options the Miami Dolphins okay the New York football Jets oh or the Cleveland Browns always the Browns the Jets did they play at an AFC Championship game at home that year if they did they probably won their division me give me the Cleveland Browns man you can’t go wrong with the factor of sadness took the options fin fin answer question number two who was the head coach of said team who spent most of his career as a defensive coordinator for the Steelers Rams Ravens Chiefs Jets and Eagles he finished his career with one year as the as the defensive coordinator in St Louis in 1997 of said Team meaning the team that I just answered from question number one can you read that again absolutely my God so who was the head coach of that team who spent most of his career as a defensive coordinator for the Steelers Rams Ravens Chiefs Jets and Eagles he finished his career with one year as the defensive coordinator in St Louis in 1997 oh my God that was the head coach of said team so I got to make sure I got that team correct first oh my God man this is ridiculous give me the options options here are your options Marty Schottenheimer Bud Carson or Peter G that helped Marty shaten Heimer he wasn’t was he oh Peter GTA or Bud Carson oh man give me give me no he was a head co yeah hey give me bud Carson final answer all right uh so with a lot of confidence here we go question three that 1989 team that won their division made it to the AFC Championship that year and fell to witch team who ended up getting blown out by the 49ers in the Super Bowl that would be the 89 that’s here we go go hold on cuz here it is is this is the 89 season or is it the 89 playoffs I believe it would be the 1989 regular season but do not quote me on that and they lost to the 49ers that sounds like the Browns versus Bengals do you want me to read it to you again yes please that 1989 team that won their division made it to the AFC Championship game that year and fell to win which team who ended up getting blown out by the 49ers in the Super Bowl Cincinnati Bengals finalizer question number four Wade Phillips was the defensive coordinator of that team which UFL team is Wade Phillips currently the head coach of clearly I don’t know that I didn’t know which team was undefeated yesterday I feel like we’ve seen Wade Phillips is it the San Antonio pramas um let’s go San Antonio final answerer okay we have some controversy and here we go name the team in the NFL who has gone the longest without winning their division having not done so since 1989 Hunters the Browns Carrie you said the Browns correct answer is it is the Cleveland Browns both of you asked for the options I knew it one one tie you did know it one one tie who is the head coach of that team who spent most of his career as a defensive coordinator for the sealers the Rams the Ravens the Chiefs the Jets and Eagles he finished his career with one year as a defensive coordinator in St Louis in 1997 Hunter you said Marty Schottenheimer Carrie you you said Bud Carson correct answer is it is bud Carson nice job Carrie you needed the options 2-1 lead for kri Davis OC wasn’t he all right what’s that I say Marty was an OC yes he was an OC and a head coach I knew that Wade Phillips was the defensive coordinator of that Browns team which UFL team is Wade Phillips currently the head coach of Carrie you said the San Antonio bromas Hunter you said the San anonio brahmas correct answer is it is the San Antonio bras said neither of you ask for the options Carrie has a one-point lead it will come down to this that 1989 team that won their division made it to the AFC Championship game that year so we’re talking about the Browns the Browns fell to which team who ended up getting blown out by the 49ers in that season Super Bowl neither of you guys took the options which is important on this Carrie said the Bengal if it’s the Bengals Carrie wins in a Runway if it’s the Denver Broncos then Hunter wins with that two-pointer h yeah you have chosen wisely when you say Broncos it’s the Broncos who’s the fumble it was the fumble Browns and Broncos AFC title game Broncos went on to get uh crushed Dan Reeves and Company crushed by the 49ers in the super was it the Bengals 8989 was Super Bowl date okay yeah Bengals lost twice in the 80s to the 49ers so I could see why you were going that route nonetheless Hunter congratulations you get to celebrate not only tonight not only Saturday not only Sunday night not only Monday night but wait yeah Monday night Tuesday you’ll be back to take on Marsh me or Jamie congratulations Hunter nice work appreciate y’all have a good weekend you too man thank you Hunter we’ll see you buddy there you go those numbers they trip they trip you up a little B I think you got to look past the date and remember who blew out superow the who blew out like who did the 49ers blow out yeah cuz they didn’t blow out the Bengals in 20 to 16 game so there wasn’t a blowout either way but you knew the fumble I did know the f I knew but I just I just thought bangal for whatever Carrie listen I know where you’re going on that one it’s out you know going with that what fumble obviously I wasn’t alive the fumble the fumble it’s just it’s the fumble game it’s the it’s the fumble Browns going in gonna be a touchdown is it ER who was it Ernest biner Stalter on the fumble you you mother didn’t even see it so he fumbled and then 10 years later probably on the date Stalter on the fumble yeah it wasn’t the date all right it’s it’s fast 101 ESPN uh Jim Bowden not Bobby Bobby Bow’s brother Jim Bowden of the athletic he still expects the Cardinals to be sellers he also answered a question that jimie had for us yesterday that we’ll provide a pretty good answer for that’s next I want to win you span e e e e e e e [Applause] [Music] Jim Bone of the athletic put together another article in which he was asked about trades will the Blue Jays sell where could pet Alonzo land so early MLB trade deadline questions for 15 teams he mentioned the Cardinals twice actually mentioned the Cardinals a handful of times but he was asked specifically about the Cardinals twice the first question was actually I’ll give you the other one first if the Cardinals trade Ryan Hesley what’s the range of the expected return this was a question that jimie asked us yesterday and I had mentioned I said well look adult when the Cubs acquired oral this Chapman from the Yankees they gave up a prospect named glabar tus Taurus obviously would go on to become a uh a a regular for the Yankees and somebody that has been in their lineup ever you know pretty much ever since Brandon Kylie also texted me during at some point during that segment I I didn’t read the text until after the until we got in the break carry but he had mentioned he had reminded me that the Royals when they traded aald this Chapman to the Rangers last year they got they got Cole Ragin who was now their Ace the point being you can get something significant in return if you give up a Bonafide closer which is what Ryan Hy is Jim Bowden highlights that as well here’s his answer they’ll who’s the Cardinals they’ll be able to get a young everyday position player Prospect or rookie major league position player who could start now or a middleof the rotation pitching Prospect along with two mid or lower level type prospects expect the Orioles Yankees do and Dodgers to be in play here so this is why the conversation continues to come up about Ryan Helly and whether or not if the Cardinals are out of it at the deadline which is the caveat here whether or not they would part with Brian Hesley it makes sense right he’s an older player for for for a you know for a guy that you think is going to be you know a a significant piece for you right he’s a little bit older he’s 20 I think he’s 28 29 he’s got one more year left of arbitration before he becomes a free agent unrestricted free agent in 2026 you could get something significant in return for him right at this point like Bowden said either a position player that’s ready to play now that’s a young player or a middle of the rotation pitching Prospect and when we say middle of the rotation that doesn’t mean that that’s all they’ll be maybe maybe turns into an ace at some point but that that’s the type of return that you can expect do you need a position player that can play every day right now I think that’s a great question they’re kind of stacked in that role I think Outfield infield you know catcher I think position players I I dare to say we’re good at knock on wood because when you say that then injuries start piling up right and guys are you know all over the place um but a pitching middle of the rotation two three preferably type of player that that M could help your team if it’s not this year then definitely going into 2024 I mean excuse me 2025 yeah so I I think that that would if you are in a position at the end of the season or trade deadline where you know Ryan Hesley is going to Garner you something that can help you for 20125 and this season is done you’re going to do it you should do it you should do it the Cardinals won’t but you should do it because it’s too