Real Life section maintenance (2024)

Note: If a newly launched trope was already given a No Real Life Examples, Please! or Limited Real Life Examples Only designation while it was being drafted on the Trope Launch Pad, additions to the proper index do not need to go through this thread. Instead, simply ask the mods to add the trope via this thread.

This is the thread to report tropes with problematic Real Life sections.

Common problems include:

  • Conversation on the Main Page
  • Flame Bait
  • Squicky content
  • Impossible in Real Life

Real Life sections on the wiki are kept as long as they don't become a problem. If you find an article with such problems, report it here. Please note that the purpose of this thread is to clean up and maintain real life sections, not raze them. Cutting should be treated as a last resort, so please only suggest cutting RL sections or a subset thereof you think the examples in question are completely unsalvageable.

If historical RL examples are not causing any problems, consider whether it would be better to propose a No Recent Examples, Please! (via this forum thread) for RL instead of NRLEP. If RL examples are causing problems only for certain subjects, consider whether a Limited Real Life Examples Only restriction would be preferable to NRLEP.

If you think a trope should be No Real Life Examples, Please! or Limited Real Life Examples Only, then this thread is the place to discuss it. However, please check Keep Real Life Examples first to see if it has already been brought up in the past. If not, state the reasons and add it to the crowner.

Before adding to the crowner:

  • The trope should be proposed in the thread, along with reasons for why a crowner is necessary instead of a cleanup.
  • There must be support from others in thread.
  • Any objections should be addressed.
  • Allow a minimum of 24 hours for discussion.

When adding to the crowner:

  • Be sure to add the trope name, a link to where the discussion started, the reasons for crownering, whether the restriction being proposed is NRLEP or LRLEO (and in the latter case, which subject(s) the restriction would be for), and the date added.
  • Announce in thread that you are adding the item.
  • An ATT advert should be made as well (batch items together if more than one trope goes up in a day).

In order for a crowner to pass:

  • Must have been up for a minimum of a week
  • There must be a 2:1 ratio
  • If the vote is exactly 2:1 or +/- 1 vote from that, give it a couple extra days to see if any more votes come in
  • Once passed, tropes must be indexed on the appropriate NRLEP index
  • Should the vote fail, the trope should be indexed on KRLE page

Sex Tropes, Rape and Sexual Harassment Tropes, and Morality Tropes are banned from having RL sections so tropes under those indexes don't need a crowner vote.

As per Real Life Troping, we never trope unscripted real life sports — so sports tropes where RL examples would only apply to those scenarios don't need a crowner vote.

Crowner entries that have already been called will have "(CLOSED)" appended to them — and are no longer open for discussion.

After bringing up a trope for discussion, please wait at least a day for feedback before adding it to the crowner.

NRLEP tag:

%% Trope was declared Administrivia/NoRealLifeExamplesPlease via crowner by the Real Life Maintenance thread: [crowner link]

LRLEO tag:

%% Trope was declared Administrivia/LimitedRealLifeExamplesOnly via crowner by the Real Life Maintenance thread: [crowner link]
%%The following restrictions apply: [list restriction(s) here]


  • This thread is not for general discussion regarding policies for Real Life sections or crowners. Please take those conversations to this Wiki Talk thread.
  • Do not try to overturn previous No Real Life Examples, Please! or Limited Real Life Examples Only decisions without a convincing argument.
  • As mentioned here, the consensus is that NRLEP warnings in trope page descriptions can use bold text so that they stand out.
  • The [[noreallife]] tag doesn't currently work. This is a deprecated tag that was introduced many years ago — originally, it would have displayed a NRLEP warning banner when you edited the page. However, there's been some staff conversation (Feb 2024) about what a new technical solution might look like, so we'd advise against deleting these from pages, at least until we have a decision as to whether it'll be fixed or replaced.

Edited by Mrph1 on May 13th 2024 at 9:30:24 AM

Mrph1 he/him from Mercia (4 Score & 7 Years Ago) Relationship Status: Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies


#15976: May 14th 2024 at 4:25:18 PM

Throw the Dog a Bone is a narrative trope where the Butt-Monkey gets a break. Butt-Monkey is NRLEP, and it feels like this should be too?

Mrph1 MOD he/him from Mercia (4 Score & 7 Years Ago) Relationship Status: Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies


#15977: May 15th 2024 at 12:11:31 AM

New crowner is pinned.

What do we want to add to it? Conscious there's a bit of a backlog on the thread.

animuacid Animu from Suginomiya district Since: Jan, 2024


#15978: May 15th 2024 at 12:21:21 AM

The crowner doesn't show up for me

But I think the first suggestion was Hijacked by Ganon.

