Explain! | The Steve Dangle Podcast - Raw Chili (2024)

@@San Jose Sharks

  • May 24, 2024

Explain! | The Steve Dangle Podcast

s s d p p the Steve dangle podcast with your hosts Steve dangle Adam wild and Jesse Blake go let me just say this it’s been a banner 24 hours for the network yeah and I want to start with the most important part the we made it moment the we made it moment and I don’t even know if you’re aware of it Steve but we I’m almost positive I’m not we’ve been fighting you know at this network for recogn we want we want to we want to be taken seriously yeah you know this is a real Sports Network full of sportsy guys Steve how are your contribut contributions to that going like breaking news and getting like stories out there for us to legitimize the network and and such there are there are rumors Jesse that he’s well compensated for such things ah yes don’t forget Saudi Steve by the way that’s a very nice Maserati you drove in this morning surprised you didn’t take the helicopter after but you know it turns into one oh oh sorry oh you don’t have one oh sorry you’re right you’re right sorry about that sorry uh no ladies and gentlemen yesterday uh during the hockey game Jesse Blake made an appearance on the NHL Network that isn’t even the we made it moment because Jesse’s done this before oh yeah asteris not the NHL Network the NHL’s YouTube channel okay which is a part of the NHL network and who Jessie where they have their NHL host who Jess did you share the screen with uh Alexa Anna and Pierre Pierre who Jesse Maguire was on no way Jesse and Pierre Maguire were panel co-hosts last night let me just say we made it listen we made it I’ve been watching Pier Maguire since I was like 10 years old man is we made it that guy that guy has done broadcasting forever and a little bit of Ottawa Senators managing too and a little bit of heart for whalers coaching too dude yeah but he never did make it to General manager so that’s why they brought in Jesse oh yeah they brought in the real GM true I I was sitting there I was like you know I’ve been higher in management than you and he’s like oh yeah tell me about the trades you’ve made well hey don’t you have on your stream tonight isn’t it the finals I we made the Stanley Cup finals we are up against the Minnesota Wild we’re going to play game one tonight A the biggest stream of the season so far 6:30 p.m. Eastern on sbn’s YouTube channel what are the rules in by which had to like that you had to follow to get here cuz I think that’s important like you know are you playing the games yourself are you simming the games what are you doing so in our franchise mode Sim we Sim all of the games we’re not allowed to play any of them um we’re not allowed to set any of the lines either so we have you hire the head coach and you hit head coach preferred lines and you leave it up to the head coach there the only things you’re allowed to do are GM duties so you sign players resign obviously you do free agency you make trades and and that’s kind of it and then you watch the games unfold and you see what the the Sim spits out and right now we’re in the Stanley Cup finals so it’s good game one tonight versus Minnesota very exciting and then following that immediately following the Stanley Cup Final we have the Eastern Conference Final yeah less important with Steve dangle your you’re in the semi-final I’m in the final so that’s right yeah that’s true yeah true that’s right Conference Final Panthers Rangers fraking one goal until four minutes left feel the scintillation it was man that was not the game I was expecting at all no no I well so we’ll get to that in a second but Jesse I just want to I want to ask did did you and Pierre developed like a little chemistry did you have like a Tit for Tat did you did you Jimmy and Shake he liked my because when um Sean scored on uh was it no Ben scored scor on on the on the wide open cage after the rebound I was I was kind of breaking down how de har didn’t have anybody in front of the net and there’s two Dallas Stars players right next to him like de her’s got to gra up a man this happens he’s over there and Pier’s like great from Jesse just a biggy back off of that so he kind of liked that analysis and I I felt I felt a little good in my soul a Maguire was like you know what nice point and then uh he told the story about how cuz I was like um I was talking about how Dallas is going down one nothing and all that stuff and he talked about how when uh back in 91 I believe when he was going through the playoffs um or I don’t I forget what year when they were going through the playoffs they lost every first game of the series on the way to the Stanley Cup well that would have been the Penguins then the P I guess the Penguins won 91 or 92 yeah both that’s crazy yeah they they were down one nothing in all four Series so it’s not over if you just lose game one cuz he did it you know they came all the way back each time well Dallas I know they lost game one to Vegas did they lose game one to Colorado they did remember it was the it was the it was the come back remember Dallas was up three goals and Colorado came all the the last game one that Dallas won I believe is the Stanley Cup Final no in 2020 yeah look it up no I don’t know how I would begin looking that up uh I’ll I’ll I’ll do it I’ll I’ll do it that seems like a wow damn damn hey hey that makes me happy as a leaf fan because we never win game one either and it is possible to come sometimes they do and they lose anyway that is literally what happened I know I just thought that was pretty cool cuz like people were in in the chat for my live stream and they were like they’re like yo Jesse’s on Jesse’s on with Pierre Maguire right now that’s crazy crazy I’m so mad I missed that I well you can go back and watch it you watch it on YouTube I’ve stayed up for the vast majority of the games these playoffs and this is I had to tap out you a good one yeah well I went toot so when I saw that I was like okay I would have I would have been been pot committed too so I was about to say I would have had to miss the overtime but I know I wouldn’t have so I just would have shown up miserable yeah yeah you would have been that even less sleep yeah so I’m glad I didn’t do that you know what it’s game one you can watch the replay it’s not the end of the yo the future’s sick isn’t the future sick yeah highlights on demand yeah on my phone I love it the game in six or whatever and uh that can be helpful too in the regular season when things are just like there’s oh we got we’ve got 16 games tonight I don’t know if they call that any what do they call it now call it that anymore cuz they had uh Leafs in six oh okay or whatever it was um the Highlight pack that I used to edit at uh fraking Leafs TV and did a great job and it was rarely ever six minutes was it um it was very often a little under or a lot over usually a lot over um no it’s just uh the the replay the recap up the next day well uh the other thing that happened is Jesse then parlayed his momentum from the pi Maguire stream and brought it to the sdpn stream oh uh and you know how Jesse likes to jump on your streams and start the wave and start to crab people stuff and whatever and you hate the wave I get that I don’t mind the wave so it’s less it’s less exciting with me I’m like yeah let’s do it wave hater no I’ll do it uh I don’t care about either of these teams I’m not cheering for them to win the cup wow you know who I cheer for between May and October an asteroid that’s who I cheer for hockey start tonight of purpose again that’s all I want well so Jesse uh I don’t know if you guys know this but but a couple years ago in Montreal um Jesse had already started his live streams and he was doing uh you know he’s the crab people those are his people right uh and uh and so I thought it would be hilarious during our live stream Steve was doing his with kobby Armstrong at sportset uh to to Institute my own people the feed people yeah I wish you hash gripper Nation no now now uh people have been from game one Canuck Nashville my first game of the playoffs they have been begging pleading for gripper content and I said you get to a thousand likes you get to see them you get to see one Adam and so Jesse parlayed the momentum and he brought he brought we got up to 1,500 concurrence and we had a th000 likes on that thing damn yeah like that’s that’s really good and it especially for that late the Dallas Stars not tied it up at the end of the third we never would have got there but we got into overtime the viewership spiked and people were like what the hell is this and they all liked it and so so then so then I was like all right after the first overtime uh happened I had to I had to show the grips I think it was after first overtime the grips it at the intermission of the first OT yeah you showed your feet because we hit a thousand likes that is indeed what happened the grip peeper and and now like gripper nation is alive and thriving people people were saying in the chat last night first off gripper Nation fully United last night secondly people were like it doesn’t matter who won this game cuz we all did yeah exactly and don’t get like don’t give me any credit for that the whole thing was gripper Nation I didn’t start this challenge about hitting a th likes in CN Adam’s feet it was it was gripper Nation who did it and it was only like what 1,400 people we managed to squeeze 1,000 likes out of the, 1400 people which is like the percentage of viewership to likes if you see it ever on a live stream it’s never that high Jesse you didn’t you didn’t squeeze it out of them you grip with the toe Jesse do you have ripped it out of do you have the clip can we play the clip let let’s run the clip you got to see cuz here’s the thing if you’re going to if you’re going to give the people what they want oh yeah you got to put on a bit of a show bit of a strip teas yeah right definitely did that do have new gripper achievements to unlock uh because I’ve only got a maximum of six I don’t know if this can be on YouTube live streams left to go so fun fact this couldn’t have been on Twitch it would violate the terms of of twitch streams you’re not allowed to do it to show feet in you showed it in a sexual manner I did we’re going to watch the clip but I feel like this would have violated the terms of service on Twitch here we go Steve here we go no I don’t want to see here we go you got to have to watch it I’m not putting on my glasses here we go I’ll see the shape of your foot there’s my Lululemon sock inside out cuz I just took it off are you guys ready oh it’s probably so hot too get ready we’re cutting to the cliff as soon as the gripper gets on screen but first I must show it off are you ready the grip in three in two you’re going to throw at your back oh no is that a oh dude I just screwed up my mic oh my God this content Inside Out you what let me get let me get the pause if that is sexual to Twitch then there’s it’s a low Bar M just yell why are your toes so little I have little toes you I got that’s one all the better to suck on Steve oh my [ __ ] god no this is what we’ve come to we started this about like Hey we’re going to legitimize the network and all that fun stuff and what we’ve had here is Saudi Steve and gripper Nation Adam that’s right listen listen and as I make my NHL Network debut for this season yeah so you even like hid that point you’re doing what I did last night yeah I’m going tonight I’m going tonight I’m going to join well why stopped there I got a I got a text from my in-laws oh sorry go ahead no why sto there why stop what do you mean Jesse get to work we need some merch we need some grip drip make some grip drip just that I don’t think people want to wear that I think people love grip drip they need the grip drip so they can represent get his foot off the screen bro no leave it look look at your face Adam’s so happy to be doing this here wait here wait ti ti all right all right MD can’t handle it no Matty doesn’t like I got I got a text from Hayden last night Hayden who produces is about to come up yeah I’m not I’m not enjoying this I got Hayden who I believe quit last night yeah yeah what did he said I’m crying so hard I’m laughing uh uh he said I got a text from Robert asking what even is our job quote Yeah my boss showed his feet on a stream last night I want to read uh Robert malloy’s tweet that he put out cuz I thought it was just along the lines of exactly what you’re saying Robert said if I had a nickel for every time I saw Adam Wild’s feet at work I’d have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened it’s weird what was the fir oh right while I was streaming with Colby oh my God oh my God anyway listen there are new there are new challenges to unlock on my streams there’s only potentially six left right if we go seven games we’ve already got one game under the belt so if if we get to, 1500 likes mhm I show both feet at the same time Jes Adam no why Adam we can’t do this no Steve do you I don’t like the fact that he’s giving himself these challenges I’m giving it to the gripper Nation the king they got to come through he’s the king of gripper Nation he’s he’s egging them off and he’s not making them hard enough all right three likes you can stomp on my balls like dude what the [ __ ] are you doing what do you mean 1500 lik would be crazy that’s like the most concurrence I’ve had I don’t get up to the Steve dangle call me a bad boy the [ __ ] six likes you can whip me like seven likes I get out the whip cream Adam 2,000 likes though we got to figure out a a bench for 2,000 likes 2,000 likes gripper Nation what do we get for 2,000 likes Grier Nation what do we get hashtag gripper Nation don’t forget the hashtag right so you can find each other the grip paper I’m I’m going to make that a thing you know you know uh I was