risky for them and well they should do it because why not I mean you’re going to are you going to pay Ryan Hesley here you know in the next couple of years to be your closer and he’ll be 31 years old right or do you get a prospect or a player that can be a number two number three type of pitcher in your starting rotation when you know you probably need that especially going into 2025 where both of those guys Kyle Kyle Gibson and and Lance Lynn are both on um onee deals so you could help your team in that regard also absolutely I think honestly I think it’s a Nob brainer if you’re if you’re out of it because relievers are so volatile as it is I mean you you could you could be a shut down closer for two years and then you wind up bouncing around for a while cuz you just you don’t have it anymore uh Droid does bring up an interesting point though he says so trade Ryan H for Jackson holiday and then he said ha yeah I think I’m in on that okay yep how bad do you want them or the the Oreos don’t have faith in Jackson I mean they no no sending them down yeah he’s play basically hate them bring them home bring them home the other question go ahead Marshall there’s uh another name that a lot of people have been throwing out there too is hon kirad yes that’d be nice as well mhm so both of them we’ll take Jackson holiday Kad how bad do you want close games or how bad you want a World Series cuz he could lock it down last time we saw you you’re not playing well Baltimore no blew a lead blew a lead last night should have lost to the white socks dropped three toss uh here in St Louis how bad do you want to win Baltimore all it’s going to cost you as Jackson holiday like gri said you don’t like him anyways it’s going to cost you bring on home cost you a lot cost you a little the other question that Jim Bowden threw out there how bad or it was asked how bad will The Cardinals have to get before they tear it all down at the deadline his response I think the Cardinals will be sellers at the trade deadline I believe they’ll listen on most of their players outside of Sunny gray Jordan Walker and Mason wi don’t be surprised to Paul gold Schmid offseason signings Lance Lyn and Kyle Gibson and the team’s Elite closer Ryan Hesley are all dealt at the deadline in a dramatic restructuring of the roster for 2025 and Beyond that’s intriguing I I don’t think it’s G to happen you don’t think that that could be that would change where you’re headed if you were to do that I think teams that kind of know who they are would do something like that what are you saying I don’t think the Cardinals know who the hell they are I I think they’re I think they think they’re a team that can just retool constantly we’re good we just retool we just retool we just R they’re not going to trade gold Schmid and helsley and Lynn and Gibson and all maybe Lynn and Gibson because they’re on expiring deals but I and gold Schmid I guess for that matter but do you want them to be at a position where you could see if this is going to happen and do you want them to just I think this is a good question do you cuz I’m saying it’s my question so clearly I think it’s a good question yes Gary you’re brilliant go ahead ask your question do you think would you rather see if this were were able to come to fruition where they get to a point where they are kind of a middling team and at the trade deadline they are sellers or would you rather them just hang around just enough if I told you they were going to trade off those pieces for sure or hang on just enough to possibly make it to the playoffs which would you rather see I would rather see a defined whatever it is but but very defined so you don’t get defined well they’re either in it and they’re not no you’re you’re you’re you’re right there that’s my it’s my question I get to ask it how you don’t you can’t I can’t alter it N I looked at the I looked at the men the parameters of what this is not at the menu I just want to swap no no no no no our staple rest our restaurant comes with staples you can’t you change anything we are training anybody we’re trading four people we’re 8-2 in the last 10 we got the Cubs who stink coming in this weekend we’re going to sweep them we’re going to get back to 500 and then we’re going to beat the Reds cuz they stink and we’re going to keep going from there I don’t want to hear anything about getting rid of anybody because we are going to win more games than we did last year and be in it in the final week of the season dude the best part and car I think you missed it I we’re on this delay here so I’m I looked at the YouTube yeah you should have seen this so he grabbed the glasses which I didn’t see I saw him grab the glasses I didn’t know he put them on I I knew he was I figured I didn’t see it but I looked up and Marsh is like this with the glasses I did see him I missed that old part and as soon as he it he put it on it was like he he went into it was like Jim Cary in the it was wow that’s hilarious all right well you have Marsh’s answer uh for me no I want to see him win you sure you didn’t sound very you didn’t that that was the least confident I want to see them win I’ve ever heard I want to see him win I want to I want to see him win I want to see him buy it I want to see him buy it I I don’t want another losing season all right yeah I want to see him win just checking yeah I’m sick of this crap yeah let’s just win let’s just win let’s just win let’s just get in they should do some anything can happen right they should do a slogan like a Just Wind baby you know uh that one is already taken something original I haven’t heard that one before at about whatever it takes what’s that I’m looking at it now you watching Marsh it’s amazing whatever it takes I think is gone as well think that I think that one is uh yeah it’s probably trademarked you got to find something that is unique to your city your town just get in it’s available got it just get in just do it just do it that’s a really just do it just get it done there was a a campaign 80s 90s it’s probably still going it’s Nike you can’t can’t take that one what about like have it your way oh cuz you want to have it your way when it comes to winning that one Tak I’m pretty sure that one’s gone also not from a sports team though right no that no maybe you know the Cardinals used to be the St Louis is brown so maybe the slogan is what can Brown do for you yeah no that’s UPS ah yeah we’re going to have to we’re going to have to we’re going to have to sit down and and throw some more darts at the I got a good one what about eating good in the neighborhood eating good in the neighborhood yes we are jamus Winston and eaten Innings eaten e eat eaten W’s right um how about uh melts in your mouth not in your hand that’s IM when you go to the ballpark no n NOP not going to work either okay you got spitball in the break let me know what you come up with preferably something that isn’t already okay used and trademarked and been around for 30 4 years uh no name came up with a good one I just can’t mention it but we appreciate it yeah definitely not using fly the W though no no we don’t like that that is dumb see yeah you guys dumb they won’t be flying anything we be flying home after they lose three in a row oh Eric got a Great One Taste the rainbow that’s a Great Taste the rainbow will wins there’s a pot of gold at the end rain which is that one also is taken the money that can carry uh you’ve been real negative throughout this whole idea session I didn’t think there was any bad ideas but apparently they’re only bad IDE those are bad ideas get you get you sued fellas uh I also like I also lik JS I don’t know if it if it works for the Cardinals but um yeah I like it it’s SN pit what happens first we’re going to play that next 314 399 9646 what happens first if you got an air Air Comfort Service uh you know scenario for us throw it out there that’s next wonder1 ESPN e e e e e e e e 101 ESPN sports center I’m Andrew Marsh it’s time for a sports center update driven by Johnny LOF Chevrolet and Johnny LOF aut Lex the Cardinals take on the Cubs tonight with Miles Michael is taking the mound going up against Shota imanaga first pitch is at 7:15 we’ve been talking Cardinals baseball all day long if you missed anything from today’s show make sure you go to 101 or check out the free 101 mobile app just head to the podcast page you’ll find all of our interviews and full shows there and it’s all brought to you by dos Tire and Auto Centers tonight on 101 ESPN you can listen to game two between the Florida Panthers and the New York Rangers the Panthers lead that series one game to nothing pregame for that one starts at 6:30 we have what happens first coming up next so if you have a what happens first statement you want to send our way do so using the Air Comfort Service text line 314 399 9646 what happens first coming up next I’m Andrew Marsh and the sports center update is driven by Johnny L Chevrolet and Johnny L autolex see them at Chevy together we drive are you kidding me [Music] it’s a fast L 101 ESPN before we get into what happens first we had a very spirited very passionate