Edited by animuacid on May 15th 2024 at 9:22:33 PM

Mrph1 he/him from Mercia (4 Score & 7 Years Ago) Relationship Status: Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies


#15979: May 15th 2024 at 1:27:18 AM

Way back in Feb ~LoveBird posted this:

Would you say the "Country Takes Over The World" tropes are too controversial? (although Japan Takes Over the World has no RL examples). But the other three (China Takes Over the World, America Takes Over the World, and Russia Takes Over the World) do, and some of them seem pretty ROCEJ problematic (especially the "Religion" example about China.)

Take Over the World is already NRLEP as "too controversial". All of these are confirmed as its subtropes (as is Eurabia, which has been declared NRLEP in a separate conversation).

On that basis, I think the decision's already been made - they inherit the parent trope's NRLEP status - and we can mark them accordingly without a crowner.

Any objections to that logic?

WarJay77 Big Catch, Sparkle Edition (Troper Knight)

Big Catch, Sparkle Edition

#15980: May 15th 2024 at 9:43:43 AM

Anyone mind if I change the explanation for Never Live It Down on the NoRealLife.Tropes L To O page? "Gossip" hardly seems accurate when the real issue was that the real life examples were inherently misuse by the nature of the trope, to the point where it got decided in TRS rather than this thread.

Currently Working On: Incorruptible Pure Pureness

GastonRabbit Sounds good on paper (he/him) from Robinson, Illinois, USA (General of TV Troops) Relationship Status: I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me

Sounds good on paper (he/him)

#15981: May 15th 2024 at 11:08:28 PM

Real Life section maintenance (14)Go ahead if it's inaccurate.

Patiently awaiting the release of Paper Luigi and the Marvelous Compass.

miraculous Goku Black (Apprentice)

Goku Black

#15982: May 16th 2024 at 12:14:29 PM

Is the american politics section in EnemyMine.Real Life okay

"That's right mortal. By channeling my divine rage into power, I have forged a new instrument in which to destroy you."

mightymewtron Lots of coffee from New New York Since: Oct, 2012 Relationship Status: THIS CONCEPT OF 'WUV' CONFUSES AND INFURIATES US!

Lots of coffee

#15983: May 16th 2024 at 8:05:05 PM

I feel like that section's come up a lot before already. Didn't we vote on it?

I do some cleanup and then I enjoy shows you probably think are cringe.

Nen_desharu Nintendo Fanatic Extraordinaire from Greater Smash Bros. Universe or Toronto Since: Aug, 2020 Relationship Status: Who needs love when you have waffles?

Nintendo Fanatic Extraordinaire

#15984: May 16th 2024 at 8:39:56 PM

Real Life section maintenance (18)Real Life section maintenance (19)I would personally say "No," but it is best to ask to put it in a crowner first.

Real Life section maintenance (20)It was never put up to vote despite it being brought up many times, including a few times by me.

Edited by Nen_desharu on May 16th 2024 at 11:41:32 AM

Kirby is awesome.

WarJay77 Big Catch, Sparkle Edition (Troper Knight)

Big Catch, Sparkle Edition

#15985: May 16th 2024 at 8:48:37 PM

Mostly because a lot of the arguments against it have been...flawed. Like people falsely thinking it's a morality trope.

Currently Working On: Incorruptible Pure Pureness

Nen_desharu Nintendo Fanatic Extraordinaire from Greater Smash Bros. Universe or Toronto Since: Aug, 2020 Relationship Status: Who needs love when you have waffles?

Nintendo Fanatic Extraordinaire

#15986: May 16th 2024 at 8:58:02 PM

Real Life section maintenance (23)However, it could be argued that contemporary political examples in EnemyMine.Real Life are controversial.

Kirby is awesome.

animuacid Animu from Suginomiya district Since: Jan, 2024


#15987: May 17th 2024 at 2:05:08 AM

A few months ago, p*rn Names was declared NRLEP, but the wicks weren't cleaned up. Namely, I found it on Trivia and Creator pages used to refer to the pseudonyms voice actors go by when working for H-Games. While it wasn't that bad, it violated NRLEP and the pseudonyms weren't "p*rny" anyway, so after asking in "Is this an example?", I moved them to Alan Smithee.

I don't think p*rn Names needs TRS at all, but can we do something to prevent this in the future?

Mrph1 he/him from Mercia (4 Score & 7 Years Ago) Relationship Status: Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies


#15988: May 17th 2024 at 2:08:10 AM

Enemy Mine feels more like a No Recent Examples, Please! case for RL, in the same way we handle La Résistance etc.

If it's more than 50 years old, it's probably less likely to be a rocej issue.

Ferot_Dreadnaught Since: Mar, 2015

#15989: May 17th 2024 at 5:21:01 AM

MercyKill.Real Life still exist despite being made NRL. Was that just an overside and the page should be cut?

GastonRabbit Sounds good on paper (he/him) from Robinson, Illinois, USA (General of TV Troops) Relationship Status: I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me

Sounds good on paper (he/him)

#15990: May 17th 2024 at 7:03:09 AM

Real Life section maintenance (30)It's already on NoRealLife.Tropes L To O, so I cut it.

