Gyeran Bap (Egg Rice) Recipe (2024)



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More recipes like this for one serving, please! People may grumble about having to double or quadruple it, but I have done more than my share of halving or quartering recipes over the years. Time for someone else to do the math for a change.


i make this for my kid often. it's his favourite snack/meal and mine too because it's simple, healthy, and no fuss. as a fellow korean brother, my approach is almost as described with a couple of additional garnishings that are stock in any korean kitchen/cupboard: a sprinkle of sesame seeds and green onions. alternatively, i often use furikake -japanese seasoning sprinkle - that achieves the same effect of elevating the dish somewhat.


What a simple, healthy, flavorful, and comforting dish: I used brown rice. Definitely a keeper and a go-to. Much as I love to cook and love fresh, seasonal vegetables, I have multiple sclerosis, so I really, really appreciated this recipe, and it hit the spot on an early fall evening.


Here in Cajun country we always have cold leftover rice. We saute onions and bell pepper in butter then add rice heat in butter till hot, season with cajun seasoning put in plate then cook eggs in butter, soft yolk, then put on top of rice!


My littlest friend, now six, returned from a year in her mother's native Korea requesting bokkeumbap. Not being Korean, let alone a Korean grandmother, I needed my little friend to instruct me: peel, dice, and sauté a carrot and potato, then add cooked Korean (sushi) rice to brown, then stir in a scrambled egg to bind the dish (and provide her growing body with protein). To top it off, I was asked to squirt a heart shape of ketchup over her serving. She was delighted, and I was deeply touched.


I've been eating this as a quick snack or meal since I was a kid - my favorite addition is to mix in 1/2 - 1 Tbsp. of gochujang for a little extra kick!


I cooked this as described - the only change I made was to add a Furikake sprinkle and some cut-up nori. Delicious, it's a keeper! I am Cuban, and we made fried egg on rice for breakfast often. We used to mash two cloves of garlic and put in the rice water, along with a bit of lard to prevent sticking. Sometimes we would put homemade tomato sauce over the egg. I still make this occasionally - takes me back to childhood. Runny egg yolks are a must.


If using leftover rice, is it warmed up before placing it in the bowl?

Prakash Nadkarni

Note to MSG-phobes: Maggi sauce is quite rich in monosodium glutamate - the glutamic acid comes from hydrolysis of wheat gluten. This is possibly why Mr. Kim substitutes soy sauce, which contains much less glutamate.For all who believe in the MSG syndrome, read: , about the doctor who originated the hoax to win a wager.

Prakash Nadkarni

RE: Spinach vs seaweed:Seaweed is savory - the dried seaweed sheets you can buy at Costco taste good even plain. (MSG was first discovered in seaweed; the algae synthesize it to maintain internal osmotic pressure.) You can certainly use spinach (or water spinach, Ipomea aquatica), but you may need to add an umami source - the recipe has soy sauce, but you can also consider fermented bean paste or miso (almost the same thing, the Chinese bean paste costs much less).

ayu ratih

We do something similar in Indonesia. But, instead of seaweed, we fry the egg with coconut oil, sautee the rice quickly with sliced shallot, or just sprinkled the rice with a bit of salt and fried shallot, which is always available as condiments at every Indonesian dining table. Then, we drizzle all with sweet soy sauce -- yet another Indonesian-style condiment. Those who like chili pepper can add minced bird's eye chilies when sauteeing the rice and shallot. Or, add them to the sweet soy sauce!


When I make rice, I usually add a bit of Better Than Bouillon Vegetable Base (or Chicken Base) and some mixed, dried wild mushrooms for more flavor. I always make a lot, and I store the extra in smaller, microwaveable containers in the freezer. That makes this easy to make whenever. With a microwave and an induction cooker, I can have the whole dish ready to eat in under five minutes.


Oh wow. Oh wow oh wow. I cooked the eggs in soy and chilli oil and garnished with KM and scallions and chives. Absolutely delish!

Lisa B

This was inspiring! I dashed into the kitchen, no rice, I cooked a packet of ramen noodles, no seasoning mix. Drained. Cooked the eggs and plopped them on top. Delicious! Easy! Maybe this is my new breakfast!