uh listener who was listening last segment and I had said something that got him or her fired up so we wanted to address it from the 314 is this guy freaking serious the Browns and the Cardinals are totally separate baseball teams I hope to God you were only saying that to make a joke I didn’t hear what you said what what did I miss I said the Cardinals used to be the Browns which is not is not the case what I meant was St Louis used to have the Browns so why don’t they go with the UPS what could Brown for you I was so excited to do the what could Brown do for you that I ioke I misspoke yeah it happened it was all in justest it was all a joke I don’t want this person to do harm to him or herself or to you actually because I fear for both if you don’t get it right Anthony well what the hell are you doing right and that’s it was a joke our motto I misspoke we don’t want to be wrong as I was excited did I misspoke saw thought of another slogan that’s that’s on me please don’t harm me or yourself you don’t want to I’m concerned about both yeah we get things wrong around here every now and then every once in a while yep every segment Paul Gorman Paul Gorman’s one of them Craig Seager what did you call Craig what’ you call him Bob uker Craig yuker what’ you call him yeah what did I call Bob uker Steve uker ster Steve uker I can understand Paul Gorman yeah Craig SE very close to Craig Seager CRA Cory Seager Cory Seager you know yeah either way I apologize Craig Sager had the best outfits he used to have best suits all over the place very I love them I mean you had to have you know something about you to go out the house dressed Swagger yeah yeah are we ready for what happens first oh yeah oh yeah let’s do it from the 573 what happens first Josh Allen beats the Chiefs in the playoffs or the Browns cut their loss and move on from Deshawn Watson oh the Browns cut the losses why would why would the Bills beat the the Chiefs in the playoffs Anthony you you better not have you just got on me yesterday for saying the Chiefs weren’t going to win the Super Bowl you’re essentially saying the same thing I said yesterday yeah if Mahomes ever got hurt uh if Mahomes ever got hurt I could see the bills what what are you doing bills upsetting the Chiefs didn’t you get on me about hurting someone’s ankle yesterday yeah but you literally hurt someone I’m saying who anle whose ankle did I hurt yesterday I think it was Jackson when you were sidest stepping to him you ended up doing that like spin move and you broke his ankles in the hallway is that what you’re talking about I it was a player Oh whose ankle oh yeah I heard yesterday I don’t remember it was a quarterback was it yeah I can’t I can’t remember what I did five minutes ago Caleb Williams to J his I don’t know maybe was it Aaron Rogers no he’s already done that to himself yeah I don’t knowes I can’t remember what I ate for breakfast today let alone something somebody else I don’t even know what we’re doing this segment before the segment starts anyways um no yeah it’s definitely the Browns moving on from that disastrous disastrous contract good job used to be the Cardinals the Arizona Cardinals yes they did yeah did you know the St Louis Browns were in St Louis I did know that not affiliated to the Cardinals in any way sh form became Baltimore Orioles you say St Louis first gives it away St Louis Browns maybe maybe if the Cardinals trade Ryan Hesley to the Orioles they’ll just move back to St Louis and return yeah good call it’s in play a real good thought mhm good answer from the 314 what happens first Nolan arado hits the 10home Run Mark or Jordan Walker gets called back up Jordan Walker gets called back up yeah I would say so too I don’t how many home runs do you think Nolan are noan arado is going to hit this year 15 how many does he have right now three why’d you make that face uh yeah he’s going to hit uh [Music] H let’s see here three right is that what he has Marsh believe so let me see you don’t know he’s got three yeah Paul Gman has four okay um well it’s early in the season is it yeah I’m going to say he has 15 he’s going to finish with 15 career low that’s not good no and I don’t know if it’s career low so nobody check me on it just trust you just trust me Anthony I believe you thank you been solid in the last 10 minutes he had 10 his rookie year and he had eight in 2020 but we don’t care damn it Carrie well I mean qualified qualified years he he his rookie year he played 133 okay well get off car what did I say I an he was just joking I apologize no I wasn’t joking that time I told you I didn’t know 15 next one from the water boy what happens first Justin field starts a game for the Steelers or Michael pennick Jr starts a game for the Falcons this should be a good one between you two field Fields yeah cuz he’s going to start game one week one I don’t know if it’s week one maybe that’s who angled I heard yesterday was it Russell yeah it might have been Russell I don’t I don’t know yeah no I think it’s Justin Fields cuz Ross is going to not cook Russ actually had pretty good numbers last year look at his numbers compared to uh Patty ice what is his name Patrick Mahomes I don’t want to call him Patty ice I think Matty Ice yeah not the same guy not at all no Mat Matty Ice had a had an MV he had a really good career one MVP yeah one one Super Bowl win no no no no no no they actually lost that game I know you turned it off at the third quarter I don’t want to talk about it um yeah no I don’t think I don’t think penx is going to see the field this year I say Justin Fields when Kirky boy loses in the first round of the playoffs then they’ll go you know if we had penck in there we would have won I just I just don’t like that you don’t give Kirk Cousins his just do see that’s the funny thing I give him his just do just just exactly what I think I think he puts up good regular season numbers that can’t be questioned but then you watch him play and you’re like wow this guy leaves a lot to be desired but oh let me look at the stat sheet oh he didn’t have that bad of a game what’s my deal with him and then the next week the same crap happens I’m just oh he just came up short his team didn’t win but oh look at his stats H pretty good can’t be his fault okay it’s not like it’s a team game Anthony listen I liked kurk cousins more when he was called Derek Carr that is awful you’re not going to believe this from the 724 the Cardinals were actually the Browns in 1892 to 1898 yes now listen to this I will the Browns joined the National League when the American Association folded after the 19 or I’m sorry after the 1891 season and have remained a member ever since the team has been known as the St Louis Cardinals since 1900 this was the Browns final season before moving from the original Sportsman’s Park to new Sportsman’s Park where they would remain until 1920 when they would return to the original Sportsman’s Park well so that’s I won’t I’m still a little confused here but I won’t hold my breath but I’ll wait for your apology they turned it off after they got their message Foss I’ll just I I’ll I’ll be here waiting for your apology even though I was totally joking I didn’t mean it the way it came out I still I’m going to be very spite very spiteful and vengeful here as we all know you can be that’s whoa I mean we all can be I can too what the hell you talking about tell you what I’m talking about as we know that you can be and I can be not all of us you said you I apologize that we all know we can be that’s better especially in this one got a text from the 573 I tune in and expect Perfection not jokes D then you might be listening to the wrong show I don’t know all right is that it for us for what happens first what do we do two yeah so here we go here we go just uh throw this out there with the Browns thing we got we got to we got to nail this we got to get this down we got to get this right so St Louis Cardinals 1900 present St Louis perfectos 1899 St Louis Browns 1892 to 1898 St Louis Browns 1883 to 1891 that was dou a St Louis Brown stockings 1882 also double A so I think Anthony was right nailed it thanks guys they became yep deserves or I’m sorry Anthony you deserve an apology appreciate yeah thank you thank you on that Marsh you know it’s okay we all make mistakes that was my we all make mistakes not you though no I definitely do not on that one though not on this one though I got lucky today it wasn’t a joke actually it wasn’t a joke I was spot on I know my history um I questioned it when that person that uh you know came in off the top rope on me I questioned myself and I think that’s the biggest issue that’s the biggest mistake I made Carrie yeah was questioning myself you know what I mean you never should do that no okay good job thanks proud of you why don’t we what do we got there see it’s not that easy is it Rememberance we got some stats oh well you looking at a board I don’t have a board to look ah is the promotion of Statistics ruining Sports I’ll tell you what’s ruining Sports next I want to win e e e e e e e e [Music] it’s the fast L on 101 ESPN couple of days ago guys from PTI