like man I’m giving this stuff away for free and people were like it wasn’t free it cost us a thousand likes a lot of work to get there definitely not free so anyway uh do you want to hear another uh cool stat I don’t know uh before you get to your cool stat okay let me uh confirm what I said H what’ you say the Dallas Stars have not won game one of a series since the 2020 NHL Stanley Cup Final wow I can uh I can go through it quickly here I think I can do this on hockey reference uh real quick so they win game one of the Stanley Cup Final against Tampe lightning in 2020 next season they do not make the playoffs in 2021 next season in 2022 they lose in the first round to the Calgary Flames and in the first round to the Calgary Flames they lose the game one- nothing in game one ottinger was fraking ridiculous 2023 first round Minnesota Wild they lose 3-2 in overtime double overtime to the Minnesota Wild game one but they win the series second round they lose to the Seattle Kraken oh ah I was on a roll second round they lose game one first game 54 in overtime to the Kraken they’re down one- nothing once again lastly Vegas golden knights Conference Final in overtime again that is three straight OT game one losses they go down 34 and then this season they lose to the Colorado avalan no they lose to the Vegas golden knights in game number one 4-3 not overtime G round two Colorado Avalanche they lose 4-3 in overtime then the Conference finals against Edmonton last night in overtime again double overtime this time 3-2 that’s a ridiculous stat that’s crazy so they usually start like you know just tradeing blows you know and but they eventually fall in game one but then they uh they tighten their grip on the series oh is so we’ll play the old Tim and Sid game uh I I forget I forget the actual the actual thing but like is there something there with this stat meaning meaningless Stat or significant number that was the game meaningless stat not significant number not significant significant if they lost but they keep winning they win but they keep going down one nothing and usually in overtime you usually lose games in the series best to get it over with early you know like I okay oh they haven’t swept anyone I don’t think any I don’t think Dallas cares can we get can we get someone to like prick one of the stars with a needle so we can like get their DNA and create both the best and worst playoff teams ever by combining their DNA with the Leafs because we could find a team that stinks late in series and ear in series but we can also find one that essentially doesn’t lose is that that’s your theory that’s what it is do you think there’s something significant here or meaningless meaningless MH okay meaningless it’s I that’s just extraordinary bad luck that they keep losing in game one and it’s almost exclusively in overtime what did I I listed off was a seven straight oh I should have counted along the way but I think that’s seven straight seven or eight straight seven three this year two last year uh one or wait three year two last year one the year before and then final and then Stanley Cup Final against tampi so that is freaking seven straight seven straight game ones you lose and five of them wen’t overtime yep seven straight dating back to co yeah the dawn of I think there’s something there but what does it say if it if it’s a meaningful stat what does it say if we’re getting into the game from last night I don’t think that team woke up for the first two periods no so here wait let’s make the Dallas Stars the Lea let’s do it because they have a bunch of new players right that weren’t there at the beginning of this streak but are there now they also have a new coach who wasn’t there at the beginning of the streak but they are now we need to tear into Jamie Ben Tyler Sean and Miro hekinan and you know what they can’t keep all three shut up the core three they can’t keep them all add Joe pavelski in there Joker yeah the difference is here they’ve had seven series to do this because they they went to the stup finals they’ve been the Conference Finals they’re in the Conference Finals again and I don’t know I they have as many series in the last three years as the leaps do in the last six yeah U yeah just audibly it’s it’s hard to criticize a team that’s been so successful yeah and you know what pure fluke it’d be great to go up one nothing but it hasn’t really negatively affected them I would say too much now um uh the one quick thing I want to do before we get to the game uh uh tomorrow or tonight off your feet don’t say show off your feet I’m not gonna show off my feet okay good uh Jesse is also making an appearance with one Christopher Johnson today on the CJ show so I did want to say that too a lot today you did Maguire you did feat you did Johnson yes and then I got Stanley Cup tonight sty Cup tonight this is a big 24 hours for you how was the show with CJ unreal CJ cuz like it’s not I I’ll I’ll talk about it in the context of the um philonic stuff o so the way I look at it is like okay we’ll talk about like how we talk about here we’ll talk about what happened and the reaction from all that but CJ there’s another level you can go to so like my follow-up question to that is what’s the mentality behind the reporter going at a player and pushing back on a player in a question like what’s the followup there and then CJ provides his in Insight on that and he’s like you know when when you’re doing um like a game day um article like you got it coming out at deadline you’re coming down from the Press Box you’re running to do the scrum sometimes it’s high energy CU that player just came off losing a game or winning their high energy you’re trying to follow the story so it’s a little odd that happened in this press conference environment where like the pr staff is sitting there he’s up there we just had a whole season everybody’s kind of calmed down and you see the reporter push back so doing a show with CJ you get to a different level than you get to when it’s just like somebody who just watches the game cuz he’s on the inside of it he’s The Insider so I love just asking his brain questions and like what he knows about these these conversations not him his brain yeah love asking his brain questions you’re asking the brain question you’re going direct to the brain I like that so it’s probably it’s going to be out by the time you’re listening to this so go listen to that such a fun time chatting with CJ uh now we’ve got we got to get to the uh the game last night and then we’ll talk about uh Florida New York which was just a barn burner [Laughter] I really hope game two is better I I gotta be honest I I thought after the first period um with uh s like I can’t I can’t hide the it sucks when you’re in the middle of the game and you start really excited and like by the end of it you’re like you’re trying to sell people on this and you’re like this [ __ ] stinks I I I’m always watching most parts of uran Adam’s streams and I know when the game is a little bit of an alol when you guys just start going to the chat a lot it’s like okay let me well the entire first period last night the entire first period it was like okay what do you want to talk about cuz cuz neither team seems to want to play tonight well so Adam how much of the uh before you talk about last night’s game how much of my game one stream did you see I saw the entire first and then you called me cuz I was like chilling you were oh no I wasn’t I wasn’t no I I I I don’t actually do Edibles a whole lot during the week I try to keep it clear cuz I like I like to wake up clear and although I actually sleep sleep really well with him um but but I think uh um I was I was kind of hanging out and then I was like I when I saw your number come up a couple of times I was like oh no like there must be an emergency or something and then I thought and then yeah and then you said was your refrigerator running yeah and I said oh good that means it works hung up a good one um no but you’re so you missed the second period so you’re going to hate this oh okay so Adam you’ve done a show with me for a very long time I have someone said in the middle of play we got a super chat it was Steve can you name all 11 players who have ever played for all three of the Leafs Rangers and Panthers oh I want to [ __ ] die oh my God what and Steve what did you proceed to do did you do it tried to name them before then going no oh no I can’t do this right now I got to call the game game before for the next 20 minutes very visibly and audibly being distracted by trying to name all 11 guys while I was trying to call the game and it it spoke to your level of interest on the ice because it was a lot there wasn’t a lot of action in terms of like the high danger scoring chances or anything like that but your brain when you get that type of hocky trivia trivia you’re like I got to solve this I absolutely could not put it down I couldn’t put it down what I should have done is named my one or two and then quit and then moved on but I wanted to get subs and we got them because there was an award for everyone I got right M like five gifted subs and there was something in it for the viewer too oh anyway I only got like three Adam if you had the opportunity to produce that segment let’s say they were like hiring hiring you to just manage Steve stream and saying okay what kind of content we doing here would you recommend Steve spend 20 minutes in the middle of a game trying to name random Leaf Ranger Panther no which is why the super chats are so fun cuz it’s like here’s anti- producing oh oh you’re doing uh you’re doing Edmonton Vancouver give me a Marner tradeit you know like that’s what I kept getting like what about Marner what would you do for Marner what you do for Mar it’s like I I don’t know man there’s a game but you know you’re you’re always appreciative of the Super Chat so no what I would have done what I would have done Steve if I had been your producer on that chat I’d been like save it for intermission yeah name one now and then save the rest for intermission see if you can get it done wait what was that save it for hello what’s that it’s me trying to get get your attention on like the producer mic cuz the producer mics always suck by the way they’re always Brad for living at the mic I’m Brad for living and I’m proud to announce at this press conference we’ve reacquired Pierre matd producer Mike PV we’re going to priori Puck possession sorry I felt bad because on my producer mic when I was doing Adam streams like I felt like I was just making so many plosives I could hear myself and iives is that what they’re called they’re called plosives yeah those pe’s when you get real close if you don’t have like a pop filter I thought they were called popping peas no no there’s they’re called PIV I’ve never learned I learned that in schooles I learned technical term I did yeah me too damn apparently we’re a generation apart I’m old yeah uh you good you were good no you good okay well I myself and I was like I sound I could hear all my spit and stuff so gross yeah anyways well it’s a uh I got to say um uh I respect the fact that the person here’s the thing if you want to if you want to do something fun on Steve’s stream uh you know my my content is gripper content and you know where this is going but for Steve you got to think you got to think about um you ever seen those videos where cat owners have the little fishing rod with the little thing on the end of it so you throw a super chat at Steve that is going to distract him cuz Steve loves to call the game I’m more of a a chat guy uh and Jesse you feel like a hybrid it feels like Jesse’s a bit of a hybrid yeah well mine’s mine’s a completely different vibe I think yeah we all have different Vibes a lot of I do a lot of special effects in dancing animals and music where did you get the panda by the way oh the dancing panda like that’s a gem like he’s he’s doing a good he’s doing good stuff so so so Jesse’s like how do I get how do I get like uh as many special effects as possible so Jesse the Michael Bay of streaming basically exactly and then I was like yeah you’re essentially watching Transformers yeah you need to get an explosion one but anyway Steve if you want to have some fun with Steve give him a stat related question that’s deep cut like that and and just super chat him like five bucks and be like yo Steve how about this and then watch him try not to answer it and try to stay focused on the game cuz he can’t do it no you know what would have been the more evil thing like tonight be like uh name um all three uh uh guys who have scored playoff overtime winners for the both the Panthers and the Rangers but there’s only two oh that’d be them just lying on the trivia I can get two and then I for the next rest of the game go but I thought three here here’s a good one to handle it if I wanted to do something to you I would be like name the first three teams Austin Matthews scored against this year this year uh Montreal Minnesota uh who’ they play in the third game [ __ ] remember see he’d be thinking about that shady Rays Steve’s wearing them and he’s brought them to the show many many times and left them in the car and not brought his Shady Rays on the air uh but now we finally get them and I got them and uh God like I’m I’m just I’m looking straight at our studio lights those are dad sunglasses man those are dad glasses for sure they look good right yeah that’s a man who’s had two kids this these are good lawn staring Sun I’m going to stare at the lawn so hard if somebody’s making too much noise on your outside of your house here wait here let me just yeah good fur brow glasses 100% can’t really oh there you go no that’s it’s GI big big Dwayne The Rock Johnson Vibe really boys really go yeah now listen Shady rays are an independent sunglass company and there are