Edit: Added it to the Permanent Red Link Club for good measure, since that page was made in 2019 and somehow didn't get cut. I'm not sure whether that was before or after it was made NRLEP, but locked just in case since it went undetected for so long.

Edit: It was added to the index on February 12, but edits were still being made after that, hence why the PRLC entry says it was being used to circumvent the NRLEP restriction.

Edited by GastonRabbit on May 17th 2024 at 1:29:22 PM

Patiently awaiting the release of Paper Luigi and the Marvelous Compass.

Rainbo6 Since: Apr, 2024

#15991: May 17th 2024 at 8:36:17 AM

I said this before but got no response, but Sexy Shirt Switch has Real Life folder, even though it’s a Sex Trope, which are AUTOMATICALLY NRLEP and isn’t listed on the NRLEP index.


mightymewtron Lots of coffee from New New York Since: Oct, 2012 Relationship Status: THIS CONCEPT OF 'WUV' CONFUSES AND INFURIATES US!

Lots of coffee

#15992: May 17th 2024 at 9:00:38 AM

The examples aren't explicit but I'd support cutting them for being sex-related gossip, even if some of the historical trivia's interesting.

I do some cleanup and then I enjoy shows you probably think are cringe.

animuacid Animu from Suginomiya district Since: Jan, 2024


#15993: May 17th 2024 at 9:03:17 AM

I don't support making it NRLEP. Other fanservice tropes like Cleavage Window have real life sections and don't have anything one-handed.

Mrph1 MOD he/him from Mercia (4 Score & 7 Years Ago) Relationship Status: Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies


#15994: May 17th 2024 at 9:06:22 AM

As the pinned post says, sex tropes are always NRLEP. No case-by-case crowner or discussion required, as it's established policy.

It's not listed on every trope page (yet), though, so sometimes examples like this slip through.

Edit: RL section of Sexy Shirt Switch cut, NRLEP note added, Administrivia locked pages list updated.

Edited by Mrph1 on May 17th 2024 at 5:15:09 PM

Amonimus the Retromancer from <<|Wiki Talk|>> (Sergeant) Relationship Status: In another castle

the Retromancer

#15995: May 17th 2024 at 2:19:51 PM

e: ignore

Edited by Amonimus on May 17th 2024 at 12:20:36 PM

TroperWall / WikiMagic Cleanup

TheLivingDrawing Lucas the Dreamer from The Town of Clayton Since: Apr, 2019 Relationship Status: Yes, I'm alone, but I'm alone and free

Lucas the Dreamer

#15996: May 18th 2024 at 11:31:54 AM

Should we formally make Hijacked by Ganon NRLEP even though the only examples were removed?

Why waste time when you can see the last sunset last?

AegisP Since: Oct, 2014 Relationship Status: And they all lived happily ever after <3

#15997: May 18th 2024 at 11:42:53 AM

Real Life section maintenance (39)I think we definitely should, if the only examples already went for the jugular there aint much hope in that section being any good anyway.

Discord: Waido X 255#1372 If you cant contact me on TV Tropes do it here.

animuacid Animu from Suginomiya district Since: Jan, 2024


#15998: May 18th 2024 at 11:45:44 AM

Real Life section maintenance (41)Real Life section maintenance (42) Make Hijacked by Ganon NRLEP

Mrph1 MOD he/him from Mercia (4 Score & 7 Years Ago) Relationship Status: Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies


#15999: May 18th 2024 at 11:59:02 AM

The Take Over the World subtropes are now marked as NRLEP, as discussed here.

No crowner on this one as the parent trope had already been established as NRLEP.

PlasmaPower Since: Jan, 2015

#16000: May 18th 2024 at 12:38:26 PM

Licked by the Dog

Real Life

  • Invoked Trope with photo-ops of celebrities and politicians of all stripes taking pictures with adorable animals or children. Hitler (the previous page image) and Stalin were particularly fond of doing this.

This is a morality trope. Got another going on the NRLEP list.

Thomas fans needed! Come join me in the the show's cleanup thread!

Projects: Long Term/Perpetual:

15th May '24 12:10:05 AM

Crown Description:

Vote up to either forbid all real life examples (No Real Life Examples Please) or forbid real life examples for specific subjects (Limited Real Life Examples Only); vote down to Keep Real Life Examples. To add a trope to a No Real Life Examples Please index or the Limited Real Life Examples Only index, its crowner option must meet the following criteria:

  • Stable 2:1 ratio needed for NRLEP or LRLEO
  • The item have been on the crowne for a minimum of a week
  • If the vote is exactly 2:1 or +/- 1 vote from that, give it a couple of extra days to see if more votes come in.

After you bring up a trope for discussion, please try to wait at least a day or so for feedback before adding it to the crowner.

If an item has a (CLOSED) note, there is no need to vote on it: the result has already been decided and it's no longer up for discussion.


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Real Life section maintenance (2024)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.