were talking about O’Neal Cruz and they they had a discussion about whether or not statistics the promotion of Statistics are ruining Sports here’s the audio first then we’ll dive into the discussion so let me ask you something the vo the exit vo does it mean he’s a better hitter than Tony Gwyn who might have dribbled the F through the infield in his day and hit about you know 330 career and flirted with 400 once meia better hitter than him and so so what so what he’s a 260 hitter so why do I give a damn about the exit V I don’t and so I I guess people need this Tony to become interested and more fascinated they go oh wow not only do I not go oh wow it has started the ruination of watching sports for me numbers like this repeatedly and put up on the screen day in day out it has ruined it because people aren’t concentrating on the fact that he is too 60 instead of 330 they’re concentrating on exit vlo what do you think about Michael wilbon’s comments there love it people don’t even care about batting average anymore it’s all about how hard you hit it could you get out you sitting down in The Dugout after you hit it 115 miles an hour right to the first baseman yeah cool like I want guys that hit the ball they get on base that those things in my opinion produce runs now people will say well if you’re hitting the ball hard it’s more than likely going to find yeah maybe but you can also find a spot without hitting the ball like a rocket every time it comes off your bat he brought up Tony Gwyn one of my favorite players because he’s going to find a way to hit the ball he’s going to hit the ball and have success like th those are the things that excite me like getting on base getting hits putting yourself in a position to score run those are the things that matter you know icho icho he was going to get on base was he going to hit rocket every time he h didn’t no but he would get on base he would find a way find a gap the ball would be in play and you put yourself in your team in the position to score run when you’re on the bases yeah as opposed to hitting a line shot right at somebody and now you’re sitting in the in the Dugout waiting on your next turn or waiting on your your your next two outs so you can go out into the field and and play baseball again MH it does almost devalue the game because you’re taking you’re putting and I think that this is part of baseball’s problem is they put so much stock into the numbers and the analytics where you said when I asked you earlier about batting averages the simplest form of finding out how well a person is doing how many bats you had versus how many hits you got yeah how how much simpler is that that’s the simplest thing that that all of these analytics have you know RB run scored those things matter I I just think it it takes away you know the value of the game when you start putting more value into how hard a ball is being hit versus whether whether or not a guy got on base because of a hit so I think that you know this this remind like the statistical conversation reminds me of when products don’t when products fail did the products fail because the product wasn’t good enough or did the product fail because consumers didn’t understand it I think both things can be true well if they don’t understand it then they’re not gonna right they they won’t buy it exactly so I think that when you think of and I don’t I I can’t think off the top of my head of a of a product that you know just didn’t work out because consumers didn’t understand it the bottom line is they didn’t buy it right whatever it is so some some piece of technology comes out and it’s supposed to do this that and the other thing okay great we don’t understand it we don’t buy into it and then it falls apart this is where I think we’re at with Statistics we don’t understand them we don’t understand what they’re for we don’t understand why they’re being used the media Us in the media we don’t use them right so we don’t present them right and then us as consumers don’t want to buy them we don’t want to buy any we don’t want them on our screen like will bong was saying we don’t want to be saturated with it we don’t care that is what I think is happened here Carrie statistics are just an evaluation of a player MH if a guy hits the ball if he hits a rocket nine out of 10 times but he only only gets a hit four times does that make him a worse hitter than the guy who had 10 dribbles up the third base line but got on base eight times no the line drive hitter is a better hitter but did he get on base did he help my team win did he did he come around to score because he got no does that make sense yeah it does but I would say that that person that hit the dribbler up Third Base probably has other attributes that probably speed like he he has called luck he has other attributes that allow him to be as valuable or maybe more valuable because if he’s hitting dribblers up the Third Base Line and he’s making it and sprinting the first base chances are he’s probably coming around and score because he’s got some speed like there are things that you know that that you have that allow you to still be good at the game that don’t require you to hit the ball 112 miles off the bat every single time you’re hitting the baseball like is that good yeah when it’s in play is it good when it’s in someone’s glove right probably not all I’m saying is if we’re not buying it then then they they should stop selling it that’s that’s all I’m saying but they won’t because because the numbers in their opinion I again I’m I’m not one of those people that’s smart enough to uh to even handle like I can’t I can’t digest all of those numbers at once angle not many people can did he get on base did he score what’s the final score those are the numbers I need sure did he get a hit he did did he help my team win did he help my team win that’s all we care about no you got to see the exit vo on this guy that’s like the that’s like the guy you know what that what I equate that to you ever I see this all the time I see these guys that that you know can jump out the gym they are dunkers W they dunk and then why isn’t he in the NBA he can’t shoot he can’t dribble right he can’t he’s he’s spacular look he can’t do anything else it’s like hitting the ball hard you hit the ball hard did he get on base can the guy make a jumper he can dunk he can jump out of the gym can he can he can he make a pass can he bounce pass can he dribble with his left hand you gonna force him right every time cuz he he for force him left he can’t dribble with his left hand like what else can you do and I think that that to me is what what makes a great baseball player now if you if you’re capable of hitting line drives and hitting smoking the ball 100 plus miles hour and it’s coming off the bat and you’re getting on base and you come around and score great I’ll clap it up for you yeah but if not I don’t I don’t care get out of my face yes please as a fast sign on 101 ESPN what is fangraphs currently saying about our Cardinals that’s next on 101 ESPN e e e e e e e [Music] 503 your time check is brought to you by claron Jewelers an officially licensed Rolex Jeweler with Andrew Marsh and Carri Davis I’m Anthony stalon new Jamie Rivers today Jamie took some time off head down to I believe the lake for Memorial Day um Brooks gate tweeted this out fangraphs projected win totals pre-season versus currents and it’s a graphic that they that they shared the Cardinals right now if I can find this here the Cardinals are I may not see them right hand side thank you minus four from where they were preseason compared to now so 83 and 79 is what fan graphs predicted for your Cardinals coming into the 83 and 79 they’re projected to go 79 and 83 so they’re minus four from the as far as win total from where they were in the preseason to now 79 wins guys not great not great at all the team that they whiffed on the most the Royals which is understandable they projected them for 73 wins they’re now on Pace for 86 the team that they screwed up on the most again this one this one makes sense the Marlins MH projected them for 79 wins not great but now 68 is their current win total tough yeah it’s not good so the again the Cardinals we we keep talking about you know they winning games it’s it’s exciting and all that but they’re still only projected to win 79 games this year that makes me feel sad MH especially when you look at the Brewers were projected to win 84 games this year the Pirates are projected to win 77 so only two less than the Cardinals the Cubs projected to win 83 games this season Reds are 74 so Reds look like they’re going to finish in last place with the with the projections when you see these projections do you feel like front offices look not that they look at these fan graph projections but they probably have their own projections as well like okay yeah we think we’re going to win about 85 to 9 games this year and then that sort of goes into how they build a roster I hope not uh based on the projections no not not based on like Fang graph projections but they just maybe they have their own projections we feel