not a lot of those left that’s important if you look at who owns all the sunglass companies it’s like two companies and Shady rays are not one of them they’re independent they offer get a worldclass product Oh there’s lots of complaints about it I’ll tell you that their product has been rated five stars by 300,000 people and their Shades have durable frames Crystal Clear Optics and they make it makes them the perfect choice for all outdoor Adventures whatever your style it’s not just what Steve has here there are hundreds of styles at Shady ra.com and use that promo code sdp cuz when you buy two pairs of polarized sunglasses you’re going to get 50% off the total price again Shady ra.com use the code STP for 15% off sorry 50% off two or more pairs of polarized sunglasses if you don’t love what you got you can return them 30 days risk free let’s talk about Edmonton Dallas uh a rematch of a series that when when we were growing up we saw over and over stop it over and over and over again um and Edmonton you know what who the third team Wastin Matthew scor your brain is actually broken go ahead um Hayden actually broke this out for me uh dating back to the North Stars the S [ __ ] the EDM Oilers uh record versus the Stars Dallas and Minnesota mhm okay is two and six all time they swept them twice once in 1984 uh sorry Edmonton swept them once Dallas swept them the other time in 1999 but the 1997 series which is the one that everybody really remembers oh is the uh Curtis Joseph diving across the net to make the save in one of his last games as an Oiler before he signed in Toronto yeah and the Oilers and stars would go on to play each other in 98 99 2000 2001 and 2003 probably the most underrated rivalry of that era it was great it was like freaking fantastic somebody in the chat said it was like it was as good as I don’t know if it was as good as but it was definitely there was more of it uh when it came to uh Detroit and Colorado as well in the Western Conference they hated each other we had Toronto Ottawa who played each other every freaking year we had Detroit and Colorado who didn’t have to play each other other every freaking year because they packed about a decade’s worth of hate into a couple series um and that one uh Edmonton Dallas and there were Series where it looked like Edmonton might he always rooted for them and there was no salary cap and Canadian dollar wasn’t great so you know the the spending was off the charts for Dallas uh and not so much for Edmonson but it it just never quite worked out and I’ll say I’ll say this um uh it was really interesting last night to watch these two quote unquote heavyweights um do absolutely nothing to each other in the first period I was blown away by how tentative both teams were in the first period and and and it’s because everybody looked at this series like everybody looks at Florida and and New York as it’s going to be violent and we’re not quite sure it wasn’t really there was some big hits but Dallas Edmonton people were like yes it’s the ah the the the um uh the Unstoppable Force meets the immovable object and the first period felt like we’re both going to let the game come to us and the problem the problem with good hockey teams is they know how to play hockey boo I know boo oh man we’re going to have so many goals ah well we’re the best four teams in the NHL so perhaps not perhaps not now I will say Edmonton did a good job killing off a couple penalties in the first period and uh um Edmonton fans were complaining about the reing last night but there was really only one call that I can really say wasn’t to call which is Dylan Holloway even Matt duchaine grabbing McDavid stick you still you can try to get your stick loose but if you hit someone in the face with it you’re still getting a penalty well you’re also allowed to call a maximum of 25% of the infractions that happened to Conor McDavid oh right otherwise the whole game will be five on three for the Oilers true true I thought he had a lot of he had a lot of penalty time I thought you the refs would have been justified in calling something withholding the stick plus the high sticking so it should have been a two instead of a four cuz you you call the double Miner obviously because you’re in charge of your stick and it hits and it hits him in the face and he’s bleeding but there should have been something on you’re holding the guy and his stick and that’s the reason it went up so I thought they could have cut cut it in the middle there and just given him two and the weird part was they didn’t make a call originally and then they made a call yeah and I didn’t know they could do that yeah they all kind of huddled up and were like okay did we see that happen yeah kind of and he’s bleeding okay so it definitely happened let’s call it and it’s funny because it was K southernland in game one with Edmonton Vancouver who didn’t make the call When Quinn Hughes was uh hit in the face with a stick by Conor McDavid and bleeding yeah and that should have been called and I Conor McDavid losing it on the ref was and enjoy to watch I like seeing him emote that much cuz you don’t see it that often so I like seeing him lose it on the ref and be like why the [ __ ] are you calling this and then them just be like go to the box Conor go to the box and then I’m eventually going in he’s definitely um saved it mhm like when when he was losing his mind after beating Vancouver I went oh where’s that Connor been yeah and like he’s he’s definitely saved it I man from the second they lost to Vegas last year I was like this team’s on a fraking mission and there were times this year well you know excluding the beginning of the year where where they were terrible where even when they were playing well I’m like I still don’t know if this is a champion and the more they play the more they look like it I think Conor McDavid kind of learned from the Sydney Crosby School of if you’re a star and you complain people will call you a crybaby so you can’t really complain all the time and he’s he’s really dialed it back from the early part of his career just like Crosby was and now Crosby is like nobody thinks about Crosby like that anymore and I think all of that narrative around mcdavid’s kind of coming back around as well and with the edmont ORS playing playoffs stle hockey the big thing about Edmonton is their defense is phenomenal like it’s actually great yeah four for four on the penalty kill uh especially and then the double Miner and OT and the way they they shut down Vancouver in game seven except for the last eight minutes of the third there but the last three minutes they didn’t allow a shot on goal and then the game six as well in Vancouver stifled them and then now in game one here they’re playing great defense and they’re limiting the Stars team and they I don’t think they played that great a defense in the first like 10 minutes of the game when Stuart Skinner saved them he made made some real real good saves like we’re saying all these things about the Oilers that like you just don’t expect to say and the Stuart Skinner his job has been easier too because uh Vancouver Edmonton’s done a great job keeping the shots to the outside and and really low danger and the only time you’re getting goals is when that shot from the outside comes on on the the rebound goal there and de har blow blows his assignment you know like those how the go that’s how the goals are coming they’re not allowing these big plays off the rush to Robertson or Johnston and the couple times it did happen steuart Skinner’s there you know so great great overall play there by the Oilers I think uh when you look at how they came out in the second period too uh you know Leon dry Sidle scoring within the first minute always a dagger and then Zack hman using that beautiful ass of his but Power 12 goals in 13 games these playoffs I you know it’s funny uh so I had that Cody CCE stat from the other day where uh I said he has as many goals in his past two game sevens as the entire Leaf’s team does in their last two game sevens um I was going to talk about how Zack hman has more career playoff goals than any Leaf uh it wasn’t noteworthy because he’s had that since several weeks ago like he’s smashing them I think he’s seven goals up on the highest scoring one Matthews Marner neander tavarus even dude and that line came alive last night like I we I really didn’t see them when I I don’t know maybe in game seven it was a bit different but games one through six versus Vancouver they were a non-factor it was Leon dry Sidle MH last night they were fantastic and I kept thinking NJ was going to score in overtime he ended up being an assist uh guy on that but it was a it was really great and then here’s the thing you get what I thought was hilarious was Tyler Sagen scores twice um as like it’s sort of like a throwback because as the Dallas Stars have progressed he was like he and he and Ben were the guys and now their careers have sort of tailed off and they’ve got their new guys they got your stankoven and your Robertson’s and you know whoever else but that line with dnov is really good dude it’s a third line they’re four lines deep I keep saying it they’re extremely deep team but what Edmonton keeps doing against every opponent is they’re like K you might be deeper than us but we have a line that no matter what you do we have a group of guys who will cut through you like a hot knife through butter M and you know I I was really against um letting go of Jay Woodcraft I I still think he’s a great coach whoever gets him is going to get a great coach um but it’s almost like you need an outsider to come and grab you by the shoulders and go all of you like here Connor Evan Leon uh Zack uh Ryan step out of the room for a minute and it’s like you isolate the whole rest of the team oh yeah Matias sorry sorry I forgot about you the whole rest of the team guys are you [ __ ] serious not winning a Stanley Cup are you [ __ ] serious not winning a Stanley Cup with the do you see who I just sent out of the room you all ought to be ashamed of yourselves I like that yeah Skate like you hate the ice work stick check play defense keep guys to the outside and if I see you try and score a goal I’m going to kick you in the penis although Warren Fogle they’re capable of it did you see the Warren Fogle breakway yes I didn’t say they’re not allow did he score no he didn’t I didn’t say they’re not allowed no Breakaway is fine but like guys as a coach breakaways are good breakway are good you know how they talk about role players being really important to winning a Stanley Cup that’s that’s everyone still remaining in this room including the goalies get in front of a puck thank you steuart Skinner saw the ice really well last night he did no he did he listened to Chris noblock get in front of a pck use your mustache if you have to everyone’s playing their role like I I the focus is going to be on the the Stars playing Unstoppable as a unit but this is also the best the Oilers depth has ever performed oh yeah yeah the Stars I think like there’s no way they’re out of this series like they’re going to be in this this is going to be a long one it’s going to be six or seven and I I liked what I saw um of them mixing it up and having um Sean and Robertson on on the same line with d donov and not going with just the kid line cuz they’re they’re running that for a little bit there where was Johnston uh stankoven and Robertson together and I like that they had the veteran presence there to that line and I think moving forward they’re really going to want rupe hins back like I feel like bet that he’s not playing right yeah he’s been out for the last three playoff game I think for this one would make it four but I he there there’s rumors that he’s progressing like he might be able to come back early in this series and I feel like if rupe hint is back in that lineup then you become even deeper in the forward group and Dallas like You’ you’ve mentioned a lot Steve the way they can just run everybody out there and they can beat any of the other three lines that the aditt oers can put out there especially if they have uh hints in that lineup they’re so so freaking deep everyone can score everyone you know how like every Championship run there’s the blank game like there’s this game like I I can’t talk about the Leafs on account of they never win [ __ ] but I go back to the Raptors Championship run like there was the Pascal uh uh there was the cakam game there was the surprisingly Danny Green game and the shot yeah well and ironically uh like like I I don’t know if the finals necessarily had like a kaai game but the clinching game was the Lowry game yeah scored their first 11 points you know what I mean and the stars have so many the hockey one I think is the best example in recent memory is the Kadri game you remember when K came back from injury and that was the C game along the way for theado Avalanche to win the Stanley Cup and the Stars just have an infinite number of guys who are capable of giving you that game oh it’s the Wyatt Johnston game last night was the Tyler Sean game and they wasted it yeah um that’s a bit of a problem but uh they have just a number of guys who are capable of giving you that night yeah none of those names like you name you name everybody in the for group if they randomly stepped up that night and had like a hat trick or something you wouldn’t be that surprised like that person has that in I mean Sam steel would surprise me Sam steel a little bit he has I’m pretty sure an N has well there you go there you go but I feel like every guy on Dallas has that in them the ability to be a game breaker which is just crazy I want to throw this at you guys okay so the Dallas defense pairings are Thomas Harley Meo hinan as andell Chris tanov Ryan suder Alex petravic okay of those three pairings who is