Yes, it is


This is an incredibly riffable dish and one of my favorite comfort food meals! I like too add a splash or sriracha or sabal olek to add a kick, whatever veggies are around, e.g, mushrooms or a handful of spinach that need to be used up, some sesame seeds or furikake, and a side of kimchi.What a perfect rainy day lunch! (Or dinner) !It’s even easier once the rice has been cooked and only needs reheating!Simple and satisfying!! I really adore this dish!!


I've probably made this four or five times, great for a quick lunch when I have leftover rice. Today I tried to make it from memory and used 1tbsp soy sauce instead of 1tsp. Tasted great, will probably do that again next time. Sprinkle of sesame seeds was a nice addition. I do the eggs over easy as I find it easier to not overcook them that way. I think it's much better when the yolk is runny.

Mae C.

Delicious and easy meal to make. Serve this along with kimchi for a nice acidic kick.


This was a perfect breakfast. All of the flavors and various textures went together beautifully. After watching Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat by Samin, I learned an important lesson: use the good stuff. To that end I used Yamaroku Tsuru Bisiho soy sauce, and gosh it was good. I would eat this every day if I could!


Added gochugaru and it was perfect


Simple and delicious. Furkikake is a great addition.


I can’t believe I’ve never thought to try this on my own. Absolutely delicious and fast to make! When I don’t have seaweed I top with green onions and it is perfect!

Laura C

Finally made this and it was right up my alley.. simple, filling, tasty, quick, and easy. I don't like seaweed (sorry!) so I made Viennese cucumber salad to accompany it. I toasted some sesame seeds in the butter before adding the egg. YUM!


I was introduced to a version of this by a family member, but with the inclusion of pickled onions. Delicious!

Sarah KC

This is becoming a real favorite. It's great topped with sauteed bok choy.


This is one of the best dishes I have ever eaten. It is on a weekly rotation now and is so forgiving that you can do endless riffs on it.

Lesley W

Tastiest, quickest and most satisfying meal prep ever. I’ve made this 4 times in the last 2 weeks. Keeps me full for hours! All you need is a big pot of sticky rice, soy sauce and an egg. You can get furikake and kim chi ready made at Trader Joe’s. Don’t skip the sesame oil - you need that nuttiness - though I subbed canola oil in a pinch.


Easy, Delish, and LOVE that it is a single serving. No notes!


I made this with wakeme, and it was not as good. I reconstituted the seaweed so it was soft. It was neither roasted nor salted. I missed both. I had loved it with the gim snack pack. That’s what I will do in the future.


I am heartbroken over the passing of a dear relative and woke up ready for comfort. My weekend breakfast is typically Filipino-style garlic rice with a crispy fried egg (lots of hot sauce and halved grape tomatoes, sometimes some wilted spinach). Today I remembered seeing this recipe. Perfect exactly as written, and perfectly soul-soothing.

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Gyeran Bap (Egg Rice) Recipe (2024)


Do you cook the egg first or the rice first? ›

Thirdly, the right order is to pan fry eggs, then followed by rice. Many people make the mistake to put in rice first, then pour in whisked eggs. This would make the rice soggy and mushy by absorbing the egg mixture.

What is rice in Korean BAP? ›

Bap (Korean: 밥) is a Korean name for cooked rice prepared by boiling rice or other grains, such as black rice, barley, sorghum, various millets, and beans, until the water has cooked away.

Why do you put an egg in rice? ›

While many people may not realize it, eggs and rice can work together as thickeners for both sweet and savory treats. This is because the egg yolks and whites contain protein, which changes from liquid to solid when cooked or baked, helping the entire dish to cook until firm.

What's the difference between fried rice and egg fried rice? ›

"Fried rice" is a broad category which encompasses "egg fried rice" and many other types of fried rice made without eggs. Usually, when people refer to "egg fried rice" they are talking about a standard Chinese style fried rice, in which the rice is cooked with scrambled eggs at some point in the cooking process.