good about this team we think we can get to this spot and then we can make it into the playoffs because we feel as if the Brewers and the Cubs are projected to be a little bit lower than us yeah and so we don’t need to go out and get an extra starting pitcher and now I’m not saying that that’s what they do but do you feel like maybe they are a bit content with where they’re at based off of what other teams are sort of projected to do from their own mind that’s an interesting question I don’t know I don’t know if they were on their own model projections and they say here’s here’s where we’re at if so if that’s what you’re saying like oh we’re good then that makes me sad too I would hope you spend most of your time focusing on your own yard yes not the neighbors worrying about how you can make your team better how you can you know win more games and and not so much focusing on well you know they got the Brewers predicted to win 86 games so we’re we’re we’re good we’re right there I think that that’d be rough I think that would be I think that would be a waste of time and a a waste of resources I think you should be focused on yourself I completely agree with you I understand your question though your question’s kind of like all right so here’s here’s what our projections are saying uh we’re projected to win two more games in the Cubs you know what changes do we do we need to make changes or are projections right now have us a little bit lower than what we thought now we need to add something I don’t know yeah the thing that that is troubling about predictions is injuries I mean you can have all of these numbers are based on your team being completely healthy for 162 games which we know that that is not going to happen no one had Wilson contras missing two months with a broken forearm from a hit from a baseball bat like no one expected that so I think it’s hard to you have to focus on your team and what you can do to be better and solely say and and and we joke about it a lot that we say that the Cardinals don’t do much because they know that the division is not supposed to be great but I think that that’s a terrible way to look at it like you really have to focus on how can we be better because the ultimate goal is not just beating the Brewers in your division the ultimate goal is beating the Yankees in the world series or or you know the Boston Red Sox and whoever you end up playing that should be the UL the Dodgers in the NLCS that should be the ultimate goal yeah and to your point I feel like you have to you have to understand that some teams are going to just outplay what they’re supposed to do in the National League central for what the last at least 10 years there’s at least one team that has been there with you and so you can’t just go into a year thinking well you know we’re going to win the division because these teams are crappy the Brewers they got rid of their manager they’ve gotten rid of a few other pieces right no they continue to show you that doesn’t matter who they put on the field they’re going to find ways to win and as of recent the not the last 10 games but the last year and a half or year and however many months too that you’ve found ways to lose yes you have yeah you’re right I don’t know it’s it it’s interesting not being in the room and understanding what what like the philosophy is for the Cardinals outside of yes hey anything can happen we just got to get in I I would love to know if they do view it as hey the anal Central stinks we just have to we don’t have to outrun you know everybody we just have to outrun the slowest you know the slowest team I hate that line of thinking I think that’s how the Cardinals think but I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know if that’s a fact or not I think it’s a horrible way to look at things well they kind of tell us so when they say yeah if we win the division you know anything can happen so that is where you’re setting your your standard that makes me angry does that make you like throw up a little bit in your mouth oh totally because to Marsha’s point so Marsha said what you know 30 seconds ago about how this team and I’ve made this point too this team over the years has only really had to beat one team there was one year maybe two years some outliers where you had two right where you had like the Cubs the Brewers and you know Pirates but it it’s always been either either the reds or the Brewers or the Cubs or the pirates for two years Pirates are two years you only really had to beat one other team and you could say well isn’t that how it is in other other uh divisions no not all of them usually you have two teams that you’re competing with in other divisions this one historically and consistently one team yeah and your thought process has been we just got to win the division we’re good no you’re setting such a low bar for your roster and and again like I said because even if you win the division you got to play other teams like you got to beat the Braves at some point you got to beat the Dodgers you got to beat Phillies like just to get out of the the the league and make it into the World Series like you have to beat those teams so if you’re only focused on just being good enough because you know the red we don’t have to worry about them we don’t have to worry about the Brewers we don’t have to worry if that’s your main focus yeah maybe you’ll maybe you will make it out and win the division but what are you going to do after that yeah and I think the the the line of thinking needs to change now that there’s three Wild Card teams because now you’re only in a two- game series anything can happen or not a two- game series but uh a three- game series two out of you got to win two anything can happen and we saw that against the Phillies absolutely you it at least right now I believe if it’s not going to be World Series is our standard it has to at least be we want to get one of the top two spots so we can get HomeField Advantage for that Division Series and maybe even the the LCS but we want a little time off too we want to see who we’re going to play and we’re not putting ourselves in a position to where it has to come down to a three- game series we want to get that five game series right right so we can showcase what we have over more games you would think that would be you you think that would be the the thought process on that all right why has a full rebuild become less trendy we’ll get in that next on 10 WI usn hey it’s Carrie and if you’re a contractor or you own a business that needs recycling then you need to learn more about my good friends over at scrap Mark metals they are tailor made for your business to meet your schedule and your budget scrap Mar understands that job site cleanup for contractors can be a mess but if you set up a business account with them they can help you recycle that metal it’s one less thing you have to do during cleanup if you own heavy equipment you understand how frustrating it is often having to repair it over and over and over again eventually it’s going to break down completely and you’re going to have to get rid of it scrap Mar will come get it out of your way they’ll haul your equipment to one of their locations and get you a check the same day or if you like to you can haul it yourself they have three convenient locations Valley Park peely Jonesburg if it’s metal they will buy it it’s recycling Made Easy they offer a convenient drive on scale and they have the highest payout you will always get top dollar for your scrap metals just visit them at scrap Mar Metals my guy Lucas can talk to you about setting up a business account to get you rolling again that’s scrap marm and tell him car sent you e e e e you’re losing anyway but nobody wants to say we’re rebuilding and the third Wild Card complicates matters because you look at the Cardinals and you see how poorly they have played although the past week they actually inched up in the stands a little bit if you’re just looking at it that way you say yeah deal gmid deal Aon a bring up Walker bring up uh Victor Scott the Speedster who’s the next Vince Coleman they think and just go with that but they’re right on the cusp of the playoffs and they have a fan base that wants to have some hope but you never do it well enough when you come back to be a pennant winning team or a World Series you’re absolutely correct but that carrot of the third wild card and especially what’s happened with wild card teams you know like the Padres like the Diamondbacks it’s an incentive not to do what in the big picture maybe you should do all right so the voices that you heard there were Brian Kenny and Bob cus mag uh Mad Dog Russo was also there as well they’re talking about rebuilds first of all I think I think there Bob cus not surprisingly he nailed the the thought process here in St Louis Cardinal fans want to see a winner they want to see their teams in the playoffs they want they don’t want to see a rebuil I also think Brian Kenny played into what Brian Kenny typically does Brian Kenny only thinks about kind of like the practical sense of it all practically you’re not good