the worst in expected goals against per 60 in the playoffs don’t tell me hyen it it’s not oh well then good that’s what I expected I thought you were going to give me something surprising is it the third pair it is not it’s Lindell TANF and that really is really surprising because that’s the matchup that Dallas is looking for against McDavid and last night that m David L came alive now doesn’t mean that it’s Lindell tanov are probably going to play your top team’s your team’s top players right so maybe their numbers don’t look all that great and frankly um Dallas could easily won this game there was a Robertson Post in the a double overtime yeah yeah there’s a Robertson post though in the regular uh I almost said regular regulation on the power play it went right by Stuart Skinner we could be talking about a 3-2 Dallas win tonight but it’s it’s I just think it’s interesting and something to keep an eye on I don’t think there’s anything definitive yet Lindell Tana versus the McDavid line how well they’re able to hold that back because you know you if we go to the the first overtime with five minutes to go and McDavid is wide open in front of the net and has the puck yeah and he waits if he hadn’t waited it’s over mhm just put it in and what I loved about him after the game was he was like no that has to go in it’s like there’s it’s nice that he made the save it it has to go in but you know who and everybody’s giv Jake Goden and they should his props but you know who caught him was Chris TANF Chris TANF got in the way and made sure that that shot wasn’t very good there I mean sometimes the puck gets on your stick and it’s like B what are you doing like people don’t realize it’s there but I what I love about McDavid is like no excuses that needs to go in end of story no I know one of the worst ones of these playoffs is uh Swan gave it away uh behind his net and marner’s like uh and like just continued to go around the net and it’s like no if you stop up it’s a goal yeah [ __ ] but sorry it’s of all the story lines that one gets talked about the least in of reasons to be mad it wasn’t uh I I know exactly the play you’re talking about and there was a couple other plays where he could have driven the net and he just went you know what how about I go wide no but like he you’re not expecting that I’m I’m not saying he did anything wrong nor am I saying McDavid did anything wrong it’s just sometimes it shows up and you’re like what the and it just takes a sec what do I do takes a sec to compute yeah that’s why like goal sucks like guy guys who um uh have over the course of their career make their bread and butter in front of the net like pavelski and Heyman like people act like it’s easy oh no it’s a really it’s a hard job it’s yeah someone has to do a lot of the leg work but it’s a really specific skill that not a lot of people can do Adam to add on to your stats I don’t I don’t think you mentioned it they were on uh Lindell and tanv were on for all three goals last night like that’s because McDavid Heyman were on for all three goals last night right yeah those are the the two defenseman who got beat on every goal so they got their match up yeah do you learn something from that like yeah is you got your matchup should it be or is it good to hold those guys to three goals cuz they’re [ __ ] well uh yeah they they are but remember it’s it’s Vancouver shut them down ish ish yeah I think Vancouver did about as good a job as you can do as B that’s a good way of putting you can’t stop them you can have the Oilers played what this year this this playoffs seven plus what what was the first round they La five oh yeah they ran over La 12 13 so in those 13 games McDavid has 20 assists like I feel this narrative around like McDavid has been cold these playoffs he hasn’t been otherworldly but been great his standard three goals 20 assist his standard’s Preposterous yeah you like and especially cuz the guy next to him and dry Sidle is putting on one of the greatest playoff performances of all time yes definitely of our lifetimes like yeah well I mean I think I was saying it last night I think again he’s got like eight or nine of the 13 games he scored in every game he’s had a point in every game I mean dry dry SLE has 13 game point streak eight or nine of them have been multi-point mhm and not last night last night was not a multipoint so you it’s just ridiculous and and I hate it but it was exting game and I love going a double overtime and what was amazing about double overtime is when McDavid scores and no one’s talking about this today Chris noblock could not have got off the ice faster they were trying to review that goal for a goal tender interference and Chris noblock is like like making his way over and in Dallas you have to walk across the ice to get out yeah he’s in his dress shoes like making his way across the ice uh goenda might have played the puck with a high stick oh is that what it was so then the play should have been stopped at that moment I think it was every uh either way it should have been right right it the Oilers couldn’t have done this cuz they were on the road but if you have one of those goals scored at home ask for forgiveness later the every team should have confetti the the overtime confetti button oh my finger slipped I pressed the confetti button oh no it’s going to take us like 45 minutes to clean this up before we can continue the game oh no I guess we should just leave it that’s what they did with Dallas Buffalo it’s like oh no the cups here they shined it up and everything let’s just go ahead and give it to them um do you want to know how absolutely cracked Leon dr’s title is yeah so his first playoff was 2017 MH he’s third in NHL scoring in the Stanley Cup playoffs since his playoff debut in 2017 okay COV is first with 125 points McKinnon is second with 104 okay cra’s 21 points up in the second place guy I’ll get back to that in a minute dry Sidle has 102 here’s the difference COV has played 102 games McKinnon has played 81 dry Sidle has played 62 he has2 two playoff points in 62 playoff games which is 1.65 points per game which you’re not going to believe this is a lot is the most since 2017 team number two is uh Conor McDavid 1.58 so like dry cidal is better than McDavid when it comes to the playoffs and putting up points in terms of putting yeah but you got to give out a con SMI right now which there’s seven wins away from that you it’s dry cdle or Joseph wall or Joseph wall true true yeah one two should be should go to a leaf what what is that about again what do you mean didn’t someone actually put a bet on that I don’t think so I thought someone put a bet on that I just I I just saw Justin curn on Twitter go well um R to the worst bet I’ve ever made because uh Rick toet uh won the Jack Adams at the beginning of the season he placed a bet on Mike Babco*ck so wi in Columbus first off oops Justin are you unaware of the Columbus Blue Jackets generally no on the jackets no if you stink and then get unstink like even sord of dude torella got uh Jack Adams votes and he didn’t he make the playoffs he did there were two two coaches in the top 10 who didn’t even make the playoffs you’re telling me if the blue jackets like sneak into a wild card with Babco*ck he’s not winning it with more first place votes than toet got there’s a runaway Landslide run away are you kidding me the BET made sense how it unfolded is hilarious yeah hey I mean in Justin’s defense he didn’t lose a single game yeah it’s rare for a coach to get hired and not lose a single game Adam wild yes on your stream since we’re on Leon dry all just a little away from the game you brought this up you’re breaking news just like Saudi Steve Leon dryo to the San Jose Sharks yes why did someone ask you about this and what information did you have on this I didn’t know this I I don’t know why uh uh so I don’t know why this came out but there have been rumors about this for a while okay can I tell you why like immediately I was say that’s that’s there was a rumor about if they had lost the second round that it would have been he would have been close to gone right but I don’t know where that came from well the sharks have reportedly gotten in um uh permission to talk to Marco Sturm who is currently with the LA Kings um Sturm could become the head coach of the San Jose Sharks before dry cdle arrived sterm was probably the best German born hockey player of all time well skater Ola kig but uh German born hockey player of all time so they immediately went oh two German guys Bang yeah you were you were talking about something interesting about the sap Center yeah CU because from what I understand so the chairman of sap is a guy named hasso platner who owns the San Jose Sharks is he German what do you think he sounds like it yeah and all I said was and I’ve heard this from several different people all I said was there aren’t a lot of there will be but there aren’t a lot of people of German descent in North American Hockey at the highest level it’s increasing so it’s increasing but they would all know each other uh no you know what that is valid that’s valid that’s valid so I don’t know that uh I don’t know that that’s necessarily the case um but that is why I think the links are being made um I have no direct inside or knowledge on this but that’s why people are going well there could be something here cuz they absolutely know each other and so um and also San Jose I hear is a great place to live especially when you’re making what 15 million whatever he’s going to make in his next deal well I yeah I assume the Crux of this whole thing is the Sharks would pay the most for him they would absolutely pay the most for him no question and I think that’s the that’s the other key here is is if if and I don’t I hate to do this to Oilers fans in the middle of the playoffs because if they go and they win cups I don’t think this is a conversation this is this is all hypothetical and it could be irrelevant but if if you’re Leon actually if you do win a cup and you’re like I just want to cash out M and San Jose is building a very good program let’s be honest they got the first overall pick this year if if they want a centerpiece star it’s going to take a couple years but he’s not up until the end of next year um they are absolutely I would say one of the teams they’re going to pay a fortune for him and why wouldn’t they and and I I I mean everybody would but I mean if you’re already friends with the owner right I mean friendly with the owner it’s probably worst case you use it as leverage 100% M yeah and and listen I think let’s say Edmonton gets a cup win this year and then they they they finish in the Cup finals next year but they don’t win I don’t think Leon’s gonna leave that no or if they get to the finals this year and they win next year I don’t think he’s GNA leave that this officially the deepest he’s been in the playoffs yeah oh yeah CU he injured right well no no they’ve never won a game in the Conference Finals there it is Jesse nailed it yeah they made it to the conference final 2022 just two years ago but they didn’t win a game wow they’re seven win shy of the St onle Cup right yeah so like I I think a lot of this probably is hopefulness on the shark’s part yeah and like I don’t want anybody to twist it like you’re reporting it’s explaining why there is a there there yes why there people are making a connection no Adam’s always going on about like oh I’m a sharks truther so yeah yeah this is him just going with his bed people are making links and those are kind of the reasons behind why there’s links know kind reminds me of is like um it reminds no it doesn’t remind me of that it reminds me of like when we had Richard Petty on and he talked about courting Brian Burke even though Brian was under contract right you know Richard wouldn’t actually approach him with the deal but what he’d be like is like man sure looked good with Brian Burke running the Toronto M beliefs wouldn’t it like stuff like that and you know you’re you’re you’re playing koi you’re flirting but you’re not really you know you’re not really saying much and I think was was Brian Burke Richard Petty’s work wife I think so Richard Petty they wanted Brian bur so Fierce what there’s nothing it’s what what he’s just texting him oh my God you guys would get along so well what he’s so funny you could always tell exactly what reddits I’ve read in the morning before a show yes absolutely anyway long story short that’s that’s what I think it is and and I I I think this all squarely comes down to uh what the Oilers are able to do the regular season’s complete and so is the first round and so is the second round ladies and gentlemen we are the third round with the king of sports books bet MGM whoa listen final four final four how do you feel about it feel pretty good feel uh I feel the gravity of how frakin difficult it is to win the Stanley Cup because all four of those teams did something that only four teams did and they’re still only halfway there you need 16 wins to get the cup you only have eight math Jesse feels I feel like Jesse’s looking up something I want to know what the payout is for a Dallas Dallas Championship so the Dallas Mavericks win the NBA championship and the Dallas Stars win the Stanley Cup so you’re building right now I’ve got it here okay so how much money you’re putting down let’s say I put down $10 $10 $10 W big money over here a lot all right it pays out it’s five times more than I’m used to 23 times your money so $230 for a Stars Mavericks championship all Dallas let’s go and they’re both in the final four that’s right yeah and Dallas is down one nothing to Edmonton Dallas is up one nothing over uh Minnesota oh wow good for Dallas see that this is how is doing good things this is how you get off the bench and into the game with the king of sports books Jesse just