Is it OK to put raw egg on rice? ›

It depends on the safety of the eggs where you live. The temperature reached as you mix the egg into the rice is not hot enough to destroy pathogens such as salmonella, so the eggs you use need to be produced in a manner that makes them safe to eat raw.

Can I put a raw egg in my rice? ›

Its name translates to “egg rice,” and that's basically what it is – a raw egg mixed into piping hot rice. Don't be scared – the hot rice cooks the egg as you stir it in. The result is Japanese comfort food at its best – the most creamy, delicious bowl of rice you've ever had.

What is forbidden rice in Korean? ›

Types of Forbidden Rice and How It's Used

It can be used in place of white rice in a variety of dishes, both savory and sweet. In China, black rice is used to make porridge; in Korea, black rice is cooked with white rice to make purple rice that's served with various meals.

Why do Koreans soak their rice? ›

(This is part III of How to Make Perfect Korean Steamed Rice. Click here for part I and part II.) After buying good rice and rinsing the rice properly, we need to soak the rice in water. The reason is to make evenly cooked rice and to make each rice grain sticky and resilient (“gelatinization”).

Why do Koreans have purple rice? ›

Korean purple rice is purple because medium grain or glutinous black rice is added. Depending on how much black rice is used, the color intensity can vary.

Can I crack an egg into cooking rice? ›

The steam from the cooking rice will cook the egg. You can crack the egg directly into the rice pot, or you can place it in a ramekin or small bowl. If you place it in a ramekin or bowl, make sure to add a little bit of water to the bottom of the ramekin or bowl so that the egg doesn't stick.

Why do Chinese restaurants use old rice for egg fried rice? ›

Day old rice is needed to avoid the rice being soggy. It also means that it's cold and dry enough so that it will fry in the wok in the oil, vs. basically steaming if you used fresh cooked rice.

Can I break egg in rice? ›

Yes, if you crack an egg into boiled rice and mix it in, it will cook. Here's what you need to know: When you mix a raw egg into hot boiled rice, the heat from the rice will cook the egg. The residual heat will be sufficient to gently cook the egg, resulting in a creamy and partially set texture.

What makes fried rice taste like restaurant? ›

The answer: high heat, expert tosses, and something known as 'wok hei. ' As J. Kenji López-Alt writes for Serious Eats, expert cooking with a wok (and the gas range it requires) is one of the main reasons that fried rice from a Chinese restaurant tastes so much better than what you can make at home.

Which is healthier rice or fried rice? ›

Fried rice is undeniably bad for you, setting you back 450 calories and 14 grams of fat. Brown rise is better, with only 215 calories and a generous 3.5 grams of fiber per cup. But even though it's trendy to avoid white rice because it's a high-glycemic carb, it's not so bad.

Is boiled rice better than egg fried rice? ›

Boiled rice is generally lower in calories, fat, and sodium than fried rice. In terms of taste and texture, fried rice and boiled rice can also differ. The frying process gives fried rice a crisp, chewy texture, while boiled rice tends to be fluffy and softer.

Can you cook rice and egg at the same time? ›

The steam from the cooking rice will cook the egg. You can crack the egg directly into the rice pot, or you can place it in a ramekin or small bowl. If you place it in a ramekin or bowl, make sure to add a little bit of water to the bottom of the ramekin or bowl so that the egg doesn't stick.

What should be done before cooking the rice? ›

First and Foremost: Always Rinse Rice Before Cooking

Doing so removes excess starch. Left on the rice, the starch results in unappealing, gummy results. Some recipes will tell you to place the rice in a bowl and change the water several times, but we think the easiest technique is to rinse it in a fine mesh strainer.

Do you cook rice first then fry it? ›

Precook the rice at least 30 minutes, but preferably one day, before making fried rice and keep it uncovered in the fridge. Place the rice into a fine sieve and wash with water to remove excess starch. Drain the water and place the rice into a saucepan.

What is the main cooking rule to follow when cooking with eggs? ›

Cook eggs and foods containing eggs until they are hot all the way through: Cooking eggs thoroughly kills bacteria, but bacteria can survive if food is not cooked until it's hot all the way through. The more thoroughly cooked the egg, the less likely bacteria can survive.

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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.