enough to do X Y and Z so why not rebuild the problem with what Brian Kenny is is saying though is that there is no guarantee for that you’re only talking about percentages percentage wise if you rebuild now in three years you’ll have a better chance to to win okay but that there’s no guarantee of it so why don’t you continue to do what you just said Carrie build upon which you’ve started you don’t have to do a complete tear down but you do have to get better so what are the areas you need to get better at you need a better starting pitching staff and you also need th those guys aces are drafted and developed I know there’s garri Cole’s and I know there’s some outliers I get that you know Zach Wheeler’s bounced around a couple times now there’s always outliers however typically aces are developed so that that to me is where you have to start that doesn’t entail a full rebuild it entails you holding on to the damn pitchers that you actually drafted and developed instead of giving them away for Marcel Ozuna for two years is is it a rebuild if you’re essentially trading because we’re talking about three players in my opinion if you were to start over air quotes start over you would be talking about probably three players that you would be moving on moving goldm helsley and arnado that’s it yeah Lynn and Gibson would also be part of it but they’re much older and me I got what you’re saying yeah so if you’re starting if you’re starting over air quotes you’re you’re really only moving on from three players which could really change the entire future of of the organization if that’s the choice that you CH if that’s the choice you made yeah I don’t know that that’s that terrible of an idea if you were in the position that you needed to reset some things and I I think the rebuild would happen much quicker because what you’re going to get in return for Nolan arnado what you’re going to get in return for uh Ryan hillsley what you would get in return for Paul Gman if he starts hitting the ball at the level we’ve known him too for one season a team that that just we need that bat you could really be looking at a rebuild that could be much quicker than a 3 to 5e process it could be one to two years if if those younger players perform at the level I think Alec burles has shown you he he’s capable of it I think um Brendan Donovan has shown you he’s capable of Mason wi is showing you that he’s capable of it is Lars Newar is Nolan Gorman is Jordan Walker are they capable of doing it consistently if they are well what the hell we talking about right Wilson CZ when he’s healthy that to me sounds like a lineup coupled with some Aces starting pitching and some things in the bullpen that could really help you be not just a team that wins the Division and is an 83 to 85 win team we’re talking 9095 90 92 95 wins in my opinion you’re right I mean this is this is a situ the more you talk the more you kind of outline some of these guys it is it’s just about pitching it’s about starting Young starting pitching young cost control top end starting pitching not guys like no offense of them but like Dakota Hudson and um who’s the other guy that used to run out all the time so Dakota Hudson and which one Andre Palante no no no Jake Woodford before that it was John Gant right like have guys that you know could be at the top end of your rotation I realize that that’s that’s it’s not like shopping shopping down at Aldi oh it’s down aisle 3 just find the starting pictures there I get that Aldi is a good store but believe it or it is but believe it or not believe it or not Carrie other teams are doing that yeah you know what I mean like they are developing young stud pitching or they’re finding it they’re bad teams and they’re finding it the freaking Royals are finding top end pitching you’re the St Louis Cardinals you should be able to find top end pitching either in your organization in the drafts or if you can’t do it yourself you can trade for it that’s what I’m saying some the Dodgers seem to do it pretty well yeah year after year but the Dodgers also I mean Walker buer I mean the Julio Urus before he ran into offseason I’m saying offield ISS trade for it with them oh I see what you’re saying acquire the you don’t have to do the work Dodgers develop those guys and then we’ll bring them in there you go try not to ruin them yeah yeah that’s not a bad thought I you know it is interesting going back to that whole like rebuild rebuild or or retool I’ve also thought about this idea of you know how many times are you trading with bad teams bad teams don’t know what they’re doing no can you when you are a seller typically you’re you’re selling to contenders so Baltimore from a draft standpoint they know what they’re doing you know you hope that if you make enough deals with the with the Orioles they’re they’re going to give you something you know good in return I wouldn’t deal with the Rays because if the Rays don’t want that guy then that’s telling you everything I.E Matthew Liberator you know what I mean like if you’re making a deal with the Rays although Andrew kitridge has been good but he wasn’t a prospect he you were you he was he was somebody he’s a major league yeah you you’ve already seen him at the big league level but dealing with teams that know how to draft and develop when you’re a seller is a huge Advantage you just don’t want to be seller too much as it is but I I don’t know I I just don’t I don’t see the Cardinals ever fully rebuilding I I just think that but I don’t know that that’s to me that feels more like a re retool which is go which goes back to the question I asked you earlier would you rather them not be good at the trade deadline and make some of those moves and then you’re in a position with the youth that you have and some of Wilson contas is a veteran Brendan Donovan is a veteran Lars Newar is on the cusp I guess of young guy veteran your team has made a shift and you are much better because of it right and I I so I I I’m on the fense like if you’re going I this is how I feel if you’re going to just barely be right there and maybe not make the playoffs then go ahead make the moves yeah this then that’s again why I keep continue to say I’m not I’m not going to be excited until they’re over 500 I get you I because middling is g to get you nothing okay but let me ask you this do you think that’s what they would do no okay which is why on the same page you got to have some some for ude here you got to have some some gumption see it Envision it risk some don’t be risk averse yeah take some risk and I don’t know if it’s a risk if you’re moving on from older gentlemen bringing younger guys in that are really good supposed to be what are you what are you listen out on you want we got a text from the 618 why do we talk about Goldie like he’s a scrub we wouldn’t be talking about yachty our Albert like that he’s a future Hall of Famer okay yeah no he’s a future Hall of Famer he’s fantastic he’s uh he’s he’s done so much in Major League Baseball he’s incredible you but there’s a reason why you don’t say that about yti he was homegrown he was yours from the start but I’m I’m interpret what they’re what they’re saying is like why are we disrespecting golden I I assumed it was because we wouldn’t say that about yachty or or Albert because they were homegrown we’ve we’ve criticized but nobody was trying to trade him we tried to trade Goldie because he’s he’s 30 something years old and he still has he would still have value you wouldn’t trade yachty because of what he meant to the organization you wouldn’t trade yachty because he’s probably one of the best catchers to ever play the game I don’t want to freak out here are you putting are you putting yachty and Goldie in the same category and Albert in the same category as what they meant to the organization sounds like it because if that’s the case then I I don’t know I don’t know if if if I could say anything to convince you otherwise or are you just upset because we’re we’re in your opinion we’re disrespecting Paul Goldman I’m viewing him as and and I’m sorry this is just how it goes but I’m viewing Goldie as an asset mhm a year ago I would have dealt him because he probably could have got you something good to set you up for the future players are assets and for an organization and the good organizations as much as a as a former player I understand this as much as we hate it the good organizations trade your butt before you’re not a a good asset anymore correct a year before you hit the point where Paul goid is hit right now yeah and it doesn’t matter who you are Joe Montana played for another team you know and how’ the 49ers do they still they they won a championship they won a Super Bowl yeah so Tom Brady played for another team like it’s it’s Peyton Manning played for another team like at some point you move on and you try to figure out how to continue to be successful despite getting rid of your your best players or what were once your best players and I wouldn’t trade I wouldn’t have trade yotti because of all of the things that you got with the pitching staff too his his ability to command the