showed you it’s time for big time hockey and bmgm is your place for all things hockey log in or sign up today betmgm.com for terms and conditions uh must be 19 plus to wager Ontario only please play responsibly gambling problem call Connects Ontario at 1866 531-2600 to speak to an adviser free of charge bet MGM operates operates pursuant with operating agreement with iig gaming Ontario I Tred it’s invalid and let’s talk about a free agent from the Oilers no um it was reported yesterday that Don woodell uh of the Carolina Hurricanes interviewed for the Columbus Blue Jackets job it’s also been reported that Ken Holland has been linked to the Columbus Blue Jackets MH and what’s interesting about the Don woodell thing is that and I’m I’m tying this into the Oilers with Holland is that last time Don woodell was up and I think it was CJ that brought this up with you he interviewed to be the Minnesota GM and then was like n I’ll stay in Carolina at whatever number they’re paying me mhm and so I think Tom Dundon is playing chicken again but I think this time he’s got Eric tulsky waiting and does he need him well and do you just want the latest news is it new as of 32 minutes ago Carolina Hurricane’s president and general manager Don wadell has resigned from his post whoa assistant general manager Eric tulsky will take over for Wardell on an intern basis with the support of fellow assistant Darren York the organization has begun a full search for a permanent GM what else contract was set to expire wow wow wow so I think there’s probably a deal in place with Columbus there and I wouldn’t be shocked if Ken Holland still joined him just from just because why not so the quote from wadell in I’m just reading from the score this morning I spoke with owner Tom Dundon and informed him that I have come to the decision that now is the time for me to move to the next chapter of my career I have loved my experiences in the triangle over the is that what they call it the triangle is it because of the like storm warning thing I don’t know not not Bermuda somebody from Carolina let us know why it’s called the triangle I have loved my experiences in the Triangle over the past 10 years and together with a strong team on and off the ice we have accomplished many great victories I grateful for support I received so many uh organization is strong nothing really else except thanking people anyways Don wadell done resigned I’m trying to look up Raleigh on a map I doesn’t it doesn’t look this is where we don’t you know what ask Ste save this for the chat tonight with Steve Super Chat him hey Steve why is it called the Carolina TR I don’t know Adam you’re your point what is now what does your opinion change on things now that he’s officially out I pissed off uh Columbus Blue Jackets Fan One Columbus Blue Jackets fan who was in the Stream last night okay cuz we ran a clip from Wednesday show and I said they’re the worst run organization now that the coyotes are gone and they are they are the results are are clear as day um and you know if you want don’t take my word for it uh read Aaron ports Lin’s article uh I believe it is titled Columbus Blue Jackets the team that parody forgot oh that leaves fan yeah yeah Aaron you know and P’s the man right py rules and I just want to say the the uh the the problem for me is that John Davidson is has been the guy that’s been in charge the entire time and if you talk to people that issue is going around isn’t it Don woodell has done a great job done a great job in Carolina but when you talk to people about it they say well actually a lot of that’s Eric tulsky yeah I so it’s it’s valid to bring up for the right reasons I think it’s okay to be like does a lot of the leg work here um to gas up tulsky I don’t like it to knock down Don woodell I think Don’s had a great career and and and whether or not he created some of these deals he executed them yeah but you always he signed off you always yeah but a good thing that’s his job right yeah like it you always hear about uh GM and well this is the guy who actually made all the calls Oh you mean did his job the assistant GM on a lot of teams it’s their job to make a lot of the calls well and I think you you look at the way he’s performed and then we were talking about last night cuz Ken Holland cat catches a lot of [ __ ] and he should for some of the moves he’s made but he also should get a lot of flowers for some of the like listen the Darnell nurse contract the Jack Campbell contract did you have to was Cody CCE the guy didn’t have to be but he’s seven wins away from being on the ice to Hoist the cup that’s it and and and and Matias aolm who cares what ad gave up I I know it was Tyson Barry and stuff no it was a good very good deal incredible deal not a single Oilers van on the planet regrets that deal Zack heyman’s deal oh now he might have lucked into that a little bit but he knew he was getting a fantastic NHL nobody thought Zach was going to be 50 goals Zack no one on the planet Earth knew that so you look at that and you go I look at those two guys and let’s say only one of them goes to Columbus I think it’s obviously Don’s looking like he’s going maybe Kevin Ken whose deal is up and he’s probably on the way out in Edmonton maybe he’s out to you know the Conor Brown deal wasn’t great but um but you can blame your your president for that uh the the thing I look at and I go okay Columbus does need veteran leadership Yaro was not a general manager before he was a GM in Columbus they could use a little boring they need they need boring and they need kind of been there before cuz what the Columbus Blue Jackets need is to bring the temperature down the Babco*ck stuff hire having a the coach you didn’t want torz was always high you know it was high heat under torz that’s the way he coached and then the guy that took over for him I can’t even remember his name Columbus fans were like oh no oh lson Larson and and Columbus fans were the first ones to say this is a bad hire and so sometimes veteran stuff kind of just it’s like when Jim Rutherford took over in Vancouver there were a lot of geysers that he had to put his hands on to kind of like a lot of [ __ ] went wrong in his first year but you look at the progression of the Canucks after that the way that ownership uh has kind of calmed down the way that the team has performed to the level of the talent that they have on the roster there’s definitely something there because the whole time you’re going well I was going the Canucks feel too good to be this bad they and and the next year comes and you’re like oh boy still bad they feel too good to be this bad what’s going on and then they find found the right mix and they got rid of their Captain oo bad guy yeah sh*tty piece of [ __ ] sh*tty no like it just the right coach and the right president I yeah and also they were never it helps when you’re never supposed to be that bad and I think if you look at Columbus’s roster mhm there’s a lot more Talent there than results yes well need help up the middle you have yeah but you have first off they they they have poorly managed their prospects the way that they they mishandled David Urich the way they mishandled Kent Johnson like those things are okay Kent Johnson came to Camp under or overweight or or whatever it was he was out of shape he’s still like your best center so bag skate them and keep them up don’t send them to the freaking Cleveland Monsters uh like you go to you got to kind of take a step forward here and I think you need guys that that understand how to bring a bunch of talented players together and they do need goalie they need a goalie yes often helps when you can stop so we’ll we’ll see what happens but I I’m Don I what do you think that deal is done by this afternoon like are we getting a Friday afternoon news dump yeah yeah yeah that sounds about right also do you think uh and I don’t know if this matters to a guy like Tom Dundon but Steve let’s say I was your boss okay I was your daddy and I was and every time sir please put your feet away uh every time your contract sir I’m just trying to keep let me tell you about when I was a kid Grier Nation professional work environment grip the world how are you going to tell Everly about this I don’t know I’m I’m hoping there’s a lot of stuff she just doesn’t ask about we produce a lot of content so some of the stuff can get buried I’ll tell her but I I I I’m not looking forward to like the third grade when Leo’s like Dad who’s David SS if every oh no I know if every time guys your contract came up mhm and I as your owner despite the fact that you’re regularly in the second round say yeah I’m not giving you [ __ ] yeah go interview with somebody else the first time you might be like okay I’m going to negotiate back the second time you might be like yeah this is exhausting I don’t want to do this no that’s exactly what I said with Rod bremore Adam and he decided to stay because he wanted to uh W’s done W’s done he has he has something else he’d like to do Rod bore wants to keep his family there he’s been there forever that’s fine that’s great but he’s leaving money on the table he’s leaving money on the table to pursue happiness woodell is like me there’s lots of places place think it helps when your kids are grown yeah that too Rod’s kids aren’t grown yet and you don’t want to be moving around when your kids aren’t grown no so I uh what do you need to see tonight from the the I we haven’t talked about the Florida Rangers game very much you know it got a little disastrous than the Third no believe me I’m not just going to be like it was boring like it’s it’s not that it was boring um Florida Panthers played really really really good hockey I don’t know if the Rangers were quite as bad as the shot counter um seemed to suggest they were missing high and wide on a lot of stuff Panthers were getting in the way the passion the uh spirit the Rangers played with was unacceptable completely unacceptable body anguage you kept saying horrible body language especially as the game got late it was over like it was over and and what’s funny is like Alexi laer scored on his own fraking net and even he uh in the the final couple minutes was playing like uh the world would end if he didn’t score the rest of the guy like I just expected so much more yeah they looked so defeated on the bench they they didn’t it looked like coming back and winning that game was completely impossible you know what I mean I do and it’s 2024 like I’m used to feeling like any lead is possible uh to overcome Oilers were up two nothing last night I’m like me and I was right that game went to double overtime you know uh we’ve seen three nothing leads evaporate in these playoffs I think even four like at least be brought close and 4-1 get taken down but they’re down two nothing on home ICE one nothing for most of it not even really able to generate any shots and just pouting about it it’s not the New York Rangers that I’ve come to know I was it might just be a one game thing it could just be a one game thing obviously if you’re a goal tender 10 the goal can we talk about that yes Jesse can we talk about that sure Igor’s mistake to go out and play it and then laugh hitting the Pucket into his own net yeah that wasn’t LA’s fault it was a little LA’s fault but like it wasn’t it wasn’t really his fault well I no I blame the goalie for like okay if you’re a goal tender 10 the goal in certain situations leave the goal to play the puck properly the when a goalie leaves to play the puck the Crux of the of them doing it the contract that they write up and sign with the rest of their team and everything one in attendance is I’m not going to [ __ ] this up you know you leave the net to play the a defenseman gives it away forward gives it away whatever oh oh no goalie might stop it if a goalie gives it away it’s over it’s curtains it’s in the net and this wasn’t 100% that like oh boy look at that like explain it for people listen go behind you all right so right in the middle of the screen you got churkin and he’s way out of his net the Rangers need a goal here there’s 354 to go mhm so he does have a defenseman right there that he could give the puck to in theory it’s a bit of a dangerous area what I imagine he’s trying to do and we can’t see in the shot is Advance the puck up the Ice uh quickly so that the Rangers can attack and if you let that uh who is that Veri if you let Veri get to the puck first he probably plays it by Jesse oh my God it’s so bad here no ST stay on that one yeah stay on that one this is the so shurin at the faceoff Dot and he’s trying to hit the puck off the glass that’s closest to him and up the ice and around ver right so like you play it into the corner Veri gets it it’s not in a dangerous spot but he wastes he Wast time no no wait if no no no cuz you say he plays into the corner if shuren turns around and plays into the corner it’s not with Verge at all it rings around the board this is that’s what boards do no no like even if he just Taps it into the corner and Verge is the first one there no it would ring no and it just dies in the corner J it wouldn’t it would ring the other scenario is he Rings it around for God’s sake yeah or he plays it behind him or he advances it high up theed like he did the one thing he couldn’t do which is pass it to carder heggy and uh laugh is just doing his job like Chris kryer I like Chris kryder uh coming to his defense he’s like well no L’s doing what he should be doing I mean except for the whole hitting it into his net part but like you know there was another Panther comes into the the the screen and he’s like yeah I’ll cut off the pass which is is what Veri was trying to do by the way and then oh tap right into the net shurkin it’s funny early in the game I remember saying to the chat because again I don’t cover these guys every single game so I’m