pitching staff he was he was an extra coach on the field it’s not to me it’s not the same and and Albert played for another team yeah B bottom line is is that yachty and Albert won titles here and they’re Legends in St Louis and why what happens with that marshy legends never died yes nice job marshy I don’t know if you’re setting yourself up sounds like you were and you deserve a sloa you know what he was doing well done Marsh all right that’s Andrew Marsh Davis he knew he knew he time Beat the Streak biggest question of the day we do need a new Beat the Streak contestant so if you want to text in uh Beat the Streak or BTS 314 399 9646 the air comt service taxt line have an opportunity to play Beat the Streak with us next e e e e e e e e e 101 ESPN sports center I’m manre Marsh it’s time for a sports center update brought to you by salga Heating and Cooling the Cardinals take on the Cubs tonight 7:15 first pitch miles michelis going up against sha imanaga if you’ve missed anything from today’s show make sure you go to 101 or check out the free 101 mobile app just head to the the podcast page and you’ll find all of our interviews and full shows there and it’s all brought to you by dos Tire and Auto Centers tonight we’ll have the Florida Panthers going up against the New York Rangers game two of that series as Florida leads the series one game to zero pregame for that one starts at 6:30 coming up next though we have Beat the Streak and biggest question of the day I’m Andrew Marsh in the sports center update is brought to you by SGA Heating and Cooling an independent American standard heating and air conditioning dealer we streaking I want to hit baseballs all of my successes depend on me you’re ready to hit the hits just keep on coming and his first big league hit is a bullet up the [Applause] middle time to play Beat the Streak here in the fast L on 101 ESPN Carri Davis Andrew Marsh Anthony Stalter we welcome in Brian for Beat the Streak what’s up Brian not much how’s it going going pretty well thank you sir uh Marsh I know you just gave me the order but what what’s the current streaks okay so Jamie is in first place right now he has a current streak of five Carry has a current streak of one Anthony your streak is back to zero after gunar Henderson did not record a hit Michael CI did not record a hit so I am at zero and then Justin picked noan arado and he did not get a hit either so that is why Brian is in today okay uh so Jim’s up first and he text texted us Burleson correct yes all right so Burleson is off the board CD you’re up um I’m going to go with Mason wi I I should have picked him for my home run cuz he’s going to hit a lead off home run today okay start the game off in the right way I like that yep got 11 game hidden Street started off early nice yeah so oh why don’t you go ahead and give me Cody Bellinger oh where you going with the Cs yeah that’s correct why would you do that cuz I don’t want to go go up against sh imaga man that’s just a thought same line of thinking for me um got to stop it m you hush your mouth we’ll stop nothing what are you guys doing huh I’m going to go with NI her Nico Herer okay and Brian um well he’s on my fantasy so I need him to do something give me if you would help me finish Anthony Jimmy Nolan ronado thank you sir there you go Brian all right so Jamie’s got Alec burison CD got Mason win I took Cody Bellinger Marsh took Nico Herer and Brian took go ahead Brian Brian noan arado Brian good luck to you man have a great weekend you too do enjoy the holiday yeah thanks brother we’ll see you all right that’s see you that’s Beat the Streak here on 101 ESPN Gator Anthony went with the cubby weak I go with the other team all the time come on Gator you know that you’re a loyal listener let him know Gator oh stop I do too just not today yeah not tonight all right Marsh fire it off it’s time for the Fast Lanes biggest question of the day all right so we got a question from the 314 sort of jumping off from that Paul gmid conversation we were just having from 314 you really think the Cardinals would pay somebody to take gold Schmid because that’s what it would require for any team to take him what do you think his trade value is right now and could it get better if he continues to progress like what we’ve seen in the past few days few you know week or so Cardinals are playing better if the Cardinals were to be sellers at the deadline you’re not you don’t have to pay anybody to take on gold Smith’s so he’s a rental at this point so there’s no that that wouldn’t be the case now if he’s terrible you’re not going to get much for him but you’re not going to to pay there’s nothing left on his on his deal after this year yeah so I I don’t yeah that’s that’s a that’s a nonstarter um again though are you getting anything in you know in return that’s that’s a that’s decent if he’s struggling no that’s probably more the concern than know the finance money here’s the bottom line you’re going you would get more from R for for Ryan Hy than you would for Paul Goldman even if Paul Goldman were been to cover off the ball at the time you would still get more Prospect currency for Ryan Hy there’s two reasons for that one there’s going to be more of a market for Ryan Helly in other words there’s going to be more teams bidding for Ryan hle services to to be their closer than there will be for Paul goldshmid there won’t be oh as I smacked my mic there won’t be you know countless teams looking for a first baseman while also being in contention so that’s one there’s going to be a bigger marker for Hy two Hy’s under contract for next year you got to pick you got to go got to go through through arbitration and all that but you would still Hy is not a rental goldmit would be so if you’re serious about selling hle you got to you would have to sell sell off with hle what about a package deal see I think would you get more I think you’d get less believe it not yep I think you’d get less I think this is why pres why GMS often separate the to mhm that way they can get more bites at the Apple they can drum up more interest yeah um you did that last year with the Rangers where you coupled the two who was it it was um it was Montgomery and Stratton right yeah separate they that was that was both the Rangers and Stratton also came from the pirates for Jose canana and you gave up Juan oo but Johan oo but I think I I think ultimately if you separate the two you should you should get more theoretically as opposed to hey it’s a pack it’s a two for one it’s a package yeah no no thank you yeah so those are my thoughts on Hy I agree and goldi for that matter I I think again and and Hy is a year young is is younger sure not a year he’s a few years younger uh than goldi I I just think that whatever you get it and we’re talking again I know people listen to us and they’re like they want the Cardinal to lose so they can be Traders uh sellers at the trade deadline that’s not we want him to win but if they are going to lose get really good really fast potentially yeah you get the right people yep same texter texted back saying uh Goldie will still be owed 13 million come July Anthony you’re just wrong you would absolutely have to pay that to get somebody to take him then why trade him I think that’s what that textor is saying okay let me St let me take a step back then it’s either one of two things either you pay some of that contract and get a better Prospect in return or you give up nothing in terms of the salary say I’m not going to take anything I’m not going to take anything off the contract and you get a worse Prospect so texter you’re you’re right in the line of thinking of you could have to pay some but you’re not going to just give him up while also you know paying some of that salary usually teams have a choice here’s Prospect a it’s a better Prospect but you’re going to have to eat some of the salary or here’s Prospect D because we’re going to take on most of the salary if not all of it they saying that’s typically how that works are they saying the 13 million that’s left on the contract they’re saying the Cardinals would pay he’s getting 26 million a year and I mean how money works you usually get paid during the season so he’s probably going to have half of that which is what they’re saying the 13 mil or whatever you think that the Cardinals are going to pay the rest of the 13 million while the other team pays nothing they may use that as an incentive to get more of a to get to get a bigger Prospect I I don’t think that they would pay the entire remaining remainder of the salary they may say no it’s not going to be no but let’s just say they pay most of it okay 7 million then they get a better they they’ll get a better Prospect in return you can handle 8 million for the rest of the season if that was the case but I may I may have misread your text when you when when you read that initially I’m not I I I was assuming that you were saying they’re going to absolutely have to pay the 13 million to to get to get gold Schmid out of here that’s not if I misread you I apologize but but both things are you know they they’ll have an option here