getting to learn their Tendencies like I don’t even know if I’ve ever done a shesterkin series I’ve done a bob one I’ve done a Panthers one I don’t I don’t know if I’ve ever done a Rangers one and it took five minutes into the game for me to be like shurin plays the puck a lot yeah and Drew as the producer for that stream was looking it up he’s like ah I found this Rangers thread from like 2019 about like oh sherkin plays the puck too much and what ended up not costing the Rangers of the game but definitely cost their chance to come back in this game was him leaving his net to play the puck not necessarily needlessly he probably needed to make a play on this Puck but he did the one thing that you couldn’t do mhm which is hit the puck directly into the glass it dies right there and one of the most dangerous players left in the playoffs gets the puck I think the Rangers would have won the race to the puck if he never played it based on this screen shot here he’s trying to at this point like the clock is a factor so what he’s probably thinking is I got to get the puck up the ice and even if Veri is the yeah you’re right Gus so who’s that player who’s the defender is it Eric C uh I don’t remember he’s absolutely going to be like he’s going to be the first one to this Puck by like a pretty wide margin yeah never mind like you know what what are you doing leave it but like what are you doing this is just pain it’s watching this over and over and over again it’s pain ah one of the funniest uh tweets Andre Miller I don’t have my glasses on one of the one of the funniest tweets I saw was imagine spending $700 to go see that game and watch Laugh score against his own net or watch your first overall pick score against his own net and then going back to your uh 200q foot $2,000 a month apartment dude I was like wow we’re Dun don’t throw stones in a high rent City like Toronto I know no it was a Florida person chirping a New York person they uh thought was funny they uh they showed the some of the fans at MSG MH and I saw in their face and in their expressions after that goal a very familiar expression of not just oh no my team loss but Financial Peril yes I it had to be 700 bucks yeah just for everybody who’s yelling at us that’s uh it it got the screenshot where he’s turned around 56 that’s gust of gust of sense it is gust of I didn’t have my glasses on and I saw a six I’m like that’s one of them 56 yeah gust of 56 yeah oh wait no Miller’s 79 Keandre Miller’s 79 God damn it yeah I’m BL who’s 55 on is uh lingren lingren oh I struggled very mightily with the jersey numbers did yeah it takes a couple games to get them all down in your brain I know who all these players are but you’re like w w w w like you you got to get it really fast I I’ll adapt I’ve done it before mhm I’ve done it before game two is going to be freaking great tell you I want oh yeah please please you can can can I cuz you said can I say I said tonight oh tonight oh tonight what are you expecting tonight tonight oh what am I expecting tonight I don’t know why I thought that question was for Jesse I went what no you’re streaming to fourth times the charm trying to promote your is streaming tonight no what do we expect I don’t know I’ll probably just do um by the way you owe it to yourself to try to distract Steve just give him just weird stats to drill down on oh um no I expect a higher scoring game obviously that was essentially that was essentially a one- nothing game yep because it was a what was it an empty Netter and an own goal yep so uh I definitely expect more goals the Rangers are going to solve Bob they’re going to throw the kitchen sink at him to start the game um they’re going to try to get laugh one I think laugh is going to have an incredible game um cuz he scored on his own net and he’s also just not a bad player um I expect big things out of Chris krider who I really did not notice very much in that game panan seemed to be like every time he got the puck he’s like anyone is anyone here um and I wonder if they open the Ry door but like listen what you going to do Mark Messi no no oh listen your point was valid your point was valid you’re like no the fourth line played really well and they should keep the fourth line together and I’m like you know what all right fair enough and then Florida’s fourth line kicked New York’s teeth in Ryan lomberg was a menace an absolute Menace that whole unit was really really good um I just think that building needs a little bit more energy in it and like I it’s funny like sometimes I hear myself say this [ __ ] and I’m like 2013 you would kick your ass and I have lived more life than that person I’ve I’ve seen uh a passionless team die over and over and over again and listen you you shouldn’t put a player into your lineup if it’s going to severely reduce your chances of winning yep I don’t don’t think putting rmy in does that no no no it just doesn’t do it and the team needed the energy it felt like and he just or rather they just did not have it I expect A Better Effort from New York in this one it wasn’t just what the Panthers did to them um like I mean uh uh who was it kachuck rocked troch I’m very interested to see if troch feels better I’m very interested to see if Reinhardt feels better cuz he got rocked too um I just expect a better energy performance from the Rangers okay it looks like kaco is going to be scratched um based on on the the lines that came out of practice he was pretty invisible I don’t know if that means Rey’s in but Peter lavet was asked about it this afternoon and this is what his response was Peter I want to make it clear I’m not asking about the lineup at all tonight but they mik the reporter what a country hold on sorry Peter I want to make it clear I’m not asking about the lineup at all tonight but uh yesterday if if you turn on you know any hockey Outlet the question they’re talking about is will Matt Ry playing game two and you know guys like Wayne Gretzky and Mark Messier and Henrik Lish are the ones saying it to you can’t really turn it off or turn away from it just curious how close you pay attention or if you totally ignore those conversations or if it even affects your decision- making it does not any any decision that I make is based on the conversations that we have as a group internally here and um you know it’s uh there’s there’s all kinds of there all you know you could pick any player you can ask 10 people and you might get seven and three or five and five wonder where their absence of passion my decisions based on that shut up the players that we do put in the lineup we’re hoping that they have a positive impact inside the game I think Remy can be an important piece in the lineup tonight and seeing Peter lavet answer that question like I feel like he understands like okay the outside noise can’t influence it but the on Ice noise can and if if you need somebody to stand up there and and get people going Matt ry’s that guy yeah bang crash um I I think troch cheek’s gonna be fine because they were talking about his shoulder on on the broadcast but what the trainer was doing with him was working out his lat and and I think what might have happened is he got a rib or two uh knock the skew a little bit by that hit from kachuck and it’s not comfortable but it’s a it’s a fixable problem he can play through it um Reinhardt looked messed up so I uh I’m very interested to see what happened you had thoughts on uh Peter lavette’s face and his reaction there and and his uh look towards the media it’s okay pros and cons uh Pro they miked up the reporters yeah con someone in that room very obviously [ __ ] themselves look at his face I think he’s just keeping it calm cool and yeah what you no no go to the beginning of the clip what what he doesn’t want to be asked by the New York media about the lineup okay there’s a smile yeah I don’t think he’s back you want play it back listen I’ll play back with no sounds he’s got resting coach face yeah I feel like he’s just a hard-nosed guy except for noblock who looks consistently worried you’re telling me no one [ __ ] themselves in that room I feel like he’s just a hard-nosed GU listening to a question yeah yeah I want to here go sses the beginning of his uh answer because I want to hear I want to hear whoever that was in the room yesterday if if you turn on you know any hockey Outlet the question they’re talking about is will Matt R be playing game to and Mark Messi and Henrick list are the ones saying it too you can’t really turn it off or turn away from it just curious how close you pay attention or if you totally ignore those conversations or if it even affects your Deion making no it does not any any decision that I make is that little when he’s like it does not it does not and someone thought that was a real knee slapper yep that was a fun one uh I have one quick stat to run by you guys and then I’ve got a quick quick uh quick thing on the leaves okay quick stat uh with the potential $7 billion in annual rights deals looming with the NBA mhm NBA players could make up to 90 $5 million a year on supermax contracts in the future and that’s post next season arrest Gary B meaning that one NBA player and there will be super max deals signed M will make more than entire NHL rosters do arrest him cuz we’re expecting the salary cap to go up to 93 million in two years and we don’t even fully believe it for a very brief moment I’m like does Adam Silver want it to get up to that number just to be like one player can make more than an entire NHL team or the correction to that thought that I had is does Adam Silver spend a moment of his day thinking about the National Hockey the second one yeah the second one yeah in in 2030 2031 if Luca donit signs the super max contract that he is now eligible for because he made all NBA his his oneye cont contract value in that season would be $8.8 million so we’re already almost there how many NHL teams do not spend that much on salary entirely what’s the floor right now oh it’s like wasn’t it 60 yeah I don’t even know yeah LCA donitz alone makes will make in 2030 2031 more than teams will spend this season this is going to be an alltime transition on this show so we just talked about NBA players making 70 80 million dollars a year Adam what’s your Leaf thing my leaf thing is are you ready for this two players bertusi and DOI the the rest of the Matthews line right yeah um we’ll start with Tyler berzi there is actually mutual interest between berzi and the Leafs now the reason I say that is of course the Leafs are interested in berzi they signed him last year but you might say is berzi not interested in the Leafs I can tell you for a fact that he did not go into last summer going yes I want to be a Toronto map leaf they just happen to still be there on July 2nd he tailor hauled himself absolutely and so there is uh the Leafs do want to resign him there is interest on his part uh he is coming off a one-year $5.5 million he wants a long-term deal we don’t know what that number is going to be however we do have a sense of what Jud moldover of waserman is expecting uh for Max doing okay somewhere in the neighborhood remember Max made what three three and a half this year 78 0 90 sh no he they they here’s what Pier LeBrun says I would imagine five or six years which you can see well he’s a really good player at five or6 million a year so the whole now he’s already made 5.5 million a year whoa with the Habs he had the Habs deal that’s nuts sorry and the whole discourse that I I’ve been seeing is that that’s too much you think that I I feel like I feel like that’s significant don’t you it’s a guy that had he had I have been pounding the maxy drums since game one I want to know what percent of the NBA makes more than that oh God all of them doesn’t matter stick to this conversation it matters a bit let’s stick to this conversation though arrest Gary Batman uh arrest Gary Batman for sure figure out a TR and I love this guy and I love he’s guilty of nothing knowing that fact telling me what about the leaf signing Max DOI Steve yeah you’re right now Max did have a bit of a a down start but then they figured it out at the end of the year he was great and I love the passion love the fire six million seems Rich to me uh people are like but that’s the going rate for a guy that’s no it’s not I thought you wanted a long-term deal I thought you were made to be a leaf he is he is and he wants to be a leaf well I thought oh oh yeah oh yeah prove it no it’s over it’s over for this [ __ ] you want to play here act like it what’s that take less yeah damn you want to play here act like it I loved that player loved him ah we’ll have to find someone else and and you do have to realize that that for the Leafs to even consider getting either of those deals done at term marner’s got to go because they won’t have the money and they have other things that they got to solve right it’s not that they don’t have the c space it’s that they can’t allocate that with four players making as much as they’re making so yeah so I am not I’m looking at this and I wouldn’t be terribly upset with four and a half to 5 million six years that doesn’t bother me at all but once we get into the five and a half you’re pushing it with me but the Cap’s going up okay fine but I I can’t see six six is a lot and zorov is supposed to get a deal like that too five and a half to six million bucks a year six years maybe more so wait they’re gonna so the Leafs let’s let’s say they uh resigned maxy MH okay and they resigned Tyler bruzi MH okay so a minimum of four guys from last year’s team are going to make more and they’re going to get what what’s that word better [ __ ] off well I think I’m so sick those guys those guys I don’t think deserve your ey I think you’re I think you’re misdirecting your ey those guys showed up DOI and bruzi showed up man they did they did they