when it comes to either paying the majority of the salary getting a better Prospect or paying none of it and get getting a worse worse Prospect teams aren’t going to they’re not going to mind paying 13 million if they give you a a lesser known Prospect they’d rather pay the money and give you a prospect that they know AR isn’t going to hurt hurt them down the road no didn’t see that coming nice didn’t see it coming this is all for nod as the Cardinals we’ll head into the deadline being buyers because they will be in a playoff spot right in the running to win the division maybe the third wild card no okay in the playoffs nonetheless and they will not trade Paul goldmit so this conversation does not matter all right all right there you have it straight from uh Andrew the Cardinal marshy this is what happens when you go to three baseball games in a week in a week yeah you start to actually believe you just start to love it all right it’s fast L 101 ESPN we’ve got fader follow do we have a new contestant any one no we do we do uh Captain Ino join us excellent uh so bet the board three stars of the day criticisms complt next now is the time if you need new doors to give Mosby building Arts a call doors now pay later that’s the current promotion that they have going on at Mosby building Arts 5% off or no payments for one year again 5% off doors or no payments for one full year the promotion runs throughout June so call now to book your appointment with Mosby at 31499 1800 you can also visit their website call we’re not just talking about front door so though they come in a variety of materials including wood fiberglass steel and aluminum each material offers different advantages in terms of durability installation and Aesthetics but also garage doors they could be customized to match the style of your home and they can complement its exterior design the at MOS be building Arts you can use kind of their their customization options which include panel design designs and window inserts decorative hardware and paint colors Mosby building Arts gives you plenty of options when it comes to interior exterior exterior and garage doors so give them a call again right now at 31499 1800 or visit call Mosby building Arts the right Remodeling Company e e e e e it’s time for FanDuel fade or follow on the fast lane brought to you by FanDuel Sportsbook make every moment more everyone follow us money money money money Mone money [Music] it’s the pass L 101 ESPN Carri Davis Andrew Marsh Anthony Stalter we welcome in Captain Ino otherwise known as Andrew what’s up Andrew what’s up fellas how we doing doing pretty good man doing pretty good uh we we have one for you that we really love tonight uh Jamie is also on board I don’t know if this matters to you but for fad or follow our selection tonight the Florida Panthers to get it done in New York Madison Square Garden game two so we’re taking the Panthers minus 114 would you like to fade that pick or follow it oh I’m going follow it I’m going to go with the team there you are nice job excellent all right so you have the Panthers if the Panthers win then you come back next Friday and you’re up 50 bones sound good sounds great talk to you then all right thank you sir appreciate you playing a great holiday weekend you too thank you thank you all right yep take care guys there you have it of course you’re going to follow that right you should I love it all right if youu what’s that Matthew kachuck yeah d right you are should why not don’t yell at me not yelling okay I I just got confused though think about the movie Captain Underpants when he said Captain inano oh yeah no Captain Underpants great book great book series of books actually the perilous plot of Professor poopy pants that was one of my favorites okay yeah good stuff boys times I’ve watched that plenty I got kids Fair he’s just watching Bluey he doesn’t get any Captain under pants that’s true Did you know that actually when you snap I believe it’s when you snap that’s when he turns into Captain Underpants he’s actually the mean principal and in order to get Captain Underpants to turn back into his normal self you got to throw water on yeah I didn’t know any of that that’s interesting good good series good movie good stuff good stuff yeah okay if you miss anything from today’s show you can always download the podcast available at 101 your 101 ESPN mobile app uh it’s all brought to you by do styron autocenters let’s bet the board now gentlemen Marsh upate those standings what do we have going on here huh guys Anthony you were in the lead 10 and seven you won last night good for you I’m n and eight under game oh yeah you did Carrie you’re seven and 10 you’re inchworming your way back into this one and Jamie is six and 11 oh he lost last night he did oh sorry about that man that stinks all right uh he also sent in his pick which he’s in dead last but he took the Panthers I would have loved to take the Panthers but no you go ahead you’re dead last year earned it is that who you going to take what place is he in dead last yeah he’s done real well yeah I was going to take the Panthers but go ahead Jamie you need it struggling today I don’t know what I’m going to pick um I’m going to take the over in that Panthers Rangers game I know that it was a three nothing final mhm but I think there’s way more scoring to be had there so over five and a half goals for me in that Panthers Rangers game oh man I hate to do this but this guy has been incredible all season so far what do you got Marsh give me sha imanaga over five and a half strikeouts that does not mean that the Cardinals will lose though because a bullpen is a thing in Major League Baseball and I think the Cardinals can get to the Cubs Bullpen you just showed it right in everybody’s faces there it was a crab sandwich it really was it certainly was I mean I’m I’m down one this guy I mean I know I’m I got to do what I got to do yes you do I am going to take Kyrie Irving over 22 and a half okay tonight but not tonight all right so there is Beth the board there’s feder follow Marsh what do you got for criticisms and compliments so we have a criticism uh from the 314 uh Marsh I travel every week for work I listen to you guys daily via the app thank you um if you want to use it as a criticism I just left Anthony’s hometown of [Laughter] Atlanta and is that it that was okay I think the criticism was the city of Atlanta what the heck Atlanta’s a awesome City J car lived there for a while I think Jamie did too didn’t he I believe so or maybe not he played for everybody he did but I don’t think he played for did yeah he did yeah he lived there too he always talks about it land that’s right okay all right fair enough everybody everybody back off here’s one from the 636 compliments and criticisms thanks for another great week boys have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend and we will see you on Tuesday nice yes and everybody too thank you thank you for listening all week thank you uh for you know chiming in and being a part of the show with us and everybody have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend should be a great one let’s remember why we celebrate to Memorial Day 636 compliments to the fast lane in the whole 101 ESPN station to another great week of programming and leading us into this holiday weekend you guys be safe and have a great long weekend oh we’ll do we appreciate that absolutely yeah all right what do you got for Our Stars yes our third star of the day a late edition but it has to go to Captain Underpants yes yeah that was a real late edition you got check you got to check out Captain Underpants will yeah have the boys great superhero I know Anthony you’re into that stuff cartoon yeah I love it uh our second star today is going to go to an actress who was in the movie Double Jeopardy that’s Ashley makes an appearance on the show all right all right and our first star of the day goes to a great companion one who is not alive but uh definitely helped one person get through a very messy situation that was Wilson the volleyball Wilson the volleyball yes good call on that Marsh good call on that everybody have a great weekend we appreciate you Rangers Panthers pregame coming up in a half hour you got an instant replay coming up now for Andrew Marsh for Carri Davis for Jamie Rivers I’m Anthony Stalter see you for

Buckle up! You’re in The Fast Lane with Anthony Stalter, former Blues defenseman Jamie Rivers, and Super Bowl Champion Carey Davis!

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– Sizing up the Cubs
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– Does your mind change on spending if the Emperor of the Evil Empire is saying it’s not sustainable?
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– Should teams and players be more focused on line drive rate than launch angle?

– The Gauntlet
– Bowden: Expect Cards to be sellers
– What Happens First?
– Is the promotion of statistics ruining sports?

– What is FanGraphs saying about the Cardinals?
– Why has a full rebuild become less trendy?
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