were they they did there’s a I think you’re you’re misdirecting this at at years and years of inaction by the Toronto Maple Le’s friend office and players that haven’t got it done who make double what we’re talking about if you’re going to if you’re going to direct your ire don’t direct it at those two I think those guys are here my they great so the unfair part to DOI and berui DOI in particular the unfair part is they shouldn’t have to deal with uh Mai and a lot of the fan base’s resentment towards players squeezing the lease for every dollar um you know that’s not Max doy’s fault no it’s not Do’s fault how the neander negotiation and the Matthews and the Marner and all that that’s not his fault um cerit negoti low terrible Jesus Lord how did you do that Jesus Lord in heaven above um you know what is his fault and his Camp’s fault this year-long propaganda campaign about man like I just I love it here and I want to be here forever don’t you remember who my dad is and here’s here’s a here’s a video of me on the ice go leaves go go leaes go six mil h dick schmill in my palm long term well they got to start at a high number and the Leafs got to start at a low number yeah but I tell you what if it ends at that number I’m not into it at all not going to end that can I give you guys comparables give it to me so these are contracts that are a cap hit between 5.5 and 6.5 million okay and we are I’ll do the most recent signing so the signing date will cut it off 2022 so the top 10 or top nine sorry most recent contracts that were signed between 5.5 and 6.5 million gusta forsling incredibly underrated defenseman 5.75 Owen tippet 6.2 younger better Trevor zis 5.75 o Hegel 6.5 Tom Wilson 6.5 Alex color 6.25 that’s not a great deal Damon Severson 6.25 and plays for Columbus vladislav gakov gabov gabov probably gabov 5.875 Andre KZ menco 5.5 those are the nine most recent contracts signed between 5.5 and 6.5 does Max doy fit in that window I think not really oh I think he’s better than some of the players on that list some of them yeah uh but Brandon hegel’s obviously steel and the thing is is that what what the leaf need to do with Max is the same thing that the lightning did with Brandon Hegel now he was an RFA so it’s different yeah Max is a UFA uh but you you got to say listen Max we gota we got to find a middle ground here I think his Camp would be open to that I don’t think that there I don’t think it’s a propaganda campaign I think he actually legitimately has always wanted to be here and was told no multiple times we know that by the dubis administration they said we are not interested mhm well he’s not here anymore I don’t give a [ __ ] about that guy well but what I’m saying is DOI has this isn’t propaganda he legitimately wants to play here and he plays like how I want Toronto Maple Leafs to play whether or not he’s perfect put the Leaf’s money where your mouth is okay but it’s got to be him and everybody that’s got to be the team policy going forward it don’t put this on Max don’t put it on Max don’t put it on Tyler don’t put it put it on Brad for living put it on Brendan Shanahan yeah no like here’s here’s the the difference between this and years past is in years past I think the fan base was like oh what if they leave oh what if they leave I hope they stay I don’t think anyone gives a [ __ ] if anyone leaves you stink you keep losing Boo Boo and fart hiss mhm get out yeah cuz before we’re like there’s so much potential here there’s so much potential poal and now we’re like oh actually there’s nothing there a bunch of [ __ ] bottle Merchants I think I think you’re I think that you had a bad sleep last night I did and I think you’re a little grch cuz I think you I think you’re wearing your grouchy pants right now I am I and that’s fair right like I’m not trying to but listen let me tell you something short let me tell you something who got you fired up fired up more than Max doy on the nights that he gets you fired up there are there is Toronto make beliefs of the of the recent years have been accused of many things but the thing that they need to be accused of more is having no emotion I remember game three Jesse and I are are watching from the Scotia Bank box cuz I’m a billionaire yeah that’s not a lie and and John tarus gets punched in the face or something and I look at Jesse and I go it would be nice just once for Jon to react emotionally to anything and then all three of us were at a game against Vancouver on I think Remembrance Day yeah where someone I think it was Ian Cole Hit Nick Robertson and Max doy grabbed him and pounded him the two guys pretty Co the two guys last season who showed the most emotion on this team were Max DOI and Ryan reefs yeah and if they wanted an emot jol they got it out of those two guys for sure 100% when he did those things and was beloved he made 3 million bucks I agree you make double that your perception changes you know that double that your perception changes you know that a negotiation I agree with you by the way you’re absolutely right but you know a negotiation because here’s where do you think Pier LeBron got that information from the team no they got it from the agent he quotes the agent so it’s Juds 100 not Darren Ferris anymore Get Wrecked yeah it’s it’s Jud so Jud saying we want six and the Leafs will be like that’s cool we want four and it’ll be somewhere in the middle of that hopefully that’s what it’ll be hopefully U by the way I have a hard time disagreeing with Steve being upset because if anybody knows the team and the guys in the contract is probably Steve and well maybe this time it’ll work no but you but hold on a sec the guy that signed those deals isn’t here you said you don’t care this is the new guy yeah same Crest it’s okay come on sign for Les let’s not do that sign for L win some games just because nothing you’ve said is it’s a you’re going about it in the grp you’re going about it in the grumpiest way possible but nothing you’ve said is entirely wrong like you can’t the the wrong guy to be directing your has I I want to welcome Jesse to his first episode of The Steve Dan podcast cuz you you sound both surprised that I’m grumpy and right and I got to tell you I am consistently both all right I should mention this the Islanders and Blackhawks have made a trade it is draft picks only uh they’ve swapped first but the Isles get two seconds out of it so uh in May in May what what are the Islanders cooking I wonder uh so Chicago will get the number 18 pick and they will they will get the their second round pick will be the number 50 pick from the Islanders they have traded the number 50 or the number 20 pick cuz Chicago had a uh uh and and the Islanders will get number 20 number 54 and number 61 we got the visual this will be the Blackhawks will get number 18 and number 50 so the Blackhawks they move up two spots in one and four in another yeah you’re right oh and it’s and none of the picks that that the Blackhawks gave to the Islanders are Island are Blackhawks picks they’re Tampa Bay Kings and Vancouver it cost Chicago a whole ass second round pick pick to move up two picks in the first round four picks in the second round a second it feels like Lam Mela just came in there and took their lunch money yeah fleeced oh my goodness what do you think what an overpay what do you guys think is going on here uh okay this is the sort of deal that would happen on the draft floor and you don’t even bat an ey like this is the sort of deal that happens on draft day and well I mean you bat an ey act to it for two spots second wait a sec wait a second this is the sort of deal that happens all the time on draft day and we would be reacting to it on draft day MH we’re getting distracted by the exorbitant price Chicago paid which is a lot it’s quite a bit well it’s the 61st pick they paid the 61st pick to move up two spots in the first round and four SP in the through yes I know that’s the price they paid it feels rather significant that they did it on May 24th what’s good oh here wait I need to be on screen I need to be on screen okay here we go why is that what Chicago and New York made a trade that we always see at the draft a month before the draft not saying anything why is that that’s I am that was my question you’re repeating you’re repeating the the trade why is that I would assume uh because the Islanders are getting the extra pick that they’re the ones unloading a pick to someone for another deal what so the Islanders are why why did they make this trade today it does not make sense that’s this is what I’m saying though it doesn’t make sense this is a statement Jesse not a question okay it doesn’t make sense that this deal was made a month ahead of the draft this is Chewbacca it yeah that does not make sense which was a statement also no it this is the sort of deal we would see at the draft and be like oh Chicago must really want someone yes who’s available at 18 or they must really want some someone who’s AA available at 50 because they’re still available and we know this because we’ve seen the first 15 16 17 picks exactly but it’s May 24th so why the hell did they make this trade something’s up I would assume the something’s up is on the Islanders end of it uh like this is a trade where two first rounds picks changed hands yes that never happened outside of the draft almost never and it happened a month ahead of the draft why is that is it Lou that’s up to something or is it JD that’s up to something it it has to be the Chicago side because they gave they gave up the assets Kyle Davids KD yeah yeah well he has a new nickname yeah craft dinner Kyle Davidson has to be doing something here to want those two spots I love that people are making trades in the playoffs more now by the way can we can we look at the um how many picks the Blackhawks have now and how many picks the Islanders have because I mean a really silly explanation would just be oh the Blackhawks have too many damn picks so you might as well move up but moving up two slots yeah for a second or six total that’s weird you would never give up a second I know it’s the only other thing I can think of can so can you go back well let’s look at the Islanders first so you’re on the Blackhawks page you want the Islanders let’s go to the Islanders page like are they low on draft picks or something no they just gained one so they were previously low on picks or no they weren’t what the hell going they they had two and they have a third now for no for moving down two spots do you think that Lou wanted to have a full draft this year and so he’s like I’m willing to move down a couple spots give me two seconds it makes up for the fact that I don’t have why would I say yes to that no he doesn’t have a first now because he just traded it I know but he’s got he does have that was the first no they no he had his own first and he’s replaced it with the Tampa I know that but what he doesn’t have is a third and so I’m wondering if he wants to have seven picks in the draft why would Kyle do that why is that I I want to here so here can you go back to what those picks are not helpful at all guys so the Blackhawks get two Islanders picks I don’t think anything of that the Islanders get three picks belonging to three different teams like are they flipping any of those does a team need a pick back in order to make the threat of an offer sheet remember the leaves did that yeah it was years and years ago but it was for the Phil kessle deal they wanted to hold the threat of an offer sheet to Phil kessle over the BR RS but the problem was the Leafs did not have one of their own picks to meet the uh uh requirements offer sheet criteria criteria um for the deal so they had to reacquire one of their picks are the Islanders going to give one of these picks back to the lightning the Kings the canu why wouldn’t Kyle just do that then that like this might just be a regular ass pick for- pick trade but May 24th no doesn’t pass the smell test Davidson decided I’m in a wildly overpay to move up two spots is I think just that’s the simplest explanation you’re underestimating the cost of moving up two slots well six total because he also moved up on the second round too from 54 to 50 it’s a lot it’s a lot Jesse it’s a lot that’s that’s all I want you guys to get at is that he paid a lot of draft Capital meaning one whole last second round pick to move up two Lots in the first round it doesn’t seem to make sense when you don’t even know how the draft board has laid out yet maybe Chicago’s trying to move up like again they’re going to flip it again I mean they have a month they might as well like this this is where it it’s they trade partner that’s like no I don’t want anything in the 20s I want something in the team I want an 18 then I will give you the next Bedard it’s it’s significant that this happen today it is yeah yeah yeah it’s significant no for sure for sure that this happened today something’s going on something’s fishy this this ridiculous well listen why don’t we wrap the show there because it’s been long we’ve gone long why don’t we wrap the show there sure one thing uh I got to clarify from last show um I said Mike Sullivan and John Cooper were up for the four nations faceof and the team Canada head coaching job yeah I meant uh rod brind deore and uh John coop I see that’s so my bad because Mike Sullivan is the Team USA head coach for the Olympics and uh the four nations face off and I got all my International head coaches confused so there you go um thank thank you for letting me clarify that yes before we go 11 players have played for the Leafs Rangers and Panthers in their career who are they remember send your distracting super chats to Steve tonight one of them is Greg keg oh another’s deding hunt Brian Lee the Steve dangle podcast follow the guys on Twitter _ dangle adamw lde and Jessie Blake connection complete

On this episode the Steve Dangle Podcast,

00:00 Jesse & Pierre
07:00 Gripper Nation
14:45 Dallas stats and stream stats
34:00 Dallas drops another game 1, this time to Edmonton
56:00 Leon and San Jose
1:01:00 Don Waddell steps down from his Hurricanes job
1:10:00 The Panthers go up 1-0 on the Rangers
1:26:00 Max Domi’s next contract
1:38:30 The Blackhawks make a shocking trade


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  1. So it’s called the Triangle because of the 3 close proximity towns/cities of Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill (Durham contains Duke University and Chapel Hill contains UNC) which form (roughly) a triangle

  2. Domi is good enough to play on the first line but doesn't deserve 5mill? Make some sense

  3. Moving up two slots in this draft, for a second rounder (which is weeeeak) kinda makes sense

  4. If Domi wants 5.5M he can walk. I wouldn't sign him for anymore than 4 (at MOST).

  5. …Apparently a self-described hockey news and entertainment channel, obscurely titled 'Steve Dangle Podcast Network' or 'sdpn' for short, was issued a Community Guideline strike by YouTube for sexual suggestive content during a livestream of the NHL Western Conference Finals by the channel.

    The host of the "Dangle Network", called "Adam Wild" offered to reward livestream viewers by placing himself in a 'sexually gratifying' pose in return for 1000 likes clicked by viewers during the stream, according to a spokesperson from the platform. "Both p*rnography or sexual displays of nudity, along with bargaining between content creators and channel members (or streamers) using an illegal or inappropriate means of exchange as a currency (in this case, offering to present a sexual striptease during livestream in return for increased channel feedback) are firm violations of our YOUTUBE COMMUNITY GUIDELINES," a YouTube content moderator said

  6. I haven’t laughed that hard in a while. Is this the beginning of an Adam Wylde onlyfans for feet content?

  7. Idk why they arent asking for DONOS instead of LIKES for literal fetish content

  8. Regarding the Hawks desire to move up two spots I speculate that the Hawks may have received Intel that the Golden Knights, owners of the 19th pick where going to take their desired pick?

  9. LOLS, the same night that Jesse is on with Pierre McQuire and you have your "we've made it" moment, Adam takes his sock off and shows his foot for gripper nation. 🙂

  10. Steve pretending not to like the grippers to further debate leading to increase of viewership very smart Steve I see you

  11. As a goalie myself Steve is accurate. If I leave the crease to play the puck I'd better do it right or I just screwed our team.

  12. The fact this episode is not called “confetti button “ is a crime lol

  13. Ha

  14. If the Blue Jackets actually hire Ken Holland, that fanbase will look back on the Jarmo era as "the good old days."

  15. The Triangle is short for Research Triangle Park – Raleigh Durham Chapel Hill – medical and technology

  16. Fear the gripper shirts please!

  17. Great Gripper Content

  18. I love how Steve looks like he hates his own show😂 GET OUT OF HERE!

  19. You are high as a kite if you think drai would go to a bottom dweller after spending his entire career dragging a franchise out of poverty and finally have success

  20. The look of disgust from Steven, and the delight of Adam. What a contrast.

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Explain! | The Steve Dangle Podcast